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Advice Desperately Needed: 5 months, LDR Cheating/Unfortunate Circumstances

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    Advice Desperately Needed: 5 months, LDR Cheating/Unfortunate Circumstances

    I could really use some advice and comfort right now. As I type this, I'm crying and all to pieces.
    I've been talking to a guy online for 5 months now, literally every day. We Skype, text, and hardly miss a moment together. From the beginning, I've been aware that Tyler has a girlfriend.
    I have continued to deal with the situation, despite our distance and limited times to talk because I've fallen head over heels for him. He, however, lives in the Netherlands, and I'm here in VA.
    We have grown really close as friends and have shared intimate, personal thoughts that he has never shared with his girlfriend. I suppose I've given him the benefit of the doubt because he's told me that she's the complete opposite of him and has never been IN LOVE with her. He has been with her for 5 years, and I understand the fear of burning a bridge only to find out some girl in Virginia is not what he's looking for. However, I've had a problem knowing that he's going to bed with another woman every night, sleeping with her, and telling her god-knows-what. It's never really been an issue, as I always brushed it off despite the ache inside, wondering how I'm supposed to learn to trust him if we're involved in infidelity. I do believe most of what he says, but inevitably, it's mixed messages.
    I have wanted so badly to meet him in order to really understand more of what our relationship is about, assuming and sticking to the idea that it would really be the turning point for our relationship, as far as him staying or leaving her, our intimacy, etc.

    Today, I had an unfortunate turnaround in this situation. I told him that I slept with my ex, who I've known and been very close to for 5 years. This made him upset. He told me that it turned him off that I would do that and that I am impulsive and a recipe for drama. I am now sitting in the silence of his cold shoulder and trying to understand why he is so upset and seemingly unforgiving. I told him that this whole situation (with him having a gf) is a recipe for drama, and if he wants to avoid it, he should get out of it. He told me I was right and maybe we shouldn't talk anymore. But we've been down this road before, trying to let go because it's all morally wrong. Too confusing.

    Advice, please! Should he be angry that I slept with my ex? Is it really over? What would you do if you were me in this situation? I cannot and do not want to let him go. I apologized and feel terribly helpless right now.
    Last edited by tiffanyj; April 26, 2012, 12:15 PM.

    Wait...he got upset at you for "cheating" on him...when he himself is cheating. I'm gonna give you very general advice: if he cheated to get with you, he'll cheat to get away from you. Why are you expecting fidelity and trust from a cheater? If he thought you were special, he would've broken up with his girlfriend already. You do not have his heart and his dedication, no matter what he says. You gotta let go. This relationship was probably doomed from the get-go. And all this, without a thought for what his girlfriend is feeling. No guy is worth this nonsense. For your benefit and for HER benefit, leave. Being the "other woman" is never worth it.


      I'm sorry that you feel down.. but to be honest I don't kow what to say right now. I don't want to hurt you more by what I am thinking about all this. The only "nice" thing I can say is: what goes around comes around.. stop having contact with him and find a guy who is single


        Originally posted by Shepard-Fowkes View Post
        Wait...he got upset at you for "cheating" on him...when he himself is cheating. I'm gonna give you very general advice: if he cheated to get with you, he'll cheat to get away from you. Why are you expecting fidelity and trust from a cheater? If he thought you were special, he would've broken up with his girlfriend already. You do not have his heart and his dedication, no matter what he says. You gotta let go. This relationship was probably doomed from the get-go. And all this, without a thought for what his girlfriend is feeling. No guy is worth this nonsense. For your benefit and for HER benefit, leave. Being the "other woman" is never worth it.
        I agree 100%.

        This is the one thing I do not understand about people. I don't understand how someone would want to be the person their new SO is cheating with and not believe that the cheater would somehow never do this to them.

        This man has no morals and no respect for relationships or love.

        Like lala said, stop contacting this guy and find a guy that is single.


          Thank you for your responses. I've heard a lot of negative feedback about him not being single.
          I always hear "If he's cheating on her, he will cheat on you"... but I don't agree with that.
          I do feel bad about what we are doing behind her back, but I've never felt so close to anyone. We clicked immediately.
          I know he loves me. I know he does. And I think he's been honest with me. If I were him, I'd be afraid to break up with someone I've been with for 5 years and live with. But, if I were him, I'd have already broken up with her if I weren't in love with her.
          I didn't "cheat" on him, either. We have never made anything official, and he's been telling me he doesn't want to rush things. I'd be loyal to him and ONLY his, and I want it that way, only if it were mutual.
          But now, I'm the bad guy for having slept with my ex and telling him. It hurts so bad. I don't want him to stop talking to me... I want to meet him soon and show him how much I love him.

