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So sorry to hear this, but I'm glad you're doing what's best for you (I remember how hard that is). As with everyone else, I'm really glad you're staying. Take care and know we're all here for you and thank you for everything you've helped me through personally and everything you've done for the community.
This kind of comes as a shock. You're a very wise person though so I know you're going to be okay. I'm really glad you're sticking around though, just like many others here, because it seems like you always know how to approach all types of issues and bring light to everyone's problems. I totally understand the username change though, shedding the old and embracing the now.
I'm sorry to hear this. I think like everyone else said its kinda a shock. Mostly bc u give such wonderful advice to everyone on this forum without disclosing too much about your own relationship. And I respect that and your privacy. You have a wisdom far far beyond your years so I know u will get through this ans grow from it. Thank you for always being that voice of reason and logic for me and the rest of this community. I'm also glad you are sticking around. New name, new beginning. =)
"You want for myself
You get me like no one else
I am beautiful with you
I am beautiful with you
Even in the darkest part of me
I am beautiful with you
Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
You're here with me
Just show me this and I'll believe
I am beautiful with you"
Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014
Really sorry to hear this, but I'm glad you're doing what is right for you. It can be hard to remember to put yourself first. I know I've had a lot of trouble with that. So congratulations on making that recognition and decision. It's so important to take care of yourself. In that same vein, we're all here to help with anything you need. You've really been there for so many of us. So, if you need it, you know where to find it.
So glad you're sticking around.
Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010 Closed the distance: April 27, 2011 Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012 LD again: July 24, 2012 Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013 Married: November 1, 2014 Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015
Again, I didn't mean for this to come out of the blue for anyone. The comments about it being so shocking are making me feel a bit bad.
The quality of my advice doesn't have much to do with my relationship, because my advice is what I bring/apply to my relationship, not what I draw from my relationship. All I can say is that there are very private reasons that this ended, both on my ex's end and mine. Some related to his depression and how capable he is of being emotionally available in the way I need, others related to changes that were or weren't made both individually and in the relationship, and others were even more personal than that. I will simply say, though, that a relationship will always take more than love and more than one person to work. I am still struggling to come to terms with the fact I could not save it and that no matter how hard I tried to preserve it, in the end, life and circumstances and people themselves change, some faster than others. I still feel guilty over the fact this was preceded only by my telling him about issues I was having in our relationship in a last resort attempt to fix it, and so maybe he wasn't entirely prepared for it either, and I'm guessing that that's what the "it's come as a shock" comments is triggering, is that guilt. I do want to make it clear, however, that my advice is completely separate from my relationship. The success of my relationship was never tied in to how good or bad my advice is/was. Thank you everyone for your support.
shocked, surprised and amazed at the same time as I read this topic.
I loved the name Eclaire..... and in my mind.... you will always be 'Eclaire' to me...... give me some time to adjust to your new name.
I agree with what everybody else before me said to you. Happy to see you're still around, and as wise as you are, I hope you will find us for some comfort and perhaps advice too, when you need it.
because you know, even the wise girls cry sometimes....
I hope our wisdom can help to support you in getting your train back on track...... up to new horizons.....
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Y'all can still feel free to call me Eclaire. It's not the name I have an aversion to. It's simply the account and all the history and I don't really want to keep all that active and alive, so a new account it is.
I'm so sorry, dear! I'm going to join the ranks of the shocked, but I think it's wonderful that you did this for you, and no one else. You always have such marvelous advice, and I'm glad you're still sticking around. We're all here if you need us. <3
Also, I happen to love both usernames.
"I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Aww I'm sorry to hear this, but at the same time I know that it doesn't always work out. I'm glad you made the decision that was best for you, and I'm also glad you are sticking around!
I'm very sorry to hear things didn't work out for you too. It takes a lot of courage to do what's best for you, I hope you'll heal from the pain of breaking up soon and will keep with you all the positives of your experience together.. *big hugs* take good care of yourself, and you know we're here for you <3
Welcome to LFAD Piper, hope you'll like it here I hear you've adopted kittens recently, you'll find a lot of LFADers that love animals here too!
Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
~Richard Bach
I'm so sorry to hear about that but I'm sure you've made the right decision in the end. And I'm happy you stick around because you always give great advice and you'd be so missed here *hugs*