I have never skyped with her or seen her in person, but, she did meet some of my friends in person and hangout with them, and we were introduced by a friend she went to college with who was dating my best friend at that time. I'm not too worried about her not being who she says she is. For the longest time though, she was overly paranoid about me possibly not being who I say I am, despite the massive amounts of proof I sent her over the years and my friends sent her and knowing mutual friends, that is why we decided to take a break in the first place. But she went to therapy and got help for that, which is why we decided to give it another go, after she showed me that she had changed. It was awful >.<
I even thought maybe she was doing that again and asked her about that and she got suuuuuuper offended >.<
I even thought maybe she was doing that again and asked her about that and she got suuuuuuper offended >.<