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No Future Plan. Irrational?

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    No Future Plan. Irrational?

    I only recently posted about a working holiday visa, which I will be applying for so that it's hopefully approved for me to do a working holiday after my graduation (summer of 2013). Assuming I'm approved for the whole time, that will give us a year of temporarily closing the distance, giving our CD relationship a trial run, and so on. Would I prefer more than a year? Yes, but a year is what we've got given our international options. :P However, beyond that, we don't have a plan. We know I'm flying out to see him in the summer. We know he's setting aside plane fare from his mother's life insurance so that we can either have a Christmas visit or another visit over spring break, and we know I'm applying for my working holiday. The both of us always figured we would go from there, as far as deciding what's the next step in our relationship. We're not sure where he'll be at at that point and I have to come back for grad school/licensing, and on top of that, we're both aware that something could go horribly, horrendously wrong and after a couple months, we could both be at the point of wanting to rip one another's throats out. But we always figured we would simply consider our future and figure it out more then. The end of my working holiday would put us at a little over two years from now, so why not discuss it then? When we can think about it more realistically?

    However, I told a friend this, and she seemed to have the reaction of "well, one of you is still going to have to make a huge change in your lives, if you ever want this to work." He and I both understand that. He also understands that I'm going for a training and licensing that's valid in California, not necessarily in Europe or even all other states (only in some). He's aware I currently have more ties here (I'm very close with my family and love the area). I'm not going to let my credentials, and the validity of my credentials, stop me from doing what I want to do - regardless of where I am - but for the most part, we're both aware that we'd settle in America at least for a while/until I got established. He was originally going to come out on a visa, but his life changed in a massive way, and so now it's my turn to go there. :P We're both aware that changes and sacrifices have to be made, we've both discussed them, we've both shared our compromises and deal breakers, etc. and we seem to be on the same page with it. We simply don't see the reason or need to think about what comes after the working holiday. That's a big enough goal for both of us for now, with us both being young and students and so on. Yet my friend, and one other, seemed to think this was rash? Am I being irrational? Should we have a bigger plan than simply for up to two years from now? o.O;;
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...

    Two years from now is a long time from now. My SO & I hardly have a plan for two months from now. All we know is that we are going to be together. Maybe it will be LD still, but maybe it will be CD (I highly doubt it will be CD, however.) To have a plan for two years from now is awesome. And it seems like the two of you have an excellent grasp on the sacrifices you would each have to make to be with the other one/in the other country/etc.

    So I say good for you. And no, not irrational at all. Tbh, I think having a set plan for more than about 2 years from now is irrational. Things change every day, and 5 year plans get thrown away regularly. (I've thrown away my fair share of them...)

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      Short answer: No.

      Long answer: Some people like to plan out their whole lives. Some people like to just go with the flow. If you're a go with the flow type of couple, then do it. When my SO moved in with me, we didn't have anything planned after that. In fact, we didn't even know how long he was going to stay. We talked about doing a 6 month extension and having him here for a year. But in that time he started hating the USA. Then we wondered for a while how it was ever going to work out since I wanted to stay in the USA and him in CR. We then decided I would move to CR with him permanently. Two months in CR and my SO decided he wanted to go back to the states...

      Okay I wasn't just trying to give you my life story I was trying to make a point. Shit happens. Life changes. There's no reason to plan that far in advance if you don't see the need.


        I'm busy to reply...but just that you know..I have the SAME planned for me and my SO lol..text you l8er


          I feel that its wise to talk about the future. The "what-ifs" & "how to handles" can be really important, BUT I dont think you have to have a set plan right this second. Things can change in a matter of minutes and I dont know about your specific situation or the personalities involved but if I have a plan Im so for that plan that any change will screw with me. You guys are doing amazing things & coming up on a big milestone (happy anniversary btw!! ) you know what youre doing and you guys are making it work! Keep truckin


            Me SO and I are kind of the same way. We've planned somewhat until my visa expires next year. From there we have vague plans but so much can change before that I don't really see the point in planning everything before you get there. I will suggest that while you are living there you do collect every bit of evidence you can to prove you've lived together. While I don't know what our plans will be in a year and a half I do know that whatever happens will mean me staying or him come home with me and that will require proof for a visa. I figure if we at least cover our butt that way when the time comes to make these decisions we'll be prepared and if we don't make it that long for some reason no harm done.


