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A Standing Ovation to Those Of You Dating Single Parents

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    A Standing Ovation to Those Of You Dating Single Parents

    I don't know how this is going to sound, but I would just like to have a standing ovation for anyone who is dating a single parent. That goes for women who are dating men who are fathers and men who are dating mothers and mothers who are dating mothers and fathers who are dating fathers. Seriously.

    I see so many threads about ex's and jealousy and trust issues and I can get that. I totally understand. However, for those of us who are dating someone who will have their ex's in their life for the *rest* of their life, I would like to say: It takes so much patience. It takes so much understanding and sometimes, it will take the shit out of you. It will drain you on some days. It will enlighten you on others. It will make you a weaker and stronger person, all the same.

    You know, the kids are adorable, but that's beside the point. You don't realize what you're getting into sometimes, but if you can stick it out, I think all of us (you) deserve a standing ovation. The single parents do as well, but there is just so much I can't explain that a lot of people who do not date single parents do not go through. And even more so, I'd like to make a standing ovation if you're dating LONG DISTANCE and a single parent at the same time. It's a double-whammy and it's rough sometimes. I have been depressed here lately because of some of the issues surrounding some of my current situation. For example, about a month ago, my boyfriend's mother-of-children decided to tell their kids I hated them (also being convinced that I don't like her or her boyfriend - but at this point, she's making it true that I do not like her), which I do not (This is just one issue of several). I think his kids are freaking adorable and in fact, I was depressed this weekend. I got Pez for his kids before I went up to Wisconsin and only one of his kids stayed with him this weekend. Apparently, his son was so happy about the Pez that he grabbed his hair and said "Now! I have to make something for Candi. What to do...what to do.." and it was one of the only things that cheered me up during that whole funk (which I'm still somewhat going through).

    My point is, it's rough. We deal with ex's on an almost daily basis, instead of a once in awhile basis (some of us). We deal with hearing stories about the past because it's a big part of their life. You really have to grow up with them. You have to mature just as fast. Honestly, I don't think I have the right words, but I really just wanted to say that if you're doing this, you're a strong person. I'd like to think I've been strong the past year, too.
    candi ❤ austin
    ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
    ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
    ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
    ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


    I dated a single dad for a while and I just couldn't make it work. You guys are stronger than me!


      Amen, sister. Let's share a big "holy-shit-deep-breath-maybe-some-ugly-crying-in-there-too" hug.

      If you're with the person you're supposed to be with, things like crazy exes are still a big pain in the ass if there are kids and the evil exes always around because of it, but you make it work, and you deal with it. That's not to say there aren't days where we want to sit in the bottom of the shower, crying, chewing on a face cloth because we can't understand why someone would want to treat us so horribly just for loving someone they used to be with and loving their kids too. But that's a whole other emotional bag conversation.

      Anyway, yes, high five to you too, girl. If you're still in it, still trudging on and still holding your ground, you've been strong as steel.
      Last edited by LoveJ; May 8, 2012, 04:37 PM.


        Yes, kudos! I'm not in this situation myself, but I've been the child of a dating single mom. My stepdad deserves an award for suddenly gaining three daughters when he married my mom, two of them teenagers at the time.
        ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
        ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

        ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫


          Ditto! I also dated a single dad once and I couldn't handle it. Maybe later, but who knows?!
          So, to all the guys who are dating single parents, kudos and you have my admiration to make it work!


            My SO and I each have a son from previous partners. My SO's ex lives in Europe with his son and so I have yet to have any interactions with her. As for my ex, he lives in Miami and while my SO knows him, they have had little interaction and none especially where our relationship is concerned. I am sure as our relationship mature all this will change but I pray it will change for the better.


              My SO is not quite a single father, but when he won guardianship over his brother, our relationship did change significantly. I don't have to deal with crazy exes - not sure I could handle that, either, so props to everyone who's been able to deal with it so strongly/securely! - but I can certainly say this my SO so much as becoming a legal guardian significantly changed our relationship (his brother's mid-teens, so not young, but young enough to still be dependent). It really is sometimes like dating someone with a kid and it took some time getting used to. I'll admit it probably would have been a lot harder to stay involved in the relationship had I not been involved with him for several months by the time his mother passed away and he won guardianship. I can't imagine what it would be like having to deal with exes and young children! Props to everyone!
              { Our Story on LFAD }

              Our Beginning
              Met online: February 2009
              Feelings confessed: December 2010
              Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
              Officially together since: 08 April 2011

              Our Story
              First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
              Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
              Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
              Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

              Our Happily Ever After
              to be continued...


                The SO and I are both single parents, and that alone creates some interesting challenges in a LDR. But we love each other and we make it work. There's a definite shift in your thinking because it's not all about us anymore. We have to worry about blending our boys. I've been incredibly lucky in the fact that his son loves me and I love him. I'm even luckier that my son loves my SO and that my SO loves him back. It's a good man that steps in and loves another man's child as much as his own.


                  AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!

                  I have a son and I am dealing with the aftermath of a custody battle still. Thought it was over yesterday in court but major issue wasn't resolved so I have to take him back to court. *sigh*

                  Just last week I was feeling insecure because my SO's ex-wife is telling his boys that their dad spends more time with me and my son than he does with them. To the point where even my SO said he started to believe it's true! (total BS!! we only see one another every 3 weeks if we're lucky!)

                  Almost all of our times together entail his kids being there or my son. We have alot working against us but I love that man!


                    Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
                    My SO is not quite a single father, but when he won guardianship over his brother, our relationship did change significantly. I don't have to deal with crazy exes - not sure I could handle that, either, so props to everyone who's been able to deal with it so strongly/securely! - but I can certainly say this my SO so much as becoming a legal guardian significantly changed our relationship (his brother's mid-teens, so not young, but young enough to still be dependent). It really is sometimes like dating someone with a kid and it took some time getting used to. I'll admit it probably would have been a lot harder to stay involved in the relationship had I not been involved with him for several months by the time his mother passed away and he won guardianship. I can't imagine what it would be like having to deal with exes and young children! Props to everyone!
                    Having eight siblings, only three of which are older than me (one deceased), I can definitely tell you that would change your situation quite a bit.

                    Just last week I was feeling insecure because my SO's ex-wife is telling his boys that their dad spends more time with me and my son than he does with them. To the point where even my SO said he started to believe it's true! (total BS!! we only see one another every 3 weeks if we're lucky!)
                    This reminds me of my SO's ex. We've been having problems recently and she said that ever since he's been with me, he's grown distant towards her and the kids which is total bullshit. He sees them every weekend and when he doesn't, it's usually her choice, not his. His mom and I both told him not to sign away his rights when him and his ex got into a fight. When he was in Texas, her grandpa died and I told him not to ignore her texts or phone calls. He basically took one of her kids in that wasn't his biologically, but she's been pushing that child away from him since she got back with the father, not the other way around. And there's a LOT that proves he's not being distant towards her or the kids that just gets my blood boiling. He cares about those kids more than life itself and the words "I can't prove to her that she's right about me being distant with her" came out of his mouth when I was up there which angered me and hurt me all the same.
                    Last edited by CandiCandi; May 9, 2012, 01:01 PM.
                    candi ❤ austin
                    ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
                    ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
                    ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
                    ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


                      Coming from a girl who was raised by a single parent for a while before she remarried? Yes. Standing ovation indeed. My mother reminds me all the time how lucky we are to have my dad.


                        I agree!
                        Not to get clever
                        but with you I see forever
                        But whatever it is,
                        Here's to you,
                        I Love You Kid...


                          I completely agree too, that must be quite difficult..

