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Meeting up with OTHER people from online?

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    Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
    I think it'd depend. Regardless of it being on Tumblr or not, if my partner decided he wanted to meet a girl and have her come over after she'd listed him as someone she'd have sex with, I'd probably feel uncomfortable.
    I would only allow it if i was there as well when said girl would visit.
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


      Originally posted by ILoveYou123 View Post
      But at the time he didn't know that I was in a relationship. Hell, he still doesn't know. I have a Tumblr specifically for my SO so it doesn't look like I have one I suppose. I know that I wouldn't want him meeting up with anyone but I really want to meet up with him :\
      sorry to be coming back to this thread, but that is kind of a double standard. i dont know, if this is bugging me being with you and your so, having never met either of you, i would be really mad it if was my so wanting to do this to me.
      our story.


      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


        My SO has already put his foot down and said no so I won't be meeting up with him.


          Meeting up with other people you met online, cool, especially if they're from different cultures. Meeting up with someone who said he wants to have sex with you, is a different situation, kind of iffy. Meeting up with someone who said he wants to have sex with you AND wasn't told you already have a boyfriend, out of the question. Tumblr boy may not have had those intentions, and I'm all for meeting new people, but in these situations clear boundaries should be set, such as making sure the other party knows you are attached. Better safe than sorry.


            I don't really understand the big deal about it.
            The guy isn't even staying with you. Yes, he might be travelling 6 hours to see you, but that's not a whole lot of travelling for some people. Has he mentioned why he wants to meet you?
            Personally I find the notion that you need to know someone well online to meet them in person, a bit odd. I meet people in real life all the time and sometimes when I meet up with them again, I know a hell of a lot less about them, than I would if I had known them online. They could turn out to be rapists or axe-murderers, but chances are they aren't and I'm not going to let some irrational fear of axe murderers control my social life.
            So he said he'd sleep with you, here's a flashnews, a lot of guys would sleep with you if they had the chance. I know for sure some of my boyfriends female friends and some of my male friends would if they had the chance. The thing is, they don't get the chance. It takes at least two to tango and I'm not up for that.

            I mean, you should definitely mention your boyfriend to him. I always try to avoid mentioning my boyfriend right away because I feel like a tool, but he's such a big part of my life that I usually can't not mention him...
            But if my boyfriend wanted to have a say in who I meet, he would have been my boyfriend for the longest time. End of story.

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              There's really no way you can tell your boyfriend without him getting mad at you. He didn't like the fact that you were texting, he's definitely not going to like you actually seeing him. I've noticed with guys they take it as almost a "compliment" when other guys say they would love to sleep with their girlfriends...this though depends on context and HOW it's said. Once it goes past that and the guy has said something like that before, boyfriends get a little nutty and rightfully so. If I was in your shoes I would just drop the idea entirely, it's just not good any way you spin it.
              ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
              The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



                Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                I don't really understand the big deal about it.
                The guy isn't even staying with you. Yes, he might be travelling 6 hours to see you, but that's not a whole lot of travelling for some people. Has he mentioned why he wants to meet you?
                Personally I find the notion that you need to know someone well online to meet them in person, a bit odd. I meet people in real life all the time and sometimes when I meet up with them again, I know a hell of a lot less about them, than I would if I had known them online. They could turn out to be rapists or axe-murderers, but chances are they aren't and I'm not going to let some irrational fear of axe murderers control my social life.
                So he said he'd sleep with you, here's a flashnews, a lot of guys would sleep with you if they had the chance. I know for sure some of my boyfriends female friends and some of my male friends would if they had the chance. The thing is, they don't get the chance. It takes at least two to tango and I'm not up for that.

                I mean, you should definitely mention your boyfriend to him. I always try to avoid mentioning my boyfriend right away because I feel like a tool, but he's such a big part of my life that I usually can't not mention him...
                But if my boyfriend wanted to have a say in who I meet, he would have been my boyfriend for the longest time. End of story.
                I typically agree with this, but at the same time, I think there's something to be said when someone's mentioned they'd have sex with you, when you're talking to them like the OP has mentioned (through text etc.), and when it hasn't even been mentioned that she has a boyfriend. I trust my partner, but I'm not going to lie and say that trust wouldn't be a bit rattled if he was meeting up with someone who'd shown signs of interest - and yes, I agree that a lot of men (and women) would choose to sleep with soandso if they had the chance - and hadn't even made them aware of my existence. I mean no, I don't expect me, or my partner, to come up in the first conversation, but if there's a hint of flirtation or mention of sex/something I find would cross a line, that's when I'd usually make a joke and say "not sure my boyfriend would like that! :P"

                I think I also dislike the fact that the OP would have clear issues with her partner doing the same thing, meeting up with someone who had mentioned attraction to/interest in her boyfriend. I mean sure, it's going to happen. Both my partner and I are attractive people. Even while I was with him, I would notice when a girl turned an interested eye. That's normal. And I think anyone's deluded to think if a girl didn't open her legs to an interested guy, he wouldn't jump at the chance; I'm sure my partner wouldn't have any issue getting laid if he wanted, either. However, I can't say I choose to associate with people who have made that explicitly known knowing I'm in a relationship. That's where I start letting Tumblr boy a little bit off the hook: he doesn't know she's in a relationship (or didn't). And I can see where her partner would feel nervous/disrespectful of the fact that he mentioned he'd have sex with her and she has a secret Tumblr and her relationship remains nonexistent to Tumblr boy; whether or not it takes two to tango, I think that type of relationship would make anyone uncomfortable or feel a little bit rattled.

                What I don't think should be happening is that he's the one determining the situation, because that's only likely to cause resentment and it's not going to fix the actual issue.
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...


                  In reality its not a big deal that I haven't mentioned having a boyfriend. We don't tell irl people due to the fact that they all disapprove greatly and whatever. So I don't get to talk about him to anyone, so why would I with Tumblr Boy? I'm just not used to it so it never came up. But my boyfriend said no to it which I can understand because I would tell him I didn't like the idea of him meeting up with some girl.