              Thank you both.

              I mean, I'm aware that things could change even in the years that we do have a plan. :/ He's starting school in September. That's a big one. He could meet someone (I don't like to consider this one, and neither does he, but let's face it, we're both meeting people routinely at school; it's not an entire impossibility, however unlikely it may seem to us). He could decide he wants to go even further with his education, which would extend his time there in Ireland. We could both discover some horrible incompatibility while staying together a year. I could decide I hate Ireland and it would never work, and he could decide he's not sure he wants to leave it. etc. The possibilities are endless. Do I dwell on them? No. I have a goal in mind, it's currently what we both want, so that's what I'm aiming for, but I'm aware that those are possibilities and that's only presently! There are a lot more if you factor in my coming back home for school and his uncertainty of what's going to happen, for him, after I leave. It simply seems ridiculous to try and plan for something neither of us really has figured out independently yet, let alone trying to figure out something together.

              I wouldn't say we're so much go with the flow - we both find safety and security in having a plan - as that we're looking at the situation realistically. We both are committed to making our relationship work, but we also both know and accept that sometimes our plans are not the same plans that our individual journies have in store. Not to mention that with the turn of events that took place in his life several months ago, it's sometimes very hard for him to think about the future. It's too much of an abstract concept currently, as he's only trying to get his school on board. I simply thought we were both being logical about it, and so perhaps I felt a little bit insulted when two people agreed we were being illogical. xD

              @lucybelle - Do you guys plan on going back to the states at some point? Or are you happy in CR?

              ---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 AM ----------

              Whoops! More people responded as I was replying. Always happens to me. :P

              Thank you everyone for the support! I look forward to hearing from you lala, but thank you snow_girl and kryso. I think that before his mother passed away, we were both a bit caught up in the fantasy of this visa and that one and what we could do and how we would do it. We were in the honeymoon phase, fantasising like crazy whether it was feasible or it wasn't (even though there was some logic peppered in there...), but I think his mother's death really shook the honeymoon out of us. We both did recognise a definite difference and evolution in our relationship, however, as there was growth that did come from that very difficult experience, but it's forced us to see things from a more realistic viewpoint than simply "you need to have your futures planned." We have goals that we're aiming for more than planning for, in the end, I suppose, and if they happen, wonderful. If they don't, we'll either figure something else out or we both have something different in store for us.

              @snow_girl - That's actually an important point and one I neglected to think about. Thank you for reminding me of it and I will definitely keep that information handy. I'm not sure how I'd go about proving things, but it's something I need to remember to think about once I'm approved.
              { Our Story on LFAD }

              Our Beginning
              Met online: February 2009
              Feelings confessed: December 2010
              Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
              Officially together since: 08 April 2011

              Our Story
              First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
              Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
              Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
              Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

              Our Happily Ever After
              to be continued...


                Mail is big. I've saved every bank statement I've received that shows we have the same address. That way there is a date on it and an address so hopefully if I have a years worth and he has a years worth of pay stubs or whatever that should be enough to prove we are living together. Mixed with photos and skype convos from when we've been apart. Everything can be used. I have a proof folder on my desktop with all the saved skype convos (shows what day and how long) skype photos, facebook messages, etc. I keep them in one place so when the time comes I'm not struggling to find everything.


