This is not a huge question, but a small thing that is annoying me and I need advice on.
HBB is out with his friends for one of their birthdays (he is always out with them for a birthday, celebration, graduation ect...happens when you have 15 "close" friends) and I haven't spoken with him all day. I understand he is out with friends, but at this point it is 1:30 in the morning there...and no call. He said at 12:00am he would be "calling soon"....and no word from him since then. He isn't responding to my txts, and I am frustrated. I have some things I wanted to do this evening and I am putting them off waiting for his call, since if he calls and I can't talk we won't be able to talk again till tomorrow night. I really want to talk to him, but he is being so disrespectful of my time and my plans. Is it so hard to let me know a time so I can do stuff? If at 12 he had said he wouldn't be calling for at over an hour I could have gone to the gym or shopping. Instead, silence on his end while he gets drunk with his buddies and I sit here waiting. Its even more annoying since he got 4 hours of sleep last night so by the time he does call I doubt he will be alert enough to even hold a conversation.
I know it seems like HBB always does this, but the issue is....he doesn't....not unless he is with his friends. When he is with his family or home, he is considerate and sweet.....but when he goes out with his lad friends its like he turns into someone else. Am I wrong to be so upset by this disregard for my own plans? Its so unbelievably irritating to feel like your SO expects you to just wait around for them, and if you are busy when they call its a "Too bad so sorry, I am going to bed now so I can't wait till you aren't busy". Its hypocritical, I wait hours for him to not be busy but if when he calls without warning I am busy....well too freaking bad because he sure isn't waiting around for me!
I don't want to tell him he can't see his friends, but does that mean I have to just accept my normally considerate and loving BF will turn into a immature self absorbed lad whenever he does?
HBB is out with his friends for one of their birthdays (he is always out with them for a birthday, celebration, graduation ect...happens when you have 15 "close" friends) and I haven't spoken with him all day. I understand he is out with friends, but at this point it is 1:30 in the morning there...and no call. He said at 12:00am he would be "calling soon"....and no word from him since then. He isn't responding to my txts, and I am frustrated. I have some things I wanted to do this evening and I am putting them off waiting for his call, since if he calls and I can't talk we won't be able to talk again till tomorrow night. I really want to talk to him, but he is being so disrespectful of my time and my plans. Is it so hard to let me know a time so I can do stuff? If at 12 he had said he wouldn't be calling for at over an hour I could have gone to the gym or shopping. Instead, silence on his end while he gets drunk with his buddies and I sit here waiting. Its even more annoying since he got 4 hours of sleep last night so by the time he does call I doubt he will be alert enough to even hold a conversation.
I know it seems like HBB always does this, but the issue is....he doesn't....not unless he is with his friends. When he is with his family or home, he is considerate and sweet.....but when he goes out with his lad friends its like he turns into someone else. Am I wrong to be so upset by this disregard for my own plans? Its so unbelievably irritating to feel like your SO expects you to just wait around for them, and if you are busy when they call its a "Too bad so sorry, I am going to bed now so I can't wait till you aren't busy". Its hypocritical, I wait hours for him to not be busy but if when he calls without warning I am busy....well too freaking bad because he sure isn't waiting around for me!
I don't want to tell him he can't see his friends, but does that mean I have to just accept my normally considerate and loving BF will turn into a immature self absorbed lad whenever he does?
