I've never had a type before. My SO is the first guy i ever dated, and i find him so yummy, so he's my type lol. He's built like a man, when we first met in person and he held me, he has such strong arms, lol that was the first thing i told mom is his hug was strong. Love that scruff look, when he lets his hair grow, mhm he looks so sexy. I now have a type and it's all him lol. And before that i had never had crushes. I seen guys that i thought were good looking before but i never sat and really thought oh he's good looking i could see myself with him kind of thing. I do know what im not attracted to though. I do not like guys with long hair, he can have a cute face and such but all i think is ugh i want to cut your hair! lol idk why but it bugs me. And then I just don't like guys in skinny jeans. For me I like my man to look manly, strong and can hold and protect me. Skinny jeans just make me think the opposite.
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What is your type?
Originally posted by kiara_silver View PostI've never had a type before. My SO is the first guy i ever dated, and i find him so yummy, so he's my type lol. He's built like a man, when we first met in person and he held me, he has such strong arms, lol that was the first thing i told mom is his hug was strong. Love that scruff look, when he lets his hair grow, mhm he looks so sexy. I now have a type and it's all him lol. And before that i had never had crushes. I seen guys that i thought were good looking before but i never sat and really thought oh he's good looking i could see myself with him kind of thing. I do know what im not attracted to though. I do not like guys with long hair, he can have a cute face and such but all i think is ugh i want to cut your hair! lol idk why but it bugs me. And then I just don't like guys in skinny jeans. For me I like my man to look manly, strong and can hold and protect me. Skinny jeans just make me think the opposite.
What's funny is I love scruffy (according to my mother, my type is "scruffy meets boy-next-door"), but I feel the same way about longer hair, yet my partner prefers to keep his longer? I mean you've seen the pictures so you have an idea when I say it's not too long, but longer than "scruffy," and yet I wouldn't change it for the world. I honestly thought he was kidding/fooling me when he said he's had hairdressers tell him he has such soft hair, but I swear, his hair is like a baby's head of hair it's that soft. And I don't think I'd have his hair any other way. It's weird how your SOs can give you a type when it's either never been your type before or when you'd never really had one. :P{ Our Story on LFAD }
Our Beginning
Met online: February 2009
Feelings confessed: December 2010
Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
Officially together since: 08 April 2011
Our Story
First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013
Our Happily Ever After
to be continued...
I used to think I didn't have a type, but I've come to realize there's no denying it.
Guys that are (physically) attractive to me generally
- are white, with blond (or light brown) hair
- have a lot of hair (NO crew cut or anything like that)
- have glasses
- look young-ish (and the scary thing, the older I get, the younger(-looking) the guys... oops)
- are moderately nerdy
I don't really have a preference when it comes to body-type. I guess a really toned, muscel-y guy would give me complexes, though.
I liked me boyfriend from the moment I first saw him. He's really really attractive for me.
I agree with Engel on the cute face, too. Even though the rest of the body can be attractive, a cute face is the most important. Also because it's the body part you look at most often, so it'd better be good looking!
Personality wise they must be able to make and take fun of themselves. A guy that's too insecure to laugh at a joke that's on him, is the last thing I need. He'd probably leave me after a day anyway
He absolutely has to have his own passions, interests and hobbies. At least one thing he knows a lot of random stuff about and could go on about for hours.
And I like leisure clothing. I don't mind my boyfriend wearing a suit, but I prefer him in jeans and t-shirt.Last edited by Dziubka; December 7, 2011, 01:51 PM.
♥ Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty. ♥
I actually have a very distinct type--preferably taller than me (the ex was a hair over 6', JP is 5'8"/5'9", I'm around 5'6".5), on the skinnier side, and dark-haired. I also love stubble--I think a man with a 5 o'clock shadow that has just grown out long enough so that it tickles you is so sexy, phwoar. Beard vs. clean-shaven, however, depends on the guy and the face. Luckily, I love my SO bearded and beardless. I also love muscular arms and men in suits--taking off a tie and unbuttoning a button-down shirt? *fans self*
Non-physically, I have a huge thing for musicians, intellectuals, and nerds--a friend of mine once told me that the archetype for the men I'm attracted to is Spock from Star Trek, and I think that's really true. I nurse a large crush on both Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto.I think a dry, witty sense of humor is one of the sexiest things ever. I'm also really into guys who share my love for random factoids, who like to read, and in general are interested in learning.