                  Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
                  @lucybelle - Do you guys plan on going back to the states at some point? Or are you happy in CR?
                  That's a whole other thread in itself. But since you asked, I'll take this one off track

                  I'm really, very happy here. I could easily stay here for 5 or even 10 more years. But I would never want to raise children here. We don't know if we want them, but there is a possibility. I want a place with a yard where kids can play and not be in danger. I want parks that aren't covered in dog shit and cigarette butts. I'd also like to be able to wear jewelry again without being targeted for robbery. Also, wages here are a fraction of what you would earn in the states, and the cost of living is the same and sometimes higher. So we're not exactly building a nest egg for ourselves. (for example, my SO is an engineer with 10 years experience and makes less here than what I made as a first year teacher in the states in the lowest paying state in the USA)

                  So... the plan is to move back to the states in 2 or 3 years. If things go well between us, my SO says he'll propose and we'll apply for a visa to the states. I think we'd both like to go back earlier, but in order to do that we have to get married, and we want to wait a little longer on that front


                    Nope, not irrational at all. You're only 20, two years is enough of a plan for now. There can be a ton of changes and opportunities in two years, you don't want to box yourself into some long-term plan that may not turn out to be such a great plan after all. Like lucybelle said, if you aren't one of those people who need their entire life planned out, stick to your current idea and you can always revisit your longer term stuff later on. Go with what your gut is telling you, not your friends. What works for friends isn't always what works for you.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      I think what you have hardly qualifies as "no future plan". You have plans for the immediate and not-so-immediate future. Making plans for further in advance than that can be fun and give hope, but most of the time it's not very realistic.
                      My boyfriend and I closed the distance temporarily for half a year now, but we're going back to being long distance in October, most likely anyway. Then I'll have a year or a year and half left of university and him 2 years. I figure I might be able to move in with him during my last semester, if all I have left is writing my thesis. But I'm not sure about that and we have no plans for after we finish uni. That is, we plan to get married in 2015, but we have no idea where we're going to live by then. It wouldn't make much sense to plan that anyway. It all depends on where we can find jobs and what we end up doing. At this point I have no idea if I want to go for a PhD (as my prof seems to be expecting) or get a 'real job' and what this 'real job' is going to look like IF I go for it. The same goes for my boyfriend. He's going to be an engineer so it's going to be a lot easier for him to get a job, but we still have to consider that.

                      I think it's important to agree about some important matters (city vs. countryside, which country?, etc) but making concrete plans for longer than two years ahead doesn"t seem necessary to me.

                      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                        @lucybelle - Wow. The wages sound terrible. o.O And I wasn't aware that Costa Rica was in such "bad shape" as far as crime etc. It's still my dream to go visit there someday; I almost did a program with my school that would have involved spending a month in Costa Rica working with baby sea turtles. But it seems like you have a valid plan worked out. I always like hearing what you're up to and seeing your pictures, I think because you're currently living a life I would love to.

                        @Moon - I completely agree. Even in one of my classes, we were going over how most people think that you change the most (primarily personality-wise) in adolescence, but the years that research has shown one changes the most are ages 20-30, when given a 10 year span. Strange to think about but living it, I can see where it'd be the case. I suppose I need to put less weight on what my friend says, because you're right. It's simply she's been someone I've idolised and looked up to for years so when she points something out, it makes me wonder...

                        @Dziubka - Thank you for the response. I feel the same way, especially since planning beyond those two years isn't even realistic! It's like you said, it's hard to determine when you aren't sure what opportunities are going to be where. I know I intend to go on to grad school, but that's it. :/ We couldn't even plan past two years if we wanted and to me that seems unnecessary... I'd say it's even unnecessary to plan for this far ahead but the thing is that I have a year and a few months to save up for my working holiday, so I do need to plan ahead in order to make up a budget. I'm not usually one who's set on planning planning planning. I'm not completely go with the flow, but I tend to like to take things in manageable chunks as opposed to looking at them in sizes of years when I can. :/ I simply questioned my planning when my friend pointed out that we'd "only" planned for two years.
                        { Our Story on LFAD }

                        Our Beginning
                        Met online: February 2009
                        Feelings confessed: December 2010
                        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                        Our Story
                        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                        Our Happily Ever After
                        to be continued...


                          I have a plan similar to yours. I want to do study exchange in Finland and have my GF move in with me. Then we were thinking of having her get a Working Holiday Visa and come live with me in Australia for 1 year whilst I study.

                          But just like yourself, after that period we are blank.

                          I wouldn't say you are being irrational. I mean, you might think of some long-term plans within the next 12 months.

