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    My SO's family are awesome. I felt very welcome and his Mom did so much for us while i was there, she brought presents for me to take home to my children and during the problems I've been having with my Ex she's said prayers for me and passes words of advice and encouragement through my SO.
    My SO hasn't even met my parents yet but already he is part of the family, he calls her Mom and they joke on Facebook. I honestly can't see any problems forming between any of us.
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      My boyfriend and I get along with each other's families really well. He hasn't really met my family often (only once actually) but my mum and him sometimes exchanged mails and we've skyped before
      I've spent a lot of time with my boyfriend's family. I even spent Christmas and the past two Easers with them. His mum introduces me to strangers as "me -hopefully- future daughter in law". She's amazing and she has done so much for me in the past, that I'm endlessly grateful for. She can be a bit overbearing at times, but she means well, so it's not that bad.

      My brother and my boyfriend are the same age actually (the age difference between them is smaller than between me and my boyfriend ) and they talk about football and stuff. I think when my boyfriend's German improves, they could have very good relationship.
      Last edited by Dziubka; April 11, 2012, 10:26 AM.

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        My SO's parents told me that I was part of the family before my SO & I even started dating, lol! When my SO & I were CD, we were about an hour away from his family, so we were able to see them a number of times. My family lives all over now (my sister's in Colorado, my Mom's in California, and my Dad's in Canada (my parents are LD too!)), so we have only been able to spend time with my family a couple of times. His siblings are my siblings, I'm the baby of my family so it's great to be able to have that interaction with his younger siblings. When his mom introduces me to her friends (or if they see us together) they ask if I'm her daughter-lol. Our hair is really similar! She'll usually laugh and respond, "Hopefully soon!"

        They are definitely my second family. I have even spent a couple of days with his family without him there, haha.

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          his mother is just like a mother to me. ive only told her that once but she seemed to understand. sometimes when i get annoyed with the SO when he is back, i simply just go downstairs and talk to her :P

          when his dad was around, yes he was like a dad to me, but more strained relationship than the SO's mum


            JP's mom is probably the kindest woman ever to live. When we were staying at his house over last August she brought our meals up to us on trays (!), bought me sun screen when I stupidly forgot mine, and gave me aloe vera when I consequently got the worst sunburn of my life and reminded me to put it on. She found me a birthday card in English--she doesn't speak a word of it--and sent it to me at school. I adore her. Out of his two older sisters, I've only met the younger one, but she's very nice.

            JP's dad, however...different story. He was extremely polite to me when I met him, almost too polite: he used 'vous' with me, which JP told me was very affected and embarrassing. He also really treats JP like crap, so, I have a hard time having warm and fuzzy feelings towards him.


              LOVE them!! Theyre the sweetest most supportive people in this entire situation!! His sister has truly been a life saver!


                I really like my SO's parents and am very happy with the thought they will be my in-laws. His mom is pretty soft-spoken and really into church. She is super kind and has taken care of me when I've been sick. Whenever I call my SO, he usually puts her on the phone for a little bit and we chat. His father is really cool. I adore him. He actually fought in the Nicaraguan revolution in the 80's and I've spent many nights with him on the porch listening to his stories about it. For my last visit, I gave him a pictorial book of the Nicaraguan revolution that I had found in a used bookstore here. He actually had tears in his eyes and said it was the most touching gift he had ever received.


                  To start with, I was really scared of my SO's parents simply because I was nervous. However, after I started to see things in common that we all had and especially after how I acted during the first visit, everything got relaxed and it's safe to say that we all get on now. They usually take us to all the places we want to and, during the second visit, I was allowed to actually stay at the house instead of getting an expensive hotel locally. It also means my SO and I got to spend more time together. Yay! So, yeah. My future in-laws are awesome.


                    My SO's mother passed a year and a half ago so I never knew her, but his dad actually played a little part in reconnecting us He's not close with his father, but I'm pretty sure his father approves of me. I love his son and his brother...and they love me back. I'm more than just the girlfriend to them - I'm 100% a part of the family.


                      I really like my boyfriend's family! I just yesterday came back from spending a week with my SO and his family. While he is working overseas back at home, he's staying with them, but when I'm there, I feel so welcomed

                      I've been invited to his brother's wedding, which my SO tells me is a big deal, because SO's never get invites to family weddings, so I guess it makes me feel accepted


                        I have just met them for the first time but I really enjoyed it. They're both nice and friendly towards me even though they were skeptical about us at first. I can really tell how much they love their daughter and that all they truly want is for her to be happy, no matter how that is. I look forward to seeing them again soon, getting to know them better and more importantly them getting to know me.
                        I triumphed in the face of adversity
                        and I became the man I never thought I'd be
                        and now my biggest challenge, a thing called love
                        I guess I'm not as tough as I thought I was


                          I adore my SO's family, they were so welcoming the first time I met them. I was incredibly touched by the way everyone tried to include me in conversation despite the language barrier. I told my SO when we were back at his flat that I wished I could be a part of that scene forever, and he replied with a wink, "maybe you will". Ah, here's hoping...


                            Out of all the guys I've dated his parents are the first I'm not scared of. They are super nice and I've always felt really comfortable with them. His siblings are really great too.


                              My SO isn't close with his family. I still have yet to meet his mother and his sisters. Mostly because of logistics and he really isn't fond of or ( the closest word I know of for this) trusting of his mother for various personal reasons. I have met his father's side, most of it anyway. His grandmother is great and I could hang out at her house all day. His aunt uncle and cousins are nice too. His aunt comments on how well i fit in with the family. His step mom and dad typically aren't around, but when they are we get along fine. His dad made the comment that my SO should keep me around. He has step siblings who I rarely talk to, but his step sister has two kids and we end up watching them sometimes. They're cute. My SO doesn't share the same opinion on his family that I do. He wishes they were more familylike among other things.

                              He currently lives with my family and they all love him to death. And he says he feels closer to them. He doesn't always agree with how my dad keeps house and my dad's political ideas but they get along just fine. He's like an older brother for my brother which is nice. My grandpa was a little slow to like him because my boyfriend broke his hose. My grandpa's also just old and doesn't like change. My boyfriend lives in his house and he's just now warming up to him after two months. I'm convinced my grandmother likes my boyfriend more than she likes me because I'm away at school for nine months. She spoils him.
                              Last edited by 11MikesGirl21; April 12, 2012, 08:28 AM.
                              ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
                              The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



                                I'm pretty sure my SO's parents like me. The first time I met his mom, she was already telling people that came over from church that she was hoping I would be her new daughter-in-law. I try my best to chat with her and get to know her when possible but the last time I saw her she started bad mouthing my SO's ex-wife infront of his boys (so it was their mom she was talking about) and then she started complaining about my SO (he lives at home with his parents right now), so I just rushed to get my SO's boys and myself out of the house and away from her mood.

                                I would be devastated if his parents didn't like me because I've only had one SO's mom not like me but he warned me beforehand that she doesn't like anyone he has ever been with.

