So my partner and i have been together for bout a year and we spend about 4 months out of that together the rest we were away seein each other once every three months we had stablished that in two years we'd be back together (in the same city) and recently he said itd have to be more because he wants to study there and not here with me like we had stablished which i was ok with ive been there for him everyday if he ever felt sad bad down depressed or discouraged i was always there willing to help, since i moved away with my parents to a country were i know no one its been extremely hard for me i have no friends nor family other than my mom and her bf and school wont start for a while so sometimes i need to talk to someone and i call my old friends and theyre helpful but when i try to talk to my bf about it he says hes busy or yeah am about to go to bed or stuff like that today we had a date well we had planned one the past three days ive been feeling rather sad almost depressed and he knows that so today i got all dressed up and did my make up for our skype date and he got home late from the time he gets out of school he said hey i wanna go rent a movie and buy shoes ill be back in an hour bye i said fine just call me tomorrow ( i am at the verge of tearing after feeling like shit for the last three days i actually got op and out of my way to have this nice date we planned so i was so upset) he said didnt we have a date oh forget it w.e bye he left just to text me 3 hours later sayin oh i just bumped into friends we're gonna eat and hang out and am sitting here and i dont know what to do am i getting upset over anything ? help?