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How long can you endure without meeting your SO?

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    The longest I've gone without seeing my SO is 7 months. It was incredibly hard unfortunately. You really just have to take it one day at a time and try to keep as much contact as possible, focus on how great the next visit is going to be. There has been times when I've found it too hard to deal but all those feelings disappear the second we have a date set to see each other again. My ideal time would be every 3 months at least but flying across the country isn't cheep.
    Like everyone has said, just keep busy and do things with/for each other and that will help the time pass quickly.


      Thanks everyone, it's really a relief to read that it's been done already. I know people "in real life" who have been in long distance relationships, but have been a tad mor fortunate than us and could see each other every month or even every two weeks. So everyone around me was saying that 6 months was too much and I was starting to get worried. (kind of hard not to, when mother pesters about my relationship daily because of the distance)

      Reading your replies, and specially those who have spent 2 years or so without seeing each other, was really helpful! I'm really glad to read about people who believe in this. I think I should start to understand that most people in real life are no good support for this.

      I made numbers on how ling I've ever been going between visits and I realized it was, in both cases, 5 months... in one of those, it was a little more even. So I don't know why had been getting worried about six months! I think I had to get my mind clear yesterday.

      Thanks everyone!


        Just remember each person is different. Just because some can endure longer than you isnt a bad thing, Just hang in there. Don't give up on you're relationship. We are here for support that's what this whole site is about.
        " There is always hope.


          We last saw each other *as friends* 10 years ago.. and we've never seen each other in person as a couple yet.. I want to so bad though.


            6 months. I'm hoping it's going to be 4 months this time, but, if not, it's going to be either 6 months or more. God knows.

            I just want him over here! Then we'll both have met each others' families and then we're in the all-clear for engagement/wedding planning!!
            "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


              My fiance and I are going through our longest time apart right now. It's been four months already, and we have another two months to go. We usually see each other every 3-4 months so it's a little bit harder. I know I'm ready to see him again.
              "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

              "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

              Met: August 22, 2010
              Made it official: September 17, 2010
              Got engaged: January 15, 2012
              Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
              Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
              Got married: November 21, 2012
              Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
              Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                Originally posted by princessmeg1328 View Post
                My fiance and I are going through our longest time apart right now. It's been four months already, and we have another two months to go. We usually see each other every 3-4 months so it's a little bit harder. I know I'm ready to see him again.
                Yes, this sounds familiar to me... but I guess it's possible. When he moved, I did not see him for 5 months, and the next time was 5 months too, but then after that one we were lucky and they were only 2 months.

                I guess my problem is, ALWAYS, when receiving the news of having to wait :c I think my real problem is I get frustrated when plans change. I was going to see him in October and my plans were ruined because of reasons, and he was going to come in november but his school schedule changed and now he can only come in january. That must be my real problem... frustration. It happened to me before: when he moved (it was june 2011) he said he would visit me in august, and it was suspended until nearly november. But it kept on being frustrated because he would say "this time I will" and plans were ruined every time. Same happened in winter, he got a big economic problem and had to cancel his plans of coming.

                Background for anyone who wonders... I was once allowed to visit him, but now my parents have decided I'm a baby again and I can't travel on my own. It's inconsitent... but oh well. When I grow up I'll understand perhaps.


                  i get to meet my girlfriend for the first time in 12 days...she will be here a week...before returning back to washington state...then it will be like 3-4 months at least before she comes back...although it will be for good...i know it's gonna be a hard 3-4 months...just hope the time goes fast...


                    Originally posted by Aurora View Post
                    I think my real problem is I get frustrated when plans change. I was going to see him in October and my plans were ruined because of reasons, and he was going to come in november but his school schedule changed and now he can only come in january. That must be my real problem... frustration. It happened to me before: when he moved (it was june 2011) he said he would visit me in august, and it was suspended until nearly november. But it kept on being frustrated because he would say "this time I will" and plans were ruined every time. Same happened in winter, he got a big economic problem and had to cancel his plans of coming.
                    Longest we've been apart? 3 years 55 days. Sickness, Job loss, Death in the family, Job change, another Death in the family, and sick again. It happened over and over, first his life, then mine, always before a trip. It was like breaking a curse that first visit after that separation. lol.

                    Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                    And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                    Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                      Although it would be hard, I reckon I could endure a fair while. We've known each other for 6 months and admitted feelings for each other for 4 and a half of them, it wont be a little bit until we get to see each other. Im hoping over the Christmas/New Year break, but it'll depend on her holiday schedule, else maybe Easter would be better. Which would suck waiting for another 7/8 months, but would coincide with our one year anniversary... silver linings, just gotta find them


                        Like it was mentioned earlier, what makes it the hardest for me is not knowing, or plans falling through! Our longest was 14 months before out first meeting... after that was the 8 months between our 2nd and 3rd meeting... I don't want to do 8 months again! We are having big economic difficulties right now, but our relationship falls in the priorities list for me... But of course it takes a backseat to basic survival costs! I hope to see him for (or before) Christmas... but the plans a re set in stone, so I hope I won't take it too badly if it doesn't happen...
                        First met online: June, 2010
                        First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
                        Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                        Third visit together: August, 2012
                        Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                        Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
                        Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
                        Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


                          the longest was 10 months, its hard. being international was really hard.


                            After my visit next week, it'll be like 3 1/2 - 4 months or so until I will see him again. I don't like thinking about the time we'll be apart, but honestly with how well we communicate, I think that I could endure longer if I absolutely had to. The thing I am most bummed about is the fact we'll be apart for the holidays.

                            Met: June 2019
                            Dating: December 2019
                            First Meeting: April 2020 (Coming soon!)

                            "Simple as can be."
                            - Florida Georgia Line -


                              The longest we've been apart is 3 months. I feel really spoiled now after reading this thread. I don't know how you all do it, but I give you so much credit!

                              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                                Oh gosh. We've been apart since early August and I already think we've been apart too long. I'll be seeing him in December, though. I think longer than six months apart would be too long for us. Hopefully in the new year I get to see him between January-June, or he comes home in May.
                                started dating: 12/08/12
                                "i love you": 04/12/13
                                el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
                                montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
                                el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
                                montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
                                el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
                                el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
                                el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
                                san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
                                san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16

