Because it's still 7 months till you become a legal adult it still means that your SO could face time in prison for sexting you, even if no pictures are involved if the content of the message is sexual it still counts, you don't need to be having sex with him for it to be against the law.
Trust me, I really do understand where you're coming from I was your age when I met my SO and unluckily for me I had to 18 to participate in anything remotely sexual and the wait was awful (I just turned 18 in February) I know that you want nothing more than to just simply enjoy becoming an adult but for your SO's sake please wait until your 16 to continue sexting.
and I think what your mom did was wrong but you do live in her house and she probably pays the bills on your phone/internet so until you can pay for those things yourself I can see how she feels she has the right to dictate how you use them, even if it's invasion of privacy and it sucks it's just part of being a teenager, no one is trying to say you aren't smart we are just trying to give you some insight into how most adults would see the situation and believe me when I say until you're of legal age almost everyone is going to judge you and your relationship on some level or another that's just the way society is.
Trust me, I really do understand where you're coming from I was your age when I met my SO and unluckily for me I had to 18 to participate in anything remotely sexual and the wait was awful (I just turned 18 in February) I know that you want nothing more than to just simply enjoy becoming an adult but for your SO's sake please wait until your 16 to continue sexting.
and I think what your mom did was wrong but you do live in her house and she probably pays the bills on your phone/internet so until you can pay for those things yourself I can see how she feels she has the right to dictate how you use them, even if it's invasion of privacy and it sucks it's just part of being a teenager, no one is trying to say you aren't smart we are just trying to give you some insight into how most adults would see the situation and believe me when I say until you're of legal age almost everyone is going to judge you and your relationship on some level or another that's just the way society is.