Many of you are aware of the fact that my partner and I are planning on temporarily closing the distance in 2013. I am hoping that my working holiday visa will be approved for the full year and we will be deciding where to go from there. However, there are some facts about our situation:
I have been feeling very discouraged about this, especially about the gap between seeing one another in the summer and seeing each other next. Maybe it's because nothing has been planned or thought that far ahead about. Maybe it's because I'm not even sure where he stands on receiving the life insurance money, as he'd planned on setting a grand from that aside for travel, as I will be saving for the working holiday and will not be able to help out with air fare as I did this last time. Maybe it's because the months in between his last visit and now have been so hard. While we went from September to March in the past, with everything that happened in his life and in our relationship, everything went by so quickly... :/ Now that there is at least a routine and at least some stability, time is moving a lot more slowly - and this is only a little under four months, let alone six or more!
We're both dedicated and committed to making it work, and I'm aware that that's the most basic necessity in a long-distance relationship, but I'm also aware that we may not work out, not for lack of love but for the sake of the fact we're both so young and don't even live in the same country. Though I don't want to plan beyond my working holiday, sometimes I wonder, what happens next?
On the one hand, say he came here, to America, he could pursue higher education here, but then on the other, our educational system, and finances within it, is not as kind, even if he did his GEs at a junior college and then transferred to a UC and even if he received financial aid; in Ireland, because he's under a certain cap, his tuition would be free, and as someone who was never willing to sacrifice her free undergrad education, I would never want him to do the same. And yet, that would mean extending the distance for another 4+ years? I want to believe I can handle it, but what if I'm not strong enough to? It's not like I can get my degree and move to him, either, not until I've built a reputation that surpasses my American degree. While I ultimately intend to go international with my endeavors, a psychology degree is not transferrable immediately and may not be ever. I do have experience in education, but I'm not sure that would fly in a different country either.
Then there's the fact that he can sometimes get so critical! And it's hard for me not to get riled up and defensive sometimes, not because I feel any deep affiliation with my country but because I don't want him to be miserable here. That being said, I imagine some of it might boil down to his grief and depression. And I'm sure some of it is his personal opinion and I don't mind that! For example, he doesn't like the two party system. I can't say I do either, but neither of us are gravely involved in politics and this is something the both of us could easily disregard. But then, take for example what he said about our educational system. I mentioned how one of my student's papers would go down a letter grade per day if it was turned in late. He decided that was stupid, to which I responded that while I can't say I think it's the best system, I also feel like it's fair, when the students are aware that they have this project due at the end of the semester and are given reminders as the due date gets closer. He proceeded to say that that was also stupid yet could not tell me why. He could not give me any logical reason for it other than that he "doesn't like the idea of being told about an end-of-the-semester project at the beginning of the semester." I mean, perhaps I shouldn't take it to heart, because he's been a lot more critical of everything since his mother died, and it hasn't even been a year - he's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows - but sometimes I worry that I'm forcing him to move here and he's going to miserable because of me. He says this isn't the case, that he's always had it in mind he would be the one moving, and we're both aware that the nature of my degree will keep me here before we can even go back and forth between countries, but still...
I'm not sure why I'm feeling so discouraged. We don't even have to decide any of this until 2014 nearer the end of my working holiday! That's what we should both be focusing on, or at least me, not the gaps between seeing one another and certainly not what happens after when it comes to closing the distance, but sometimes I feel like it's hopeless. I don't like feeling that way - as someone who's ambitious, committed, and determined, it feels like I'm breaking and being consumed by my weaknesses - but I do currently. I'm not sure if it's PMS or if it's the fact he's been so moody lately. I feel selfish and horrible for it but his depression has been hard to deal with lately. There are days I regret having school because school means I can't stay up late to talk to him when his mood is "fresh" but rather I talk to him when I wake up and usually by that point depression and other emotions have already settled in... I would never dream of not being there for him and I'm not ignorant to grief. It's simply draining sometimes. Maybe it makes me a horrible person, but sometimes it's hard to deal with it when I'm excited or in a good mood and he can't participate in it. He tries, and I love and appreciate him so much for trying, but I often end up pulling back and withdrawing because I feel like I'm rubbing his nose in my happiness. I guess it's difficult, is all, sometimes. I'm hesitant to post this because I don't want to hear that I should leave (it won't happen even if I "should") and I don't want to hear about how selfish I am because I'm empathetic to the point depression can sometimes suck my own happiness out of me. He simply hasn't been able to get excited about anything lately - perhaps because he's slipped into more the fuller stage of depression - and while I'm willing to put up with it, sometimes it's hard. That may be why I'm so antsy about the distance, too. When I feel his depression full force like this, I start feeling like everything's falling apart, and planning for the future is usually how I heal my anxieties.
