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How often should people in LDR talk?

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    It really depends on the couple I think.
    My SO and I usually talk once a day, sometimes twice, but due to the time difference, it can be quite brief at times during the week. If he's very busy at work, it's sometimes only a couple of minutes to say hi. At other times we get 30 minutes, which is already long for us! On Saturdays it's a bit longer and we have a weekly date night on Sunday that goes on for hours. Otherwise we text now and then and send a few emails a week.


      I'm just gonna reiterate what everyone else is saying: it depends on the couple.
      My SO and I talked almost constantly, me on facebook and him on his phone. We'd start talking whenever I logged onto facebook - usually around 8 am or so - and continue talking throughout the school day (I'm homeschooled) and we wouldn't stop until one of us fell alseep, usually around 1 or 2 am. Since my mother cut our contact, I have to be sneaky about it. So, I have a gmail account she doesn't know about. Generally, he'll email me when he wakes up and I can get on about 11 and reply. Then we'll shoot emails back and forth with a few hours between our reply time. In the evening, when I'm working on school, is when we talk the most. It's hard, but it's worth it, especially when I see people who don't get to talk to their SO's more than once or twice a day. It makes me feel so grateful to have the contact we have.


        There's no 'should' really. Well maybe one, you should talk as much as you need and are comfortable with.

        For me talking together every day is super important. It's hard enough for me, that my boyfriend isn't a part of my every day life - like we can't cook together, I can't show him the cute skirt I bought (I mean, I can, but you know, it's not the same) - there's a lot of little things I'd like to share with him, but can't. So at the very least I want to talk to him everyday, to let him take part in my life as much as possible. We talk for about an hour before we go to sleep. Sometimes it's more like two hours and sometimes it's only really short.

        We also sent each other texts or messages during the day (significantly moreso since we both have Android phones!), to let the other one know what we're up to.

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          My SO and I have been kind of struggling to figure out our communication tendencies but I think we are finally starting to figure it out. He's not a big texter at all, he absolutely hates it. I tried to text him through out the day for the longest time but our conversations were rather dull and he would take hours to respond. I would get so frustrated and irritated, I knew that I shouldn't let a phone get in the way of a perfectly good relationship. So we've been talking, and instead of texting, we are just going to call each other maybe once or twice a day or so to check in. He doesn't get aggravated by calling like he does with texting and I don't get irritated waiting for a response. We don't talk through out the day as much as I would like, but it leaves us something to talk about later when we talk on the phone or skype. We go through phases where we skype every night, or skype every few days. It honestly depends on our schedules.

          Communication is different for every couple. Sometimes texting works amazing for some, and not so well for others. Same with calling, MSN or skype. Every couple just has to find their "groove".


            We talked everyday when long distance, if not on skype (wich was a daily ritual) for some reason, at least an email or phone call (international phone call, but better than not talking)
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              My SO and I want to talk to each other every day. If we miss a day, we text a lot, and both feel a bit sad. I can't actually think of the last time a day went by without actually talking online though. I'd imagine it's different for everyone though. We both talk when we're free and want to talk, and we try not to turn down opportunities to go out with friends to talk, as we both want to have a life outside of each other.

              Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

              Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
              Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                as my fiance have grown closer we both feel the need to talk to one another more and more. it's done wonders for our relationship. we're so close.


                  Me and my SO speak a lot, skype for a good 5 to 6 hours everyday when neither of us are busy and even then we're doing our own thing sometimes (he might be on the PS3 and id be talking to friends on MSN, but we do still talk. We just like eachothers company. But if we wanna hang out with mates, it can range from an 30mins to an hour. We used to talk for literally 10mins - 15 if we were lucky - everyday, all week, for months. Its different for everyone


                    Originally posted by Kerry View Post
                    as my fiance have grown closer we both feel the need to talk to one another more and more. it's done wonders for our relationship. we're so close.
                    Same over here! At the beginning, I wasn't sure how much I should call. So we called every other day.. But then something happend the second week of this year and now we are so close! We call every day, in the beginning it was 2 hours.. but now we allready reached 5 hours!! Talking, talking, talking! The other day I asked him if I should call him the next day.. because he had a lot going on, and then he said:"That's like asking me if I want air, if I want to breath"!!!
                    \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                    \\ happens for a reason //

                    \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                    \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                    \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                      We speak everyday for now,thankfully. I am very happy about this ,because there are guys who I guess can't handle the though of staying on skype everyday for hours. We use skype, wwe used to txt during day allllll the time, but after our bills got crazy we went to sending smalll messages 1-2 times a day on Facebook. But every night we sit on skype, and we sleep on skype. (I love this, honestly)!

                      Personally I know from fact that a LDR can go without skype and talk on phone. It can go only with chatting or txts. But I wouldn't go back to that. I appreciate the way it is now,and I hope it stays like that until we are together in person.

                      There is no SHOULD here. There is whatever you and your partner chose, best for you. It's all about personalities .


                        We probably communicate excessively compared to some people. When we lived together for four months, I saw less of him than I do when we are long distance. We text a bit throughout the day, and as soon as we're both at home, we are on skype. We chat and do our homework together and then fall asleep with our call still running We stay on skype until one of us has to leave the following morning. I'd say we are on skype an average of 12 hours a day (though most of it is spent sleeping or studying). This works for us because we are both in difficult programs, so neither of us has a life outside of school anyway.

                        I could not do this long distance thing if we didn't have a lot of contact. I feel like I am still a part of his life when we aren't physically together.


                          me and my gf spend hours in Skype when we are free of time, but when my collage starts i go to cybercafe to talk to her I put 1 hour as a standard time because it cost me and sometimes i have situation when i cant use net and that make her sad but we get over eventually after we talk again online I personally have a risk of losing communication because my parents are the ones who pays for it not me, but so far we are alright thank God


                            We talk everyday. Normally some texting during the day, I'll text him even if he doesn't text back. Thats fine bc I know he's at work. Once he's home more texting then it turns into some AIMing then finally skype from 2-4 hours. We talk in game too if we're playing WoW.
                            "You want for myself
                            You get me like no one else
                            I am beautiful with you

                            I am beautiful with you
                            Even in the darkest part of me
                            I am beautiful with you
                            Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
                            You're here with me
                            Just show me this and I'll believe
                            I am beautiful with you"



                              hmm we are texting once a day or every 2-3 day. We've never skyped,although I asked him a few times. There is a 8 hour time difference. I'm studying and he works two jobs (14hours) it's really hard to find some time. I would like to have more contact with him,but I don't want to bothering him and tell him this all the time I wished he would do more because he wants and not because I'm telling. Sometimes it makes me really sad and I start to think where he is,what he's doing, if he is thinking about me...


                                I talk with my SO almost every day on Skype. Time difference between us is only 2 hours so it's not difficult to find some spare time in our busy schedules and arrange a conversation once we are free. Usually we spend at least 2-3 hours talking with each other. On weekends we might chat up even for 4-5 hours. Lately he has found a new job, so i can't enjoy him as much as i want but we still manage to keep our conversations alive Since we both live in different countries, texting and calling are very limited. But we often use this way of communication when we want to surprise each other. That's actually even better, because texting becomes really special and i love keeping his messages in my cell phones as some kind of relics

