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    Anyone's parents or SO's parents crazy for grandchildren? Every time I go over to my SO's mom's house the topic of babies ALWAYS comes up. In fact, she usually brings over neighborhood kids and has me and my SO go look at them and she'll say "how precious is that??" My SO and I are like "that looks like a nightmare!" There's always all these kids screaming and running around. Why would I want that in my life??

    Also one day in the market, one of my SO's aunts comes up (who I've never met before), puts her hand on my stomach and says "any babies yet?" We're always like "geeeeeze, we haven't even been living together for a year yet!"

    My mom wants grandbabies, but she's not constantly talking about it like my SO's family.

    My mom definitely would like some but there isn't any pressure from her yet. I think I would be extremely weirded out if his parents said anything, we are not anywhere near that point in our relationship, we haven't even talked about marriage nevermind kids...ahh!
    My grandma I think would like some kiddies running around again but I think she'd be more upset if it happened out of wedlock. My other grandma has 6 great grandkids so she isn't hassling for anymore at the moment.


      We play around, but I'm 20, so my mother's pretty firm about the fact we're too young. :P As if I needed to be told. I'm one of those women who doesn't want children until 30 at least... But I go through phases at times of getting baby fever, and she gets smiley at the idea of grandchildren, says she'll be borrowing them constantly. When I jokingly protested, she said, "hey! I'd be helping keep your sex life alive!" She has a point.
      { Our Story on LFAD }

      Our Beginning
      Met online: February 2009
      Feelings confessed: December 2010
      Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
      Officially together since: 08 April 2011

      Our Story
      First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
      Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
      Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
      Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

      Our Happily Ever After
      to be continued...


        My mother reallly wants to be a grandma. so does his mother!

        but they understand we will wait a couple of years more for that. but maybe in 3 years from now, their wishes will come true already! we will see!
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          Oh yeah, I get this all of the time. In his culture, people start having babies early and then they keep on having them...often. So basically anytime I go to his extended family's house (his immediate family doesn't live here), it's all "Where's our baby?", "When are you having a baby?", "Hurry up so you can name your baby after me", etc. It used to annoy and embarrass me but I don't even take it seriously anymore. I feel no pressure from my side and even from his immediate family there is no direct pressure on me (maybe on him, but I don't have to hear it directly).


            Not really since I have yet to meet his parents but it's something I dread thinking about a lot As the only one among my sisters who is in a relationship I feel quite responsible to my parents for bringing them a grandchild someday in case life turns out that my siblings stay single for awhile, and as my boyfriend is the only one possible to bring his parents a grandchild...yeah. It really, really scares and upsets me since the idea of having a baby is something I can think about a lot and get all torn up inside about and having the extra factor of feeling like I owe both my parents as well as his makes it even worse.


              I don't think my mum really wants to be one any time soon (I think it would set her age in for her more than it has after losing my dad at 50) and to be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure how much influence I would want her to have in their lives. She is after all, the type of woman that thinks money buys happiness and is reluctant to give it out when it is needed instead of not. That said, my SO's mum from what I have heard has asked many times when he is going to give her a grandchild. I think she has one or two, one for sure since his older sister has a son. But I think because he is the eldest son (I could be wrong on that too), that she wants him to have a kid asap. Which kinda works for us, since we want to be parents in maybe the next 2-3 years.


                My parents leave us be... his parents... well his mother... completely different story. Last time was there, my SO's idiot cousin announced she was pregnant yet again whilst my future mother in law (FMIL) was out of the room. We were all talking about it when my FMIL came back in, she overheard and was like "Who is this?" and when my SO was like "Idiot cousin, who else?" she just replied "Oh it could have been nicole..." as nonchalantly as can be! As if it were perfectly ok for me to be pregnant when me and my SO can't even be legally in the same country for more then a few months!

                My SO has said to her since then (because I have been freaking out about it), that FMIL should not talk about babies to me at all and she was like "But when you're 28 that should be a good time right?" eeeeerm no? When my SO is 28, I will be 24, and I have had to put my whole life on hold for a year or so already, I do not plan on even thinking about babies till who are financially set up to do so. And at 24, I will have just started whatever career I will end up in. NO WAY! not for 5-6 years! I doubt the "grandchildren talk" will be that long though, I do not look forward to it... sooooo awkward....

                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                  My boyfriend's mom is VERY ready to be a grandmother, but she's going to be in January because his sister is pregnant now. (: No one really expects us to have kids...maybe ever.


                    I am wayyyyyyyyyy too young to become a parent. I do love kids as my mom used to run a babysitting service in our house so I got a lot of experience (for better or for worse) and I love hanging out with my SOs younger cousins. I'll get back to you in about 5-10 years.


                      My SOs parents are soooo ready for babies, they don't push it on us because we're still young (I'm 20 and he's 21) but they sure do bring it up a lot. Sometimes I think they secretly want us to have kids lol I def want to wait several more years!

                      Madly in love with Michael


                        My mom wants grandchildren, but at the same time she also says that now is not the time.
                        My SO's family on the other hand, all keep asking us when babies are on the way. Especially since Japanese people often marry because they want to start having children. They also keep talking about how they're looking forward to see how our children will look and that "half children" (mixed Japanese and other nationality) are so cute... etc.
                        It's kind of like my SO's family forgets that I'm still a 22 year old university student, so I won't start thinking of babies before I've at least graduated. (2-3 more years).


                          My parents are dead, so no pressure there.
                          Obi's parents? Well his mum has mentioned it. I think they know it's coming. Everyone expects babies as the step after marriage and all that.
                          But, the main pressure for us is WHERE to have them. His family don't pressure us to have them, but to return to Canada when we intend to have them. Which isn't happening. My support network and a medical system that I trust (and am entitled to) is here.

                          I kinda wonder if I'm pregnant right now actually I hope not because I had two glasses of wine tonight. Don't want to pickle the fetus >.> I really doubt it though.

                          I'd be a bit freaked out if some random I didn't know was all like "Get to baking lassie!" (Ok I know she's not scottish :P ) even if she was my SOs reliative. Are you's going Child-free Lucybelle?
                          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                            MIL wanted babies RIGHT AWAY, I think since we started dating. I don't think she cared if we were married or not! She was quite pleased when Nathaniel came along. I know she wants LOTS of grandkids, but given the rare disease Nate has, I don't know how she feels about us having more. FIL ... I dunno, I don't think he cares in the last one way or the other if we ever had one at all? He cares about Nate, but I don't think his life would have felt an iota of sadness if there hadn't been a baby ever.
                            They have another son - but I don't think any of us see him as the daddy type?

                            My mom loooooooves being a grandma. She never said a word about me having a baby with my ex husband, or after I remarried though. I'm sure she's always wanted them, but she would never let it be brought into discussion.

                            My father doesn't know Nate exists since he disowned me. He said I would be an awful mother and he hoped I'd never get pregnant.


                              My parents don't really talk about it, but I'm pretty sure they're ready to be grandparents. But they know I'm not ready to be a parent yet so they don't really bring up the topic so as to avoid putting pressure. People see my age though as optimal child bearing age or something, and I get many not so subtle hints from people who know I've a long term boyfriend, mostly my aunt, it's getting quite embarrassing.

                              I had a pregnancy scare earlier this year and actually confided in my mother. She was with me when I took the pregnancy test and when I saw it was negative, my face said phew!! Her face said :-/

                              His parents, I don't know really, she never talks about it when I'm there, and he doesn't tell me if she does otherwise. But I know one of his friends is for some reason obsessed with us getting married and having a baby. Idek

                              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

