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An update... trying to stay positive, but failing.

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    An update... trying to stay positive, but failing.

    Before I left to visit my SO 10 days ago, I made a post about how I was really nervous since we hadn't seen each other since April and had been going through a rough patch lately. The nerves eventually started to die down on the way down there and the excitement started to creep in because I couldn't wait to see him and actually get to spend a lot of time with him, thinking that maybe things would be back to normal since our talks had started feeling a bit better. But I was very, very wrong.

    I knew something was up the very first night, when I went into his room to put my things away and noticed that two presents I got for him were no longer on top of his TV and the nighties he kept hanging on his closet door weren't there. I thought it was odd, but didn't ask and just thought he had moved them because of cleaning or whatever. Throughout the week, I kept noticing that I was constantly having to initiate things, and it seemed like he was majorly keeping his guard up. I kept putting it out of my mind and chalking it up to me being anxious and overanalyzing and he wasn't pushing me away when I kissed him or held his hand, etc., but it started to make me feel a little insecure. Moments kept coming up where things were like they used to be, where we would joke and tease each other, but the majority of the visit seemed to be strained. It all came to a head on Tuesday morning, the day I was supposed to leave. He looked so, so sad and I knew it was coming. He said it wasn't working and the rest is a blur because I instantly turned into an emotional wreck, leaving the room at one point so I could just cry and get everything out without him seeing. When I came back, I told him that I loved him, I wanted to be with him, and that I wasn't ready to give up on us yet. He looked at me and asked, "Who said I was giving up?" We spent about three hours talking about various things in our relationship, then rehashed everything the next day before I left. Right now, we are still together (he told me he didn't know which way our conversation was going to go), and he was very sweet to me after the long talk and the day I left, very affectionate and telling me he loved me, that he wanted to be with me, but things had to change.

    Basically, he's convinced I don't want to move down there. There have been multiple instances in our relationship that have led to him feeling this way- in December, when we had a potential timeline of me moving, I took a job up here without consulting him because I thought it would help put me in a better place financially to move. He's told me that hurt him more than it would have if I cheated on him, which I completely understand and I've apologized, learned from that massive mistake, and we have moved on. It took him up until very recently for him to forgive me and move on from it. In March, I visited for a week and, prior to me leaving, I told him all of these things that I was going to do while he was at work, such as check out gyms, look at apartment complexes for jobs, etc. I ended up not doing the majority of it because I was simply burnt out, which has been the primary reason for him feeling the way that he does. I've been looking for jobs up here, researching a lot as far as gyms and other places go, and going through my things to prepare myself, to get ready, but he doesn't see anything that I'm doing because I don't do all those things while I'm down there. I completely understand why he feels that way and I told him that I am ready, even though it is a little scary, and know that's why he's been distant. It was made clear that things won't change with us unless he sees that effort from me.

    He also stated that part of the reason it is so hard for him to deal with the distance is that his last long distance relationship, which was on and off for four years, was an open relationship. They had an understanding that they could both sleep with other people as long as they told each other beforehand. It was a lot for me to wrap my head around due to my being so emotional already, and I don't think any less of him for it, but thinking about it bothers me for some reason. I was pretty sheltered growing up, believing that sex was something that had to wait until marriage because of my religious upbringing/beliefs, which eventually changed as I matured and got more world experience. He was my first and we weren't in a relationship when we slept together... I wanted to have control over my first time and wanted it to be with someone who would respect me/I felt comfortable with. I know sex doesn't equal love and don't frown upon open relationships in any way, but I guess I'm just worried that I'm not enough for him. He said that, yes, there are sometimes he misses that lifestyle and he doesn't expect our relationship to be that way if I didn't want it to be, but in my mind, I feel like I have to compete with all these girls now.

    We also mutually decided to talk less. Our conversations have become boring and routine when we talk every day, but they're good when we don't talk for a few days, and he thinks that it might help things. I told him I was worried that communication might stop completely if we talked less and he said it wouldn't. I asked if we should set rules for it, but he didn't feel the need. We agreed that we would talk less, check in with each other over text, but again, I find myself worrying. We texted for awhile on Tuesday night and Wednesday, but that's the last I've heard. My friend told me that I just need to trust him, but I guess with things being the way they are, I can't help worrying. It's just so hard to be where we are now after where we started.

    This is super long and I'm so sorry for that... I'm just freaking a bit because I really do love him and don't want to lose him.

    It sounds like you've done all the right things, obviously just saying try to stay positive isn't working, so I guess the only advice I can offer is implement the changes you've talked about (on the positive your communication still seems strong) and keep being hopeful! Best of luck.


