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Am I crazy?

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    Awwww! This is a great plan and very romantic!

    One of the best memories from my relationship is the surprise visit my SO made me on my birthday.

    I'm sure she will love it.


      YEEEEES!!!!! You should do it!!!!!


        700 dolars can be spent in 1 second in a silly thing which you will not remember after another 1 second, but if you fly to her and say that you love her with all of your heart it can became the sweetiest, craziest memory for all of your life : )


          I can't believe it... I just booked my flights and I feel insane!!! The prices went up last night, but not essentially. OMGIcantbelieveIamdoingthisandamfreakingoutrightme ow!!!


            I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


              Ah!! I'm so excited to hear the story!!

              2016 Goal: Buy a house.
              Progress: Complete!

              2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
              Progress: Working on it.


                if you can financially do it, then DO IT!!!


                  So happy for you I'm sure you'll have an amazing time!!


                    This is one of the sweetest things I've ever read! Good luck and I hope you have a fantastic time!

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      That is so romantic and sweet.


                        Originally posted by SoFarAway View Post
                        So, I have been planning and scheming the past twelve hours and IF I DO IT (it seems like I will) one of our friends is going to make plans with her for that weekend. That friend will pick me up from the airport and bring me to her restaurant where she works and will surprise her there. So, I can make sure that she has at least some time off and we can enjoy being with each other.
                        This seriously sounds like something out of a Meg Ryan movie. Please, please do this. I need to live vicariously through you.
                        "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                          Originally posted by marbear31 View Post
                          This seriously sounds like something out of a Meg Ryan movie. Please, please do this. I need to live vicariously through you.
                          OH SHIT!!! A Meg Ryan movie? This is so going to backfire and totally go wrong because we both hate Meg Ryan. LOL
                          I am still thinking of a way on how to act out the surprise. I just don't wanna run in there and yell SURPRISE!!!!!!! So, if you guys have any idea and wanna help me out, I will highly appreciated it! I will try to treat you with either some pictures or even a video of the whole event!

                          The tools I have: One accomplice!

                          EDIT: marbear, I am actually doing it. Booked the flights already!!!


                            Originally posted by SoFarAway View Post
                            OH SHIT!!! A Meg Ryan movie? This is so going to backfire and totally go wrong because we both hate Meg Ryan. LOL
                            I am still thinking of a way on how to act out the surprise. I just don't wanna run in there and yell SURPRISE!!!!!!! So, if you guys have any idea and wanna help me out, I will highly appreciated it! I will try to treat you with either some pictures or even a video of the whole event!

                            The tools I have: One accomplice!

                            EDIT: marbear, I am actually doing it. Booked the flights already!!!
                            Hahaha that's awesome!!! She was the first person that popped into my head--how about Julia Roberts? I like her better anyway. :P

                            Anyway YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Ahhhh that's so exciting! Okay, so you said you're surprising her at her restaurant. It's just like in Going the Distance, when Garrett walks in to surprise Erin at her work...I swear this is just too adorable! Okay, so maybe walk in with flowers shielding you, or tell someone to say to her she has a special delivery? Like buy her flowers and put a card on there with, "I see you, beautiful," or something like that, and then we she looks up you'll be there! Or sit at a table right as she's about to get off her shift, and have someone tell her she needs to take one last order--which is you, of course! Or just walk up and kiss her. I don't know. But bring flowers. Or chocolates. Actually, bring her favorite flowers, if she likes them, or something that you know would be extra meaningful to her. And then just tell her you couldn't wait to tell her any longer, that you love her.

                            My heart is simultaneously squeeing at the prospect of hearing how it goes, and doing a face/palm because of the cognization of how many romantic comedies I've watched.

                            When are your tickets booked for???
                            "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                              Those are quite some ideas! But it sounds too ordinary for me... No offense. I like a big show! Hell, I work for the biggest entertainment company in the world, why am I not coming up with something spectacular? On the other hand, keeping it as simple as possible is most appropriate. She co-owns that restaurant and I don't want to make a scene in front of her employees.... AAAAAAAAAAHHHH I don't know

                              My flight is going October 19 and will come back on the 22 in the afternoon. I have about two and a half days with her!


                                Oh dear.. can't tell you how much I would've loved it if my SO had done this to me. I know you already booked the flights and are going but I still wanna say


                                I've got the worst imagination ever, I would just sit there all casual and say your order or something XD I'm sure you'll come up with something spectacular! Let us know what it is when you do

                                So romantic

