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Do you ever think that movies give LDRs a bad name?

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    I totally forgot about Catfish! Mainly because that movie totally freaked me out. I'm so glad I had met my SO before I watched that movie otherwise I woulda totally lost all my nerve. xD

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      Originally posted by Brieasaurus View Post
      Megan Is Missing (I watched this on a dare- still horrified)
      Umm just googled that and it looks absolutely terrifying.


        I agree, but I think part of it is caused by people in LDR's who live in a fantasy world. How many times on here have I seen a thread about a girl who met a guy in a chat room/online game/forum and has been 'dating' him for over a year, swear they are super in love and have never skyped/called or even done anything but IM or e-mail with them? I know there are plenty of us on here that are not like that, but I think that naive minority that makes us all look like a bunch of ignorant idiots.

        Even the guy in Catfish, he let himself be duped out of, I think, his own desire for this woman to be real. Its a common story.

        Plus we also live in a time of instant gratification. We as a society are very unused to having to wait for anything, so to most people who haven't been in a LDR the idea of waiting months between visits seems insane. Until you fall in love with someone who is geographically challenged you cannot understand why and how LDR's work. However, its no excuse for why movie makers seem to have ignored the very real fact that LDR's can and do work.

        On a related note, give props to Cosmopolitan magazine. They just ran an article called "Tips from people in Extreme Long Distance Relationships that can help YOU!", and it basically had quotes from people in international (apparently that is extreme) LDR's with hints on how they kept their relationship alive, and how you could apply them to CDR's. It painted LDR's in a very positive "If you are strong enough" light that I appreciated


          Lol i think i just saw the most ridiculous trailer now please youtube "The boy she met online"


            Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
            See the only meeting online movie that worked out in the end I've seen was You've Got Mail and it wasn't even about an LDR although they met online they were living in the same city. but it was a cute movie.

            We seriously need to come out with a movie of our own!
            I think I've seen You've Got Mail about a million times. My mom always has it on! Haha.

            We should make a documentary type movie and call it Loving From a Distance and show all our stories. Let's show people that LDRS can work!


              I know exactly what you mean. I'm only seventeen, and met my boyfriend at sixteen. He was 20 at the time and, even know that age difference doesn't seem like a big deal in person - I was afraid that it would be a big deal to people when they found out we met online. I was very nervous to tell my mom after Aaron and I started getting really serious. However, after I told my mom and my grandparents, I was shocked to know that none of them cared. The only person really who seemed a bit leery of the situation was my grandfather. He expected Aaron to be "not as nice in person" as I thought he was online. Once Aaron and I finally met in person and my whole family got to know him, my grandfather in turn realized that just because you meet someone online doesn't mean they have something to hide. But if it weren't for all of these movies and highlighted situations that make it seem like online LDR are a bad thing, I wouldn't have had all that anxiety in trying to bring Aaron to the states, and we wouldn't have had to a create an entire back story of how we met before we eased people into the truth that we met online.
              Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.


                I might have to watch some of these movies even if they are not really in a good context. What is the show that MTV is coming out with? I seen Trust and Megan is missing, trust was really good..and Megan is Missing was...horrifying.

                It is really depressing that there are no movies/shows telling how it does work. I have been searching youtube for people who made videos about their LDRs and first meeting videos and they are all so freaking cute. That's about as close as we can get to a good ending to a LDR.


                  Originally posted by Pixel View Post
                  We should make a documentary type movie and call it Loving From a Distance and show all our stories. Let's show people that LDRS can work!
                  I like this idea!
                  Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                  Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                  Engaged: 09/26/2020


                    I agree, I'm embarrassed to say I was one of those skeptics before I met my boyfriend online. But this experience has obviously done a 180 on my opinion! :P
                    Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.


                      Originally posted by Sabbi696 View Post
                      I might have to watch some of these movies even if they are not really in a good context. What is the show that MTV is coming out with? I seen Trust and Megan is missing, trust was really good..and Megan is Missing was...horrifying.

                      It is really depressing that there are no movies/shows telling how it does work. I have been searching youtube for people who made videos about their LDRs and first meeting videos and they are all so freaking cute. That's about as close as we can get to a good ending to a LDR.
                      I just watched Megan is Missing and oh my god I was freaked out for hours until I googled it and realized that those pictures and the last 20 minutes of the movie wasn't actual footage, it was all based off of multiple cases of missing children but all the "evidence" was faked. I felt so much better! Thinking all that stuff was the real deal was terrifying. >.>

                      Met: 8.17.09
                      Started Dating: 8.20.09
                      First Met: 10.2.10
                      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

