HBB's dad has declared me enemy number 1. Apparently because HBB spends a majority of his spare time talking to me, I am 'controlling' his life according to his father. We get maybe 4 hours to talk when he gets home from work, today was his last day at that job till March though, and his dad blew a gasket. He has said that me and HBB can only talk ONCE A WEEK. Once a week for like 5 hours. Are you kidding me? I love HBB but I am not superhuman, I cannot maintain a LDR with no contact (for no reason too) 6 out of 7 days. He is off trying to talk his dad out of it, but if he can't....I cant do it. I can't! I know some of you are superhuman and can function being unable to talk frequently but I am not one of those people. Not to mention you probably would at least get txts a few times a day or something, I would be cut off not knowing anything. I do not get it, I did nothing to his dad. However his dad apparently blames me for all the things he thinks HBB isn't doing. He has no idea most of those things I actually sit and ENCOURAGE HBB to do. I am his dads ally on most of these issues, but for some reason his dad refuses to believe that and sees me as nothing but trouble.
My stomach is in knots, this is the man I planned to spend the rest of my life with....and now it looks like that may not happen. I am so scared, and angry.
My stomach is in knots, this is the man I planned to spend the rest of my life with....and now it looks like that may not happen. I am so scared, and angry.