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omg i m mmmm so sorrrry i am so sorry for your loss :/ please repsect her last wish. i am so sorry this happend to you. please be alive. she wants you to be alive
I do have family and friends who support me. A lot of people do. But that doesn't help me one-bit, no matter how much love they show me, I cannot live without speaking to my Jenny every single day. She made me a brighter person, I was cold and distant in the beginning that I met her but she made me laugh every single and even in times that I felt bad.
I can't go through the day normally anymore. I really, really want to end my life but then I constantly get reminded by family and friends that Jennifer wanted me to stay alive. It is so difficult to handle, I cannot understand why every single time that love and joy comes into my life that something uncontrollably comes in to take it away from me. Perhaps, I was born to be constantly dragged down to Hell.
I know right now your too down to even want to talk with friends or family, but just knowing they are there is a big help even if you can't see that right now.
You have lost someone that is so precious to you & I understand why you say you want to join her, but this isn't what she wanted my dear. She made it paramount during her last few moments that she wanted you to stay alive, so you must do all you can to follow her wishes. It might not seem like it right now but with time your pain will decrease, not saying she won't always be in your heart and on your mind because of course she will, but life does move on. Keep strong dear, all here on LFAD are here to support you so don't forget that.....xx
Started Writing - February 2010
First Visit - September 2010
Second Visit - June 2011
Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
Our Wedding Day - April 2012
Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
NOA1 - July 2012
NOA2 - December 2012
Fourth Visit - December 2012
Closing The Distance - Watch this space
I am very sorry for your loss. Honestly, I can't imagine what it feels like and I have no words to ease your pain. I can only wish you strengh in this hard time. It probably feels like your world ended right now, but don't kill yourself. It won't bring her back, I'm sorry. Besides, she wanted you to stay alive. Try to do it for her, ok?
I'm sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine something like that happening to me. I know it would tear my world apart too! You have to remember her last wish. You have family and friends that love you, reminding you of her last wish, that want you to stick around. Remember how it feels to lose her will be how it would feel to all of those people to lose you. Honor her. It would be sad (I'm sure to her especially) if that light and happiness she brought to your life were to dwindle out. Every time you think about her, remember all the happiness she made you feel and imagine that a part of her is still with you...because it will always be. She lives on through you, and she would like you to live on and be happy. If you could find the strength to love her as greatly as you did, I'm sure you can find the strength to keep that happiness she brought to your life alive.
Best wishes.
I'm so unbelievably sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you.
I know you're completely shattered right now and nothing seemes to matter. But her last wish matters. She used her last breath to tell you she loves you and wants you to live and be happy. I know it seems impossible right now but you can do it. It's what she wanted.
You have friends and family who love you a lot and they would be devastated to lose you.
Talk to us, cry, scream, do whatever you need to process your grief. But don't give up life. One tragedy turning into two will only bring more sadness to the people you love.
It's clear she loved you very much, and she hung in there long enough to make sure the message got through. And no matter what happens, that can never ever be taken away from you.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know I would feel just as you do if I were in your situation.
If you really want to attend her funeral services and are financially able to don't let whatever relationship she had with her parents prevent that. Despite the relationship they may have had, they are also mourning her and those bad feelings would be cast aside at a time like this. I would get their contact information (if you don't have it her colleague could get it for you) and see if you being there will be possible. It doesn't matter if you had any contact with them prior to this. They are not likely to turn away someone who is also grieving for their daughter.
Going to where she lived, meeting her family and friends who also mourn for her, and seeing her one last time could help start the healing process.
I'm so so sorry for your loss. As everyone else has already said, she wanted you to live on for her, so live. Take it one day at a time. It was her final request. As hard as it is, you can do it with all the happy memories in mind.
"You want for myself
You get me like no one else
I am beautiful with you
I am beautiful with you
Even in the darkest part of me
I am beautiful with you
Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
You're here with me
Just show me this and I'll believe
I am beautiful with you"
I'm so so sorry for your loss, I truly am. You will be in my prayers tonight. Please stay strong
Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
Our first LDR ~ August 2009
Closed the distance ~ January 2011
He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015 Proud of my Airman!!
Sterkte... I am really terribly sorry to hear this. I just don't know what to say at all. I am speechless. I can't imagine how it would be and what it would feel like, I think if I were in your position I might have lost sanity already. Please stay strong, bro. You can do it, because she'll carry on within you. All I can think of is: live your life for two and show her that you are being strong for her, as I am sure that she's watching you from above.