          ---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 PM ----------

          He always worries that I'd leave him or cheat on him, but I told him he's all I want and I'd do anything to be with him. Besides the cheating, he's everything I've always wanted in a guy.


            may I ask how old you are??

            do you know what love means? I really hope that one day you will find a guy who is single and had morals.. and till this happens you should grow up- sorry if I'm direct but I can't understand people who are doing those kind of things and have no respect for them.-though good luck to you


              Originally posted by tiffanyj View Post
              Thank you for your responses. I've heard a lot of negative feedback about him not being single.
              I always hear "If he's cheating on her, he will cheat on you"... but I don't agree with that.
              I do feel bad about what we are doing behind her back, but I've never felt so close to anyone. We clicked immediately.
              I know he loves me. I know he does. And I think he's been honest with me. If I were him, I'd be afraid to break up with someone I've been with for 5 years and live with. But, if I were him, I'd have already broken up with her if I weren't in love with her.
              I didn't "cheat" on him, either. We have never made anything official, and he's been telling me he doesn't want to rush things. I'd be loyal to him and ONLY his, and I want it that way, only if it were mutual.
              But now, I'm the bad guy for having slept with my ex and telling him. It hurts so bad. I don't want him to stop talking to me... I want to meet him soon and show him how much I love him.[COLOR="Silver"]
              Perhaps you are not aware but emotionally cheating is what you HAVE been doing. You may think it's not cheating because you didn't have physical contact with him but emotionally cheating is just as bad. If I found out my SO was carrying on a relationship with another female, even just through phone calls and text messages, I would dump him in a heartbeat. It's cheating!


                No, no, I'm saying, I know he's cheating on her, and I'm involved, and it's wrong. Yes, he is emotionally cheating on her, although we've never had sex. But I am single. I am not his "girlfriend" unless he says I am. This means breaking up with his girlfriend in the Netherlands to make things official with me.


                  Ok, I don't really have much advice for you... but
                  I think that "once a cheater always a cheater" is not necessarily true. Statistically something like half of all people cheat. There's all kinds of circumstances that can make you a cheater and most people in this board (I don't exclude myself from this) haven't been in their relationship very long (I don't know where very long starts, but it's more than a couple of years.. maybe 10ish).
                  I don't want to excuse cheating at all, but just because you do it once, doesn't mean you're going to do it again. They might realise it was a stupid move and not worth the excitement after all and not do it again.

                  Have you two made any plans at all to meet each other?

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    Originally posted by tiffanyj View Post
                    No, no, I'm saying, I know he's cheating on her, and I'm involved, and it's wrong. Yes, he is emotionally cheating on her, although we've never had sex. But I am single. I am not his "girlfriend" unless he says I am. This means breaking up with his girlfriend in the Netherlands to make things official with me.
                    why did you have contact with him while he was still together with his gf?? that's soooo wrong!! what you had with him was never a relationship or even love.. it was a guy who was bored with a relationship which didn't work after 5 years and him being a pussy and couldn't break up.. so he found a girl online who is living thousand miles away and having contact with her to escape from his daily life.


                      Originally posted by lala View Post
                      may I ask how old you are??

                      do you know what love means? I really hope that one day you will find a guy who is single and had morals.. and till this happens you should grow up- sorry if I'm direct but I can't understand people who are doing those kind of things and have no respect for them.-though good luck to you
                      I am 23.

                      I know what love means. And I know that I love him. I am in love with him. Unfortunately, he is not single. I wish he'd break up with his girlfriend so that would be less doubts and trust issues between us. He is as affectionate and creative as he can be to show me he loves me, but it is behind her back. I suppose I've been giving too much benefit of the doubt. He is really shutting me out right now because I slept with my ex. He won't talk to me. He said "I don't need this", as if I did him wrong. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I told him. He sees now how it feels to be in my shoes.

