Sending best wishes to you and your family 
As far as feeling like the time in England was a dream, I can relate. I noticed that when I returned 'home' from being abroad there was a weird break in my head between my life in Israel and my life in the US. My head had a hard time realizing that the two sections of my life were actually connected. It wasn't until some friends of mine from Israel visited me here in the states that my head went, "AHA! THEY'RE CONNECTED!" and I was able to think about my life as a continuous timeline. I know its weird, and uncomfortable, but it does get better.

As far as feeling like the time in England was a dream, I can relate. I noticed that when I returned 'home' from being abroad there was a weird break in my head between my life in Israel and my life in the US. My head had a hard time realizing that the two sections of my life were actually connected. It wasn't until some friends of mine from Israel visited me here in the states that my head went, "AHA! THEY'RE CONNECTED!" and I was able to think about my life as a continuous timeline. I know its weird, and uncomfortable, but it does get better.