I have considered seeing a counsellor, but I have lost complete faith in my idiot doctors and my medication-pushing psychiatrist. I have had a hard time reconnecting with my therapist ever since she explicitly admitted to not understanding my partner's grief directly after his mother passed away. It was the first time I was ever slapped in the face with the reality that she, too, is a real person and as a result, she has her limits. I have tried rebuilding that relationship with her, but quite frankly, there is nothing in my life that needs "fixing" currently other than what my partner's grief brings up or makes me feel. While I do believe that it's important that the grieving partner remains the focus, I suppose it's easy for me to forget that I'm effected by it too, especially since this brings up a lot of repressed emotion and memory that I really don't want to deal with. However, I feel completely alone in this situation and am not sure who to talk to about it. I feel like I need a support group for those with grieving partners. xD And I hate admitting that, because people tell me that I'm strong, patient, loving, self-sacrificing to have made it so far with my partner already, but his crisis has been hard for me too.
I'm not even sure where I'm going with this. I'm simply having a lot of confused thoughts about my relationship, triggered by his depression which is triggering my anxiety and stressing me out about the stability of our relationship (note: this is only on my end, not at all on his... I'm not sure he's entirely aware of his behaviour lately), and I guess I feel isolated. I feel stupid for worrying about what happens after the working holiday, because it's so far in advance, yet I don't want to deny that some things need to be thought of. I feel alone in this whole mess of a grief situation because people either think I should leave, as in I should not subject myself to the occasional misery, or they think I'm this strong, resilient, loving partner, and I guess I feel like I'm as weak and selfish as we all can be sometimes.
I don't know what I'm looking for. Maybe someone to understand? Maybe some suggestions? Maybe someone who's been here, or through some crisis with their partner, before and can give me some words of encouragement? Something. I imagine this will all go away when I start my period - it usually does - but no one else is online to talk out my ridiculous emotions, so LFAD gets the brunt of it this time.
- There will at some point be a six plus month gap between seeing one another. We plan to see one another between when I leave in the summer and my working holiday. I will either visit during Christmas or he would visit here during his spring break. Either way, there will be six plus months between seeing one another at some point within the next year.
- I have to return to America for grad school and I am still undecided as to whether I will be pursuing a 2-year MA degree or a 5+-year PsyD degree (there are a lot of pros and cons to be considered). However, studying abroad is not an option, as I would have to complete a 1-2 year conversion course prior to getting my advanced degree, and the degree would not be valid in the States, which is where we've ultimately agreed we will at least spend much of our time.
- He may be pursuing higher education, and while I fully stand behind this decision, that puts us at potentially being long-distance for an additional four years past the working holiday, at the very least...
I have been feeling very discouraged about this, especially about the gap between seeing one another in the summer and seeing each other next. Maybe it's because nothing has been planned or thought that far ahead about. Maybe it's because I'm not even sure where he stands on receiving the life insurance money, as he'd planned on setting a grand from that aside for travel, as I will be saving for the working holiday and will not be able to help out with air fare as I did this last time. Maybe it's because the months in between his last visit and now have been so hard. While we went from September to March in the past, with everything that happened in his life and in our relationship, everything went by so quickly... :/ Now that there is at least a routine and at least some stability, time is moving a lot more slowly - and this is only a little under four months, let alone six or more!
We're both dedicated and committed to making it work, and I'm aware that that's the most basic necessity in a long-distance relationship, but I'm also aware that we may not work out, not for lack of love but for the sake of the fact we're both so young and don't even live in the same country. Though I don't want to plan beyond my working holiday, sometimes I wonder, what happens next?
On the one hand, say he came here, to America, he could pursue higher education here, but then on the other, our educational system, and finances within it, is not as kind, even if he did his GEs at a junior college and then transferred to a UC and even if he received financial aid; in Ireland, because he's under a certain cap, his tuition would be free, and as someone who was never willing to sacrifice her free undergrad education, I would never want him to do the same. And yet, that would mean extending the distance for another 4+ years? I want to believe I can handle it, but what if I'm not strong enough to? It's not like I can get my degree and move to him, either, not until I've built a reputation that surpasses my American degree. While I ultimately intend to go international with my endeavors, a psychology degree is not transferrable immediately and may not be ever. I do have experience in education, but I'm not sure that would fly in a different country either.