I've only been with 3 guys, and only ONE I considered attractive. My first two guys were pale, black hair, light blue or green eyes, skinny. My most recent guy, who I consider to be perfect physically, was dark-skinned (Bengali), muscly, long haired, strong jawline, not too tall... Damn. He was so hot!
Typically I only am attracted to "metal" guys haha, there's something about long hair and tattoos that gets to me... but they have to have a good face!
Ah, so we're talking physical type? Since personality could be a lot more complicated. Physically speaking anyway I do have a type I find myself pretty drawn to. I definitely prefer either my height, minimum, or taller and absolutely, 100% I need a guy who's bigger than me. This can be either in form of chunkyness or muscle, I like both with a leaning toward a softer body since I find it really cute and cuddly. I like dark hair, not too short-doesn't have to be rockstar length but enough for me to run my fingers through and fiddle with. I also love darker skin, it doesn't have to be brown or black (though I find both really attractive), but something other than pale white. This probably due to my own mixed heritage where both my sisters are extremely dark from our Mexican half and I've always been the whitest one while still not crossing the realm over into Caucasian whiteness. I dunno, or maybe I'm just weird xD Oddly, beautiful eyes has never been a requirement for me, probably because it's the only part of myself I can actually say is beautiful (they're a mix between green and hazel) and I don't want my guy to show me up on that!
Physically, I find myself attracted to lots of different types of guys, but I will admit the guys that I usually date all look remarkably similar. They are usually tall, clean cut, medium build, muscular, nice smile, expressive eyes. They usually don't have tattoos, but have piercings. Personality wise, they are all the same as well; funny, charismatic, outgoing, aggressive, arrogant. I would call them manly men.
My SO is my one exception to the rule. He's the only guy that I've dated that has been outside of my 'type'. We met online though and we both used to joke that we would have never met in person. He's quiet and would've been too shy to approach me and though he's attractive, I wouldn't have approached him. Internet for the win, once again.
My friends joke that my standards are literally "Mexican Fresa (I don´t know how to translate that... Something like upper class?) engineer (though classified genius will suffice) with decent taste in music and no facial hair."
...I think they are right o.o Nothing else will do D:
However! Looks wise, I like brown hair and eyes, only a few inches taller than me, ZERO facial hair (!!!!!!) and skinny as hell. Miguel is the "biggest" guy I´ve ever dated, and he wears a size 30 :/ I do not know why I am attracted to that LOL.
"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
-Miguel De Cervantes
Read our story HERE\
Used to go for tall guys with dark hair- preferably indy-kid style, a bit of stubble... My SO is short and blonde, and I couldn't find anyone more attractive lol I also hate it when he has facial hair. lol I think I tend to gravitate towards a personality "type" rather than a physical type. I like daft guys who don't take themselves to seriously, and they have to have an aura of confidence, or else they don't fit in my "type".
Looking at all the boys/men i've been attracted to they have all made me laugh and thats the only thing they have in common.
My ex looks nothing at all like my so. My ex is tall,skinny,had a boyish face really pale skin and hair,couldn't grow facial hair. Where my so is my height (5"8) has a stocky build,manly face,dark hair and a beard......he's nom nom
As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance
Honestly, I don't think I have a physical type. The only thing I really want is arm muscles. They're my favoriteee. Other physical characteristics always vary.
Personality-wise, they have to be able to make me laugh. They have to be willing to have a relationship where we can poke fun at each other and act like kids sometimes.
My type is my current and only boyfriend! So.. has a cute baby face, blue eyes, light brown/dirty blonde hair, looks good shaved or with a bit of stubble, looks good when his hair is grown out a bit or cut short, has a strong build (really wide shoulders, wide arm span, big hands, perfect for holding me! hehe) oh and he's pretty much my height but maybe an inch or so taller which is so nice!
Hmm my type? Tall and big enough to make me feel all safe in his arms, blue eyes, gamer nerdy but still "manly" and a total teddy bear. Someone who would enjoy going out and doing things but would also enjoy just plain old stay home and cuddle days. A good amount of hair and some definite scruff. Oh and they definitely have to be able to make me smile and laugh constantly.This someone sounds exactly like my SO :P
I had a type - teddy bear big guys who were tall and typically with dark hair and very striking eyes, and mostly hispanic. I'm 5 ft tall and the guy I dated before my SO and I got together was 6'5 and my son's father was 6'2I never liked dating guys who weren't at least 5'10. But my heart was stolen by a pale white boy who is only 5'6 with red/gray hair <3 His "type" was always tall skinny brunettes but instead he's with a short, curvy redhead...so we're even, I think!