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Travelling when sick?

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    Travelling when sick?

    So I am leaving to the Uk in 5 days, I maybe should post this in the travel section, but its not really about the travel that im worried about right now. I been sick for about a week now. And i been hoping it would pass but it just seems to be getting worse. The cough is a bit worse, and it wakes me up at night and wont be graphic but cough up unwanted color.... Now im going in 5 days, and me getting worse I think theres a good chance now that i'll still be sick. Im going there for 5 months but the first impression i think is what sticks. I don't want mine to be getting everyone sick. What would you do in this situation? Is it rude to come sick? I do not want to post pone because it costs and I don't want to spend the extra hundred. Is there any quick fixes you heard of, besides rest and fluids?
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3

    It's not rude to come sick. It's not like you planned to get sick
    I suggest you taking medicine and continue when you are in UK. It's raining at the moment so bring your rain jacket and a scarf with you.
    While you are still at your place, drink tea with lemon, ginger and honey. Try to rest and take your medicine!

    When you mention about cough up unwanted color. Did you go check at the doctor? Could be a flu, so get the medicine you need! When you cough at night, keep tea with lemon, ginger and lemon next to you so you can drink and calm your throat.

    I hope it helps because it helped me.
    Recover well soon!


      First off I'd suggest a trip to the doctor to find out if it's anything serious. If it isn't, then he can tell you what you need to do to start getting well. If you're leaving for 5 months, it seems pretty imperative to find out what's wrong before you go, just to rule anything out as you won't want to have to worry about dealing with anything there where you may not have health insurance.

      Until you know what you have, worrying about "what if I get everyone sick" should be second to making sure you're ok yourself.


        You need to see a doctor, not just for impressions sake, but because airplanes are small, and your seatmates deserve the courtesy of you at least trying not to spread it around. I know that sucks and the last thing you've got time for is the doctor, but if you were that sick and sitting next to me on the plane, I'd be seriously complaining to the crew, and I'm not even a germaphobe. I don't remember reading anywhere that you went already, so please try and get there. If it's getting worse after a week, you may have an infection and need antibiotics. Remember that you're a tourist in the UK and I'm assuming you'll have no health coverage, so get it done while you're here and it's easy. Good luck, I hope you feel better, I know how important this trip is to you and how excited you are!
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Aw I don't have anything better to say than what the others have already said (and I agree with them, I think they pretty much said it all), but I hope you get better soon so all this worrying was for nothing.


            If you can't see your doctor before you leave, make a quick run (I say quick, but it will likely be a while) to your nearest clinic or even ER. You need to make sure you're not carrying something contagious. I'm lucky enough to be a military brat so this isn't usually a problem for me, but I hope it won't be for you either.
            It sounds like a bad cold that will likely start getting better soon, but just to be safe. It isn't rude to come sick, just let him know about it. He can have some meds on hand for you. Also, flying while stopped up like you seem to be is dangerous (another reason to see the doctor). You will likely need a strong decongestant and gum. Do NOT fall asleep before popping your ears (you will wake up feeling like you're in a pressure cooker). If you're worried about getting others sick (I think you won't be contagious by then, if you are now), but if you're worried then get some medical masks to wear and warn your neighbor.
            No quick remedies, I'm afraid. Sounds like a virus. I would let your body fight it with rest and fluids until you're about to leave then load up on drugs for the flight. I get sick a lot, and that would be my plan, but no one can no what's best for you besides you and your doctor.
            You're going for five months. Go to the doctor, get through the flight, feel better and enjoy the rest of your time together. Unless you have TB or something else that can be dangerous (like severe pneumonia), then I wouldn't reschedule your visit. I hope you feel better soon!


              I was thinking also to get some medical masks so you don't spread it around on the flight. I would also try eating lots of fruits or taking some vitamin C tablets. Also water to keep you hydrated. Sleep is good. Not much more except to go to the doctor if it gets worse. Cough medicines and over the counter things probably won't work. Paracetamol and things like that just mask the problem, they don't help get rid of it.


                I posted on your blog, but since this is a time sensitive issue, I'll post it here too:

                Would you be able to get to a pharmacy or health food store and get some vitamins? Get Vitamin C, Vitam D 500 (I believe it's 500), and Zinc. The Vitamin C I would take three times, the Vitamin D I believe you take two times (I would have to double check this, but I'm pretty sure it was two or three for when you're sick, even though the bottle will say one), and the Zinc you take once. I saw a doctor who prescribed me a prescription-strength cough medicine but also recommended I take the above vitamins daily. My illness cleared up pretty quickly once I started taking the vitamins.
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...


                  Thank you everyone, been trying lemon, and medicine, been strict taking it every 5 hours. I have no health insurance, and really can't afford right now to go. So its all medicine and Gods grace that I get better in time. I have had this in the past a few years ago, usually is never more then 2 weeks. But it hit at a bad time. 3 days till I go blegh. But Thank you, going shopping tonight, so can look for vitamin C and D. May have to get a face mask....
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3

