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Girlfriend still is active on dating site. What should I do?

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    Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
    I agree, and I never said the length of time mattered. I would never okay this behaviour. My SO would be dumped by this point had I found this out. My point is that sometimes relationships aren't worth making work. If they'd been together three years, they have more of a history and a foundation. Being together four months, it may be worth it to cut their losses and break-up. If something happens this early on into a relationship, then I don't even think the very foundation is there, was my point. My point is also that he can't be playing games by making fake accounts. That's ridiculous. You either own up to it and work on the issue or you cut your losses and move on. I also don't know where I ever said she cared. o.O
    I totally agree with you on the point with the foundation. If she is acting like this in the beginning he should be really careful. I have a problem with telling someone what they should do- like delete her account. he should be honest with her, but well if he tells her that he snooped she might be upset because that was not right. it's going to be an argue anyways.

    I had a similar situation and I chose to creat a fake account because I had no other way to find out what he would do. I thought well we are going to be LD for one year, so let it better find out sooner than later.. After I did it, I confronted him.. he denied that there was a "bad" intention then he said that I hurt him with what I did.. and so on.. It was a big speed bumb in our LDR and it wouldn't have happend if he had thought about me just one second. To come to an end, I forgave him because it was not THAT bad, he explained everything to me and I believe what he said, but still every now and then I think about it and I guess I will never forget it.

    Would I like to change what I did? hmm no cause if I talked to him he would have deleted the profile.. just because I wanted it and not him and I don't want to behave like a parent telling my child what he/she should do and not.


      Tell her you found out that she was still on the site and see what she has to say, get her side of the story before jumping to conclusions if she lies to you again I would say cut and run, you can't build a relationship off of lies.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        Oh my. OK, my opinion might not be nice, or appreciated by some, but whatever, as usual

        OP - You really are wrong for snooping, don't ever do it again, OK? If you were my guy I'd dump you immediately for that, and it's just plain wrong. That being said, and I don't mean this to sound stupid, but are you SURE you're exclusive? Did you guys say those words? If you did, ignore all the "talk to her" posts, that's crap. You have solid proof that she's at the very least attempting to date other guys, I know you think you love her, but at under 4 months, you're better off getting rid of her now rather than investing real time into this, and find out later that she's still screwing around with other men. And, she will. If she's doing this during the "honeymoon period", what'll she do when you get a bit boring?? I can't stress to you enough that it's not worth it to continue the relationship, and after such a short time, you'll get over her relatively quickly, and you can find a nice girl who won't do this to you.

        There is NO good reason for what you've found, no good excuse, or story. If she is actively engaging in conversations with guys, there is no "talking it out", unless you want your heart broken later. Maybe she'll tell you she's just looking for friends, but that too is crap.

        On the other hand, if you two never actually had a discussion about the status of your relationship, disregard everything I just said, and have one. Maybe she doesn't know she's cheating? That's the only legitimate reason for this, that I can think of. I'm only mentioning this because if her profile is open and active, unless she's as dumb as a box of rocks, she's aware you can see it. By her not hiding it, it makes me wonder if you're on the same page in the relationship. Whichever way it goes, good luck.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          you need to talk to her about this, hun. if she's telling guys to actively pursue her then she's not ready to be with you. and if she's telling other guys she doesn't have a boyfriend??? you don't need her!


            Originally posted by lala View Post
            aha I thought the same. But if he asks her to delete it she would just do it because he wants it. What if she deletes it and create an new one with another name??..
            Didn't consider that, very true! I have to be honest, If my SO did that to me, I would count it as cheating and I'd be out of there in a heartbeat, No second chances.


              talk to her... she doesnt seem very serious about u at all.


                breaking up with her is gonna hurt like a SERIOUS MOFO!!! and it will hurt for months and months and months. but it's the only thing to do. if she is saying to them she doesnt have a boyfriend, in her mind, you are not her boyfriend. i am so sorry. i would however have a huge talk with her about this and get her side of things. and you are right to snoop. trust your instincts!!!!!!


                  First off, have you both decided and discussed that you are in a monogamous relationship? That neither of you will see or talk to other people and that you are both committed to this relationship? You cant just assume that she feels the same if you havent openly discussed it. Just because she says she deactivated the account doesnt mean the above.
                  Now if you have discussed it, and she said she was committed to you, then you have every right to confront the site with her. Like others said, dont accuse, simply bring it up
                  everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


                    obviously she doesn't see this relationship as real as you see it. it's just a "thing" to her or else she wouldn't be looking for somebody closer. or is addicted to flirting with and starting relationships with people online. i wouldn't proceed with this relationship.

                    I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?

