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Cuddling casualties

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    I've accidentally made my SOs nose bleed. I was lying down with him watching a movie with my head on his chest, it was a scary movie and I was terrified. It was wrong turn I don't know if anyone has seen it but wow it's scary. Anyways so a scary moment happened and I jumped and my head went smack into my SOs nose and blood just started coming out.

    Whoops I felt horrible but all I could do was laugh


      Once my SO pulled me down on top of him on the bed, he was lying on his back and I didn't watch where one of my knees was going... ouch. Poor boy I can't think of any incidents where he's accidentally hurt me, even though he can be quite clumsy in general!


        Originally posted by Shepard-Fowkes View Post
        Our first visit was so beautiful. We were in the car together, driving home from the airport for the very first time, and he moved to wrap his arm around my shoulders. He elbowed my shoulder instead.

        And then, taking it full circle, we were getting out of the car at the airport at the end of the visit. He was very sad, and wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and help me out of the car. He elbowed me in the nose.
        That's so cute

        Not really cuddling related, but I like it when he kisses/licks my ear and once he got carried away and bit it. Ow.
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          Unfortunately I can't relate to this thread, we are like graceful swans doing ballet when we are together.

          Except swans like to his and bite so occasionally hair is pulled and feathers are ruffled from time to time.


            This thread has made me giggle! I am definitely the most clumsy one in our relationship. I've had many injuries whilst having cuddled or done things to him. I've poked him in the eye, elbowed him in the chest, fallen off the bed and caught my shoulder on his side table... Gosh its a wonder he puts up with my clumsiness! :P


              Yeesss....we are incredibly clumsy...I've hit him in the face/less desirable hit parts (ahem) in bed even when i've just been asleep and on a date to the theatre in London he gave me a bruised eye with his elbow. He's very visual when he speaks...quite 'flappy' with his arms, which is adorable, but dangerous xD


                We don't really cuddle too much since it's so hot. We'll basically cuddle for 1-2 minutes and then roll away from each other

                But we do have sleeping casualties. He'll roll over and throw his elbow in my face. Things have gotten a bit better now but I did go into work with a big bruise on my cheek once. That was awkward.


                  All the time.. we just can't stay in the same place without holding hands/cuddling, so naturally we bump into each other all the time, elbows, knees .. you name it.

                  Let's not forget the ever so awkward clash of the titans, and by titans i mean teeth lol XD


                    Haha, all of these things sound a lot like me and my SO xD We're both really clumsy and we can't even go a day without bumping, hitting or scratching each other (accidentally of course). It just happens! I remember this one time when we were lying on the couch watching a film, and I was lying with my head on his chest, and then had to move and accidentally elbowed him on his nose xD

                    Met online: February 2011
                    Met the first time: August 16, 2011


                      lol yeah, im forever poking her in the eye and banging our head together


                        I've headbutted my GF too many times


                          This has recently started happening to my SO and I, we were cuddling and we rolled over, and as it was dark, we banged heads! Another inciedent was when I went to hold my SO's hand, and I accidentally scratched him on his hand as he moved it at the same time!
                          No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


                            This all makes me wonder what's going to happen between my SO and I!! *lol*

                            Met: June 2019
                            Dating: December 2019
                            First Meeting: April 2020 (Coming soon!)

                            "Simple as can be."
                            - Florida Georgia Line -


                              One of my friends and her boyfriend used to joke that because they were so clumsy, they accidently used to headbutt each other sometimes and eventually a slight headbutt became a symbol of their affection for one another! haha


                                I thought we were okay and like snow_girl... Graceful swans doing ballet... when I realized...

                                My hair is down to my butt... and we're both constantly rolling on it. (I've been thinking of cutting it...) And once... He was asleep and I was up reading. He was cuddling me and had his head on my shoulder and his arms around my waist. I think one of my 'obnoxiously long hairs' (his words, not mine ) tickled his nose causing him to pull his hand up quickly to scratch his nose and on it's arc up, he smacked me in the mouth with it. And with such force, my lip bled. He didn't wake up until I had scrambled out of bed and was in the bathroom checking myself And he apologized profusely for it

                                And, to be fair, he loves my long hair... he just tends to get them wrapped around all sorts of body parts...
                                My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
                                It's just me and you
                                Put the pedal to the metal
                                Baby, turn the radio on
                                We can run to the far side of nowhere
                                We can run 'til the days are gone

