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Looking to find

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    Looking to find


    The last time we managed to meet up together in Paris we came across the Bridge of Love (Pont de l’Archevêché).

    Looking at the padlocks there were some that jumped out at us. ‘Pètá a Pavel 9.12.2001′ and 'Little Boo, it's you BF Big Boo. Will you Marry Me' The full story is on my blog.

    Do you know anything about their story? Everything about the bridge is so lovely and so fitting in a LDR. Now we have found it we will return one day and seal our love there too.

    I don't know much about when the locks first started, but I know it's a trend that started on that pont. But if you ever come across "JP et Ana", that's me and my SO.


      Oh that is lovely. I will be sure to look next time I am there.
      We found this whole area so romantic


        I can't really help with that, but I put it into google, landet on your blog and from the photo I can tell it's "Pét'a" which is the Czech form of Peter.
        "a" means simply and (i don't know if you've figured that out already).

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          Thats great thank you. We are really curious about the story for both couples. And maybe others that turn up in the process such as CynicalQuixotic's story. Once we have some interesting information I will write about it some more one the blog. It's could be a fascinating article.

          If you hear anything or come across anything please do get in touch.


            Well, the Czech Republic is a pretty small country and Pét'a and Pavel seem to be a gay couple, so if you want to find out more I think Czech Gay community websites could be a good start. I have no idea if there are any or whatever, but that's the way I would go. Use google translate to find out if they are what you're looking for, if you don't know anyone that's fluent in Czech Post the photo, see if anyone knows anything.

            Good luck

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              Thanks, that's a really good idea. I will see what I can do. Not something I had considered, and no I do not know anyone that speaks Czech

              Still looking for Big boo and Little boo. if anyone knows


                Originally posted by BlondeAndConfused View Post
                Still looking for Big boo and Little boo. if anyone knows
                Is there any reason in particular why two random locks caught your attention?


                  They both looked very planned. The intention was very well thought about. Big lock for ‘Pètá a Pavel 9.12.2001'n and the oldest we found . The two attached in 'Little Boo, it's you BF Big Boo. Will you Marry Me' The engraving alone made them stand out from the norm of hand scribbled little locks.

                  The fact that big boo proposed and then returned to add another lock that told the world she said yes. Its all very romantic. There must have been others I am sure but these two did stand out.

                  Maybe I will never know the story behind them, but I figured it was worth trying to find out


                    I have never heard of this, but it's so wonderfully romantic. <3 I would have loved to see this when I was there.
                    { Our Story on LFAD }

                    Our Beginning
                    Met online: February 2009
                    Feelings confessed: December 2010
                    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                    Our Story
                    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                    Our Happily Ever After
                    to be continued...


                      Caitlin - I want to go to Paris and write on a lock on a bridge
                      Dylan - ok

                      YESSSSS!!! Mine will be on there soon, hahah.



                        For those who have no idea what the Bridge of Love is (like me), I found a picture. I'm actually feeling all lovey-dovey myself just looking at it. So beautiful.


                          The "lovers' padlock" tradition is actually observed at a number of bridges and places around the world. I first encountered it in Florence, on the famous Ponte Vecchio. Attaching locks is actually illegal there now, because it's damaged the bridge - though plenty of surreptitious lovers still manage to leave their mark.


                            Fight the system and leave your lock there. They have been removed in Paris before now by the authorities, although I am not sure if it was this bridge or another one.

                            I have so many great photos from that grey and rainy day that turned out to be one the most romantic times of my life


                              I have a lock on that bridge.
                              One of the most romantic days of my life, even if my SO wasn't there. I had planned a trip to Europe before we got together and I was there, by myself, for three weeks. I fell in love with the city and this bridge, so I went on a hunt for a lock. I found one in a convenience store with three locks; apparently, the locks signify a love that cannot be broken, and that is sealed with the throwing of a key over the bridge. Since I had three, I kissed one and threw it into the river, one I kept for myself and put on a chain to wear, and the other, I gave to my boyfriend. We're planning on going back to Paris together someday soon to find our lock and retrieve it... together.

                              Mine is the one to the far right that says "Nick and Maddie" on it. Etched in with a pen...I hope it lasts! Hehe.

