I used to love the Abercrombie and Fitch guy - Blonde hair, blue eyes, and white lol. But my taste then grew to the mixed look like myself. (Black and White) Taller...because I am 5'11. But I like the mixed look with light eyes. But my SO has brown eyes like myself and I am slowly but surely starting to melt over them. I also like black men, with a straight edge nose or a lighter skinned African. So something Trinidadian.
No announcement yet.
What is your type?
.We've Closed the Distance.no matter where i am, no matter where you are
i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call
Whenever you need me, whenever you want me, ♥
Tall (not an aesthetic thing so much as the fact that I am 5,9" in my socks, and there's something really nice about hugs with someone who can just enclose you completely - but I have fancied and dated shorter guys on plenty of occasions), slim with broad shoulders and chest, good muscle tone but not big, dark hair, pretty eyes. A nice, wide, expressive smile, and I'm ashamed to admit that I'm really shallow about teeth; bad teeth put me off, instantly. Clean-shaven (I think this is because my Dad always had facial hair, so I associate it with him and that turns me off).
I have never dated a guy that wasn't of European descent (can't call them "white", since the Spanish/Polish descended boyfriend was very olive-skinned), but my first ever crush was on an aborginal boy at my school; he had this amazing dark skin so that when he smiled, his teeth looked like lights coming on, and I just thought he was gorgeous. I certainly wouldn't hesitate to date a black guy, or an Indian guy, or a Korean guy, or any fellow of different ethnic background, if I liked him.But purely going by history, yes, my "type" would be European.
Good personal style, grooming, and ettiquette. Old-fashioned chivalrous manners delight me, as long as they're not a thin veneer over a core of chauvinism (I love when guys pull out chairs or help me off with my coat, but I'd never dream of not at least offering - quite sincerely, and coming prepared with cash - to split the bill).
I also like assertive, "alpha" personalities as I'm a very strong, independent person who is most powerfully attracted to an equal - I find submissive guys make me feel like a Mum (not sexy!), and aggressive guys tend to find me threatening, for some reason - but only when it's nicely balanced with good relationship skills and a willingness to compromise, since I don't deal well with a partner I feel is trying to dominate me (and they don't deal well with my refusal to be dominated!).
I like nice guys; I don't mind if they have dodgy pasts as long as they're gentlemanly and functional now, but I don't get the "bad boy" appeal, although that's possibly because of my preference for the above, as well - I know it is entirely possible for a guy to be confident, strong and genuinely sweet simultaneously, despite popular myth.
And there are few things I find more powerfully attractive than an intelligent, articulate man whose mind sparks and challenges my own.
Finally, possibly the only consciously-made addition to my "type" list is this; I don't date guys who want kids soon. Or in the distant future, someday, when they've got everything else together. Or even maybe someday, yeah, most likely, but they're not really thinking about that now. It's a dead-end street because so am I, reproductively speaking, and so it's an instant disqualifier; it doesn't matter that it's not a dealbreaker for them now, someday it will be - and they have a right to want that, and to be with a woman who wants it, too - so I'm not interested in getting invested, because that would mean that sooner or later, someone's getting their heart broken (can you tell I learned this lesson the hard way?). So, yes, I only date guys who know quite firmly that they don't ever want kids (and yes, there is still a danger they'll someday change their mind, but there's no controlling that).
But really, the only conscious checklist I have is personality traits and interests that mesh well with or contrast in a complimentary fashion with my own. The physical stuff is just subconscious, I guess; none of us can control what we're attracted to (which is a shame, really, because there'd be a lot less lonely people in the world if we could).
My type WAS: Tall (and I mean the shortest guy I dated was 6ft 2in) and football(american football) player looking. Arms the size of a continent type of guy. And that still is the type of guy I notice. Arms are my thing. But men who tend to look like this (in my experience) tend to be jackasses.
My SO is only 5ft 10in and is super skinny. Somewhat athletic but not built buy any means. And I love him more than anything and have been in the best most functional relationship i have even been in.
Weird how that worksGot together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......
I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west