      Its very late, and I'm very tired, but at least a little bit of advise here. Me and my boyfriend have agreed on talking less as well, just because we indeed have more fun and longer conversations then. At first it went just as it is going for you now. You speak, and then just wait till the other one calls again. For me (and him) it worked very well to just plan our dates. Just set a day and time when you are going to have contact again. (Of course we send text messages out of the blue etc, but at least the skype part is planned.)

      Hope it helps! And keep conversation going, espesially since he seems a little worried about your commitment in moving (? correct me if i'm not right here!)


        I just can't get on board with the talking less idea although it seems a few people around here find it works for them. Sure, sometimes the convos lag when you've run out of things to say. But Im ok with sitting in silence, just knowing he's there. If you were closed distance would you ever tell your SO to stop talking to you?? It all just sounds so hurtful.

        Sorry that was kind of a tangent but I just don't see how that helps anything.

        Met online: 1/30/11
        Met in person: 5/30/12
        Second visit: 9/12/12
        Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


          I think you should give it time. I sounds like you've done all you could and that he needs a bit of space so at the moment there is nothing much you can do but have faith.
          With regard to you moving to him, maybe it would help him to see what you look into when you're not with him? You could send him a link here and there and ask his opinion about it. That way he feels involved. Because in some way I can understand his insecurity.
          The only thing I would suggest is setting dates for when you talk? That way you won't have that feeling of not knowing when you'll next talk and it'll give you something to look forward to
          I really hope it works out for you.


            Thanks everyone for the advice, I really appreciate it. It's just so hard to be here knowing where we started out because I made a mistake (one I didn't even realize I was making), but every relationship has their hardships I guess. A week ago today was when we had our near breakup and I came home and we have not communicated by phone yet. It's a major adjustment when he used to call on his way home from work, which was most nights a week, and it hasn't been easy to adapt. He has responded to my texts when I've checked in with him, which have mostly centered on updates about my grandma (she's been in the hospital since I've been back) and my asking/telling him things about jobs I've applied for. I've tried to keep things short because, as Kiyama mentioned in her reply, I think he might need some space and I'm trying to do that. But I hope we talk soon... I was fine with agreeing to talk less, but this isn't what I was expecting.


              I think it was rude of him to not talk about it with you when you first got there (or even before your trip to decide if it was a good time for a visit or not), it could have been a lot more stress free for the both of you. I also don't agree with talking less at all, I think you need to talk MORE about your issues in your relationship. Long distance is hard enough because you can't see them. When you take talking away, in my opinion, just makes it so much worse.

              I get that he may need some space but a week is enough! It might be better to call and get some answers instead of sitting and wondering whats going on. Good luck. <3
              Last edited by Black_Halloween; August 21, 2012, 07:05 PM.
              Made it official: 12-01-10
              First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
              Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                I wish I had better advice or that maybe I'd been in the same situation so I could be a little better at giving you a definite answer. One thing I can say is that you know you love him and while you can still see that he is still interested in the relationship and willing to work on it, FIGHT FOR IT. If you try your best and work with him, I really do hope it'll work out for the best. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

                Met: June 2019
                Dating: December 2019
                First Meeting: April 2020 (Coming soon!)

                "Simple as can be."
                - Florida Georgia Line -


                  I wish we would've talked about it beforehand too. We talked about our issues at the end of May/early June over the phone, but I thought things had been slowly getting better, especially since he had requested the entire time of my visit off and was so worried about not getting it, then wanted to spend time with my dad and his girlfriend while they were down on vacation. It was a major slap in the face to get there and have things be so strained. I get that he wants to discuss important things in person and understand where he's coming from in that respect, but told him that I would appreciate us discussing such important things when they happen so we can start dealing with them. But hopefully now that we've had a massive talk in person where we were completely open with each other and able to really clarify things, it will help. I did bite the bullet and call him on my way home from work and he didn't answer, but sent me a text that said he was on the phone and would call me right back. He did and the conversation wasn't terribly long, about 20 minutes, but it was good. He asked me if I still planned on coming down in October, told me he had bought an extra ticket for the Homecoming football game at his college, and told me when he was able to take off work so I could match my schedule to his. I updated him about job things and asked him some questions about that. When I felt the convo lagging/like I was running out of stuff to say, I told him that I would let him go and talk to him later. I love yous were exchanged and that was that. It feels like a step in the right direction.

                  Again, thank you everyone for your advice and support! It really means a lot to me.

