We talk daily via phone or text, but it's not always best for ever relationship. It really depends on how much communication you need.
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How often should people in LDR talk?
My SO and I text a bit through out the day and then talk for an hour or so at night. We have no time distance though. But he will be going to basic training in the navy by the end of the year and I wont get that.
Everyone is different in what they need. In and LDR you wont get to talk as much as you want because what you want, what we all want is to be physically with out SOs. But it sounds like what you need to do is talk to you SO and figure out how often you are going to talk. Find a medium. You both need to keep your own lives and stay busy. Figure out times that work best and how much you feel you need to talk. Also, do plan a day that you do your own thing. I think that it helps. In LDRs we do tend to spend extra time on the phone. But you do need to have a night where it is you and your friends, the same as you do when you are in a CD relationship.
I read another post of yours. I think you need to breathe. This is all new to you and just relax. Settle into the relationship. It is always the hardest in the beginning. But as you will find, by talking to alot of us here, it will get easier. We promise. And in the mean time, feel free to talk it out with any of us.
Good luck!Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......
I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west
My SO and I are in constant contact. We text throughout the day, and let each other know when we are busy/have class/aren't available. At night, we talk anywhere from 3 to 5 hours on AIM, then we Skype every night at around 11pm and leave Skype running while we sleep. To some, that may sound a little excessive, but that's what works for us. Each couple has to find their own balance and what works best for them.
With my SO and I we try to Oovoo (the video chatting program that works best for us) for a few hours each day, sometimes we talk almost all day, other days it's just an hour or two, mainly due to my work and our time difference. We spend most of our talking time on Oovoo, except when either one of us is away from the computer, then it's sometimes facebook on our phones, the occasional text messaging, and if I really need to get a hold of him or his internet isn't working I'll use skype credit and call his mobile. I know we're very lucky with our amount of talking time compared to a lot of the couples here. It's what gets us through the long long times between visits though, and it works for us. Though you have to find a balance between talking time and other commitments that works for you.
When he was in Uni and I was in my undegrad we talked for HOURS a day. Some days we wouldn't even leave our rooms. Lately we're lucky to get 20 minutes a day...but he's in a show crunch right now and after working overtime, running to rehearsal and getting home at 10pm...he's completely exhausted. I don't blame him. But I do miss him.
On "normal time" we get between 30 minutes and 4 hours in a night. On weekends we get a little more time, but not by much. It really depends on what we're both up to, but its definitely not those uni days anymore.
My girlfriend and I spend a couple hours on skype every night, usually after we've both come home from work or after I've come home from school. Then we usually talk on the phone for a bit before bed. We'll send a few texts back and forth while we're away from each other if we can. We try to spend as much time together as we can since we're having to deal with more and more obligations that keep us apart.
How much a couple talks is really going to depend on the couple.
My boyfriend and I are back to spending a lot of time talking. We went from talking all day every day, to talking for an hour or so every day and missing some days and now back to talking a lot of the time. Sometimes while I'm at work, he's at home so we talk on AIM then and then he'll go to work when I'm done for the day and we usually say good night. We don't text as much as we used to, but we exchange several a day. I try to give him his space when he's with his friends by not texting unless he texts me first. This was really hard for me to do because I do like to be in kinda constant contact, but he does text me when he's out every couple hours or so. We never skype, and we talk on the phone every few days. We do have one night a week where we have an edate and spend the night together and watch movies or whatever. I really love those nights.
As long as both Stephen and I are home, we're talking either on phone or Skype. Unfortunately it's usally only a few hours. And when we're not home, we're texting. But every so often we get a chance to spend a whole day together, or a whole evening. And that's really nice. (: Sometime's he'll actually request work off for big things I have going on, like the tonsillectomy I just had he took the entire day off.
I'm of the opinion that an LD couple should communicate as often as possible and be a part of each other's daily lives as much as possible for being so far away, but I acknowledge that all couples' needs are different (and circumstances like serving overseas in the military make it hard for talking a lot every day, I understand). For me and my SO, it is important and priority number one to communicate each day via phone and Skype, as well as SMS/text. On weekends we spend up to 10 hours talking on Skype, because on the other weekdays we manage about an hour and a half of communication. And no, we don't run out of things to do/talk about together. We of course can't wait to close the distance so we can finally be in the same room and on the same time zone together!We are in each other's lives every day, and have a good communication routine so neither one of us feels neglected. I personally would feel slighted if I didn't feel like I'm in his daily life, and he would feel the same. I wouldn't be able to handle only talking once a week or even going a whole day without some form of communication. He feels the same way, so he and I are on the same page. Being on the same page is important in both LD and CD relationships anyway.
It depends on you and your relationship really. Me and my boy text continously through the day over facebook on our phones so its free, while I'm at work and while he's out. We used to talk every night for a hours and as often as we could. Over the weekends, we would have Sunday as a lazy day most of the time. Its free for us to talk as much as we want though, because we met over Xbox live, and still both use it. My internet time has been cut down to an hour everyday though, so for that hour we go on webcam and talk over the xbox. I'll ring him for a few minutes before I go to sleep too just to say 'I love you'. It really just depends on both sides of the relationship and how much they can talk.