My Girl Friend wants to end our 3 year relationship, I am completely heart broken!!!! I loved her with everything I had, tried so hard to keep us going but she said the online thing is too hard. Now she is saying she just wants to remain friends and doesnt love me the way I want her to. I was due to visit there in May to be with her.
I love her and miss her so much!!! It will cost me $30100 to go there, 23 hrs plane travel and 11'000 miles to travel there. I still want to go there and hope if she sees me she will remember US and what we are! I know I am spending a lot of money and traveling a long way from New Zealand to London, but i just want to see her again and if she rejects me I will get lost in London for 2 weeks. I promised her i would stay true to us and hold on to us no matter what it takes and would give everything to hold on to us, well this is everything I have, all my money, time and love for her and I know this is risky, but she is everything to me
I love her with everything and I don't know where I will go if she doesn't want me
Everyone here is saying I am crazy, and that I should just move on, or go somewhere cheaper for a holiday, but how can I not try everything, and this surely is everything!! I have a fear of flying, which is why she came here, but my fear of losing her is greater than my fear of flying! I will be on a long anxious plane ride to a country and city I have no knowledge of and I will be alone