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Succesful first meeting

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    Succesful first meeting

    Hey everybody!

    Just wanted to vent a bit here. I just came back from Greece where I met the girl of my dreams for the first time. After waiting and counting down the days (like 400 and a bit) I finally jumped on a plain and spent 6,5 weeks with her... It was the best summer of my entire life en the click we had was even better then online.

    I left early in the morning last friday and I have to say... that was such a hard moment. I was able to block it for like a week when we were still together there but that last morning together... :-( No fun at all. Now, being home again and getting back to work tomorrow, all I can think of is her. We slept the last two nights with cameras open on skype and it is so nice, but still nothing can replace holding her! However... I feel lucky that I am a high school teacher and able to have loads of holiday time to spent there. 54 days left until autumn break here so... The count down starts again, and the nice thing is that with the layout of breaks and holidays in my country, it will never be more then 60 days :-)

    I have a feeling that within a couple of years I will be posting in the "closing the distance" forum on here. Sigh... 54 days :-)

    Woah that is nice to hear. Good that everything went well. I wish you the best in the future visits and relationship


      It's nice to read. I get to see my SO for the third time next month. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also a hop, skip and a jump away from booking my Christmas holidays to go see him too. Only a week over Christmas but better than nothing right?


        Aw I'm so happy for you I know what you mean by nothing beat better than holding your SO. Hang in there!


          That's great to hear! It's such a good feeling when that first meeting goes well



            Great to hear that everything went well! Saying goodbye is always hard, but at least you have a next visit to hold on to. Wish you all the best


              wish you guys the best
              ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                Happy to hear the first meeting went well! I definitely know how you feel when it comes to leaving your SO... I was hit really hard with the emotions of that event in my first meeting as well, and it's not easy. Keep yourself busy though, and keep looking forward to the next time you'll see her!
                First met online: October 15th, 2011
                First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

                Next meeting: September 21st, 2012


                  I'm so happy for you. I hope everything works out! (:

                  "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3

