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How long have you been in an LDR? ( discussion )

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    Well he's been my best friend for almost 4 years and a half, and we only met 2 months ago. Our story is a bit weird due to the fact that he has been with me through 2 relationships and an almost relationship, always by my side providing moral support. We have been constantly joking about how our SOs will get jealous at out friendship until we realized we both get so jealous whenever one of us talks about someone else in their life.
    Now we still have 2 hears ahead of us until we both finish college and he can get a full time job, rent a place and i can move to Belgium to be with him.. funniest part about this plan was.. we made this BEFORE we were a couple now we both want it to happen even more.


      I've been in a LDR for over 3 years. I had a job opportunity come available for me to move to my SO's location. But when we talked about it, he didn't react exactly how I expected him to react. I thought he would be more encouraging, but instead he kept throwing up roadblocks. That's how I interrupted it. Anyway, I was so shocked and hurt and angry that I let my emotions get a hold of me and I told him that I was moving on with my life. That was almost 4 months ago and I am absolutely miserable. I've tried to get him to talk to me, I've apologized numerous times, but I get nothing!! I would never get in another LDR again.


        Well maybe mine is short compared to he rest of you here.
        We get to know each other early this year and we became more like close friends.
        We officially become lovers in may this year. And then he moved to his hometown in may as well.
        So we're in long distance for 4months now.

        And we are having a rocky moment now because he was in LDR with his ex for 10months due to his work/project.
        I think he doesnt really believe in LDR. Im not sure anymore. But I hope we will be fine.
        Im considering to continue master degree study in europe so i can get close to him but im kinda scared if i fail to do well in my study because master degree is not easy.

        I hope we are fine till i can see him next year cuz im planning to visit him.


          Originally posted by sweetcheeks View Post
          I've been in a LDR for over 3 years. I had a job opportunity come available for me to move to my SO's location. But when we talked about it, he didn't react exactly how I expected him to react. I thought he would be more encouraging, but instead he kept throwing up roadblocks. That's how I interrupted it. Anyway, I was so shocked and hurt and angry that I let my emotions get a hold of me and I told him that I was moving on with my life. That was almost 4 months ago and I am absolutely miserable. I've tried to get him to talk to me, I've apologized numerous times, but I get nothing!! I would never get in another LDR again.

          Im sorry to hear that. Well, last time i also mentioned to my bf that i wanna study in europe so i can get close to him but he didnt sound happy.
          He seems pressured with my decision because he's afraid if our relationship didnt work that will ruin my study as well.
          But i explain to him that the decision wasnt totally 100% brcause of him. I told him it was my dream to study overseas.
          We are still doing good after that conversation. Except for lately he suddenly ignoring me without any reason.
          He did replied to my email but it was just like he replied to make me feel better and he's acting more like strangers.