Then there's the fact that he can sometimes get so critical! And it's hard for me not to get riled up and defensive sometimes, not because I feel any deep affiliation with my country but because I don't want him to be miserable here. That being said, I imagine some of it might boil down to his grief and depression. And I'm sure some of it is his personal opinion and I don't mind that! For example, he doesn't like the two party system. I can't say I do either, but neither of us are gravely involved in politics and this is something the both of us could easily disregard. But then, take for example what he said about our educational system. I mentioned how one of my student's papers would go down a letter grade per day if it was turned in late. He decided that was stupid, to which I responded that while I can't say I think it's the best system, I also feel like it's fair, when the students are aware that they have this project due at the end of the semester and are given reminders as the due date gets closer. He proceeded to say that that was also stupid yet could not tell me why. He could not give me any logical reason for it other than that he "doesn't like the idea of being told about an end-of-the-semester project at the beginning of the semester." I mean, perhaps I shouldn't take it to heart, because he's been a lot more critical of everything since his mother died, and it hasn't even been a year - he's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows - but sometimes I worry that I'm forcing him to move here and he's going to miserable because of me. He says this isn't the case, that he's always had it in mind he would be the one moving, and we're both aware that the nature of my degree will keep me here before we can even go back and forth between countries, but still...
I'm not sure why I'm feeling so discouraged. We don't even have to decide any of this until 2014 nearer the end of my working holiday! That's what we should both be focusing on, or at least me, not the gaps between seeing one another and certainly not what happens after when it comes to closing the distance, but sometimes I feel like it's hopeless. I don't like feeling that way - as someone who's ambitious, committed, and determined, it feels like I'm breaking and being consumed by my weaknesses - but I do currently. I'm not sure if it's PMS or if it's the fact he's been so moody lately. I feel selfish and horrible for it but his depression has been hard to deal with lately. There are days I regret having school because school means I can't stay up late to talk to him when his mood is "fresh" but rather I talk to him when I wake up and usually by that point depression and other emotions have already settled in... I would never dream of not being there for him and I'm not ignorant to grief. It's simply draining sometimes. Maybe it makes me a horrible person, but sometimes it's hard to deal with it when I'm excited or in a good mood and he can't participate in it. He tries, and I love and appreciate him so much for trying, but I often end up pulling back and withdrawing because I feel like I'm rubbing his nose in my happiness. I guess it's difficult, is all, sometimes. I'm hesitant to post this because I don't want to hear that I should leave (it won't happen even if I "should") and I don't want to hear about how selfish I am because I'm empathetic to the point depression can sometimes suck my own happiness out of me. He simply hasn't been able to get excited about anything lately - perhaps because he's slipped into more the fuller stage of depression - and while I'm willing to put up with it, sometimes it's hard. That may be why I'm so antsy about the distance, too. When I feel his depression full force like this, I start feeling like everything's falling apart, and planning for the future is usually how I heal my anxieties.
I have considered seeing a counsellor, but I have lost complete faith in my idiot doctors and my medication-pushing psychiatrist. I have had a hard time reconnecting with my therapist ever since she explicitly admitted to not understanding my partner's grief directly after his mother passed away. It was the first time I was ever slapped in the face with the reality that she, too, is a real person and as a result, she has her limits. I have tried rebuilding that relationship with her, but quite frankly, there is nothing in my life that needs "fixing" currently other than what my partner's grief brings up or makes me feel. While I do believe that it's important that the grieving partner remains the focus, I suppose it's easy for me to forget that I'm effected by it too, especially since this brings up a lot of repressed emotion and memory that I really don't want to deal with. However, I feel completely alone in this situation and am not sure who to talk to about it. I feel like I need a support group for those with grieving partners. xD And I hate admitting that, because people tell me that I'm strong, patient, loving, self-sacrificing to have made it so far with my partner already, but his crisis has been hard for me too.
I'm not even sure where I'm going with this. I'm simply having a lot of confused thoughts about my relationship, triggered by his depression which is triggering my anxiety and stressing me out about the stability of our relationship (note: this is only on my end, not at all on his... I'm not sure he's entirely aware of his behaviour lately), and I guess I feel isolated. I feel stupid for worrying about what happens after the working holiday, because it's so far in advance, yet I don't want to deny that some things need to be thought of. I feel alone in this whole mess of a grief situation because people either think I should leave, as in I should not subject myself to the occasional misery, or they think I'm this strong, resilient, loving partner, and I guess I feel like I'm as weak and selfish as we all can be sometimes.