                      ---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

                      Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                      Ok, I don't really have much advice for you... but
                      I think that "once a cheater always a cheater" is not necessarily true. Statistically something like half of all people cheat. There's all kinds of circumstances that can make you a cheater and most people in this board (I don't exclude myself from this) haven't been in their relationship very long (I don't know where very long starts, but it's more than a couple of years.. maybe 10ish).
                      I don't want to excuse cheating at all, but just because you do it once, doesn't mean you're going to do it again. They might realise it was a stupid move and not worth the excitement after all and not do it again.

                      Have you two made any plans at all to meet each other?
                      Thank you for understanding. Yes, we have talked about meeting. And I have expressed to him that us meeting may change things for better or for worse. I can believe that he's not in love with his girlfriend. I think he is afraid to break up with her because he lives with her, and it's financial security for him right now.

                      ---------- Post added at 01:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 PM ----------

                      Originally posted by lala View Post
                      why did you have contact with him while he was still together with his gf?? that's soooo wrong!! what you had with him was never a relationship or even love.. it was a guy who was bored with a relationship which didn't work after 5 years and him being a pussy and couldn't break up.. so he found a girl online who is living thousand miles away and having contact with her to escape from his daily life.
                      Honestly, I have thought of this. I have talked to him about it. I told him that maybe he's bored in his relationship. I have suggested he work things out with her before he got more into me. His response was that there are no real problems in his relationship, but he is GENUINELY attracted to me for me. You have a point, but like I said, we have been very open in communication.

                      ---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

                      Originally posted by lala View Post
                      why did you have contact with him while he was still together with his gf?? that's soooo wrong!! what you had with him was never a relationship or even love.. it was a guy who was bored with a relationship which didn't work after 5 years and him being a pussy and couldn't break up.. so he found a girl online who is living thousand miles away and having contact with her to escape from his daily life.

                      We began talking because we were working on a project together. We then became friends. We got along so well, have a lot in common. I vented to him about a recently failed relationship, and we started having feelings for each other. I asked him if he had a girlfriend, and honestly I don't know how we got to where we are now. We literally have talked EVERY single day nonstop.


                        Originally posted by lala View Post
                        why did you have contact with him while he was still together with his gf?? that's soooo wrong!! what you had with him was never a relationship or even love.. it was a guy who was bored with a relationship which didn't work after 5 years and him being a pussy and couldn't break up.. so he found a girl online who is living thousand miles away and having contact with her to escape from his daily life.
                        Truth! Sorry OP but it is.


                          I don't agree that someone will cheat again because they cheated once or twice. Some people learn from their mistakes, and I told him that hopefully he would learn from this one, whether he ended up with her OR me.

                          I cheated when I was younger...a stupid teen who kept ending up in abusive relationships. I cheated for emotional, insecurity, impulsive reasons. I learned from that. It sucks. I have never cheated on anyone after that. I am very loyal in a relationship. It is bad for me to even let someone cheat on someone else. I know this. But I don't believe someone should stay with someone they're not in love with...and because he's not in love with her, I think he should break up with her. Even if I weren't in the picture. He says there are no problems in his relationship but I think maybe he doesn't get the affections that I give him.

                          ---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ----------

                          Originally posted by FierceFoxie View Post
                          Truth! Sorry OP but it is.
                          It could be the truth. But who's to say? Why would he be getting mad at me for sleeping with my ex? That's my original concern.


                            Girl, I want to tell you something very serious right here

                            As you say, you guys share something very special, and he is able to open up with you and tell you things that he cannot tell to his gf. When a man is emotionally attached to a woman, he will do everything and anything to be with her no matter what. If he is that into you, he would definetely stop at least the physical contact with his gf, and would never give you a chance to doubt his intentions in how he feels for you
                            This is a man who has been with his gf for 5 years, and seems like he has no plans what so ever to leave her soon. He has been cheating on you each time he sleeps with his gf, and he has no right to bash on you when you told him about sleeping with your ex.
                            I m so sorry to break it to you, he is not going to commit to you ever. He is looking for someone who is friends with benefits. No matter what he tells about his girl friend to you, he has no plans in leaving her. The best advice I can give you is to call it quits and move on with a man who is ready to commit to you completely, not anything less than that.


                              Thank you Kyara (*looking for a "like" button)... really sucks to hear it. But you're right. I already know he won't leave her. I'm a secret. Everyone here knows about him, and I've been defending him. I have no doubts about wanting to be with him. I'd do anything right now to make arrangements if he were single. Since day one, the decision has really been up to him, and he won't make one.

