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Ugh, I had a missed call on my phone from him. What happened to yesterday's, "I know you need space. I'll give that to you. I'm sorry" ?! All he's doing, quite honestly, is making me hurt more and because I'm hurting, I'm ending up feeling angrier and angrier. Two phone calls he begged for closure and I gave him those two phone calls. Why should he get a third? There is going to be no closure because he'll have more and more to say and I feel like I give into him at this point, he'll realise he can make me give in at all... What hurts the most is that he's making all these repair attempts now when I actually reached out to him several times in the past, letting him know how he was treating me and what it was making me feel and while he might think it's been this way "since the trip," I really hope he at some point reflects on the things we argued about and the things I said during the trip. I need space. He told me he would give that to me. He's making me feel so many horrid emotions that I could scream.
I really don't know what to do in this situation beyond what I'm already doing. I don't want to talk. I told him that. We had three phone calls yesterday; we don't need a fourth. I feel horrible leaving him "hanging" like this, but I need space. He said he would give it to me. He's not. I don't feel he'd be as persistent if he actually heard in my call that this is a break-up. His e-mail from this morning mentioned he's not sure whether or not it's a break or what the terms are or if I still feel the same... I told him that my romantic feelings changed, that I love him as a person but not as a partner, and that I don't want him to treat this like our last break where we were talking with the possibility of getting back together. I said I don't want him to wait for me because even if I'm not saying we'll never talk again, I am saying I need time and space to heal and get over the relationship because it is a break-up. That's explicit enough, right? If he doesn't hear that, that's not on me, right?
Do you have a smart phone? You could block is number with an APP and it'll block texts and calls. I'm not sure if there is one for email as well.
Sorry I am a little late, but I too want to say that I am sorry to hear things did not work out Always sad to read when couples break up. I wish you the best and hope you feel better soon.
I didn't go through all the previous answers.
First of all, I wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading the "advices" you give to others. I think for your age, you are a very mature and wise individual and that is great. I am glad you are staying and also proud of the way you are handling the break up.
Second, I am a bit curious about your new username: The Pied Piper. Why did you choose it? Is it related to the middle age legend "The Pied Piper of Hamelin"?
I like the new username because my SO lives in Hamelin and he recently -as a way to practice his spanish- read to me a spanish version of the legend and he also got a german version for me, which I will try to read next time we are together. So, in 24 days! =)
O.o Is this what happens when you go away and don't check LFAD every day? :o I had no idea.. I'm so sorry to hear what's happened but I'm sure you made the right decision for yourself. I'm glad you're sticking around, it's always nice to read your comments, they're always so full of wisdom
And you know we're always here for you whenever you need us
Im sorry to hear that things didn't work out but Im glad to see you did what you thought was right, no matter how hard. Its great to have you stick around, Eclaire. Good luck and big hugs!
I actually haven't heard that legend. o: Care to send it my way or relay it to me? I can probably get unlazy and Google it too. I ultimately chose it because my mother always refers to me as "the pied piper" and "Dr. Dolittle" because I have this thing where animals, mine and others', love being in my lap. At my house, I'm constantly covered in three cats and a dog and I tend to have random dogs/cats and stray animals come up to me frequently and my mother compared to the Pied Piper and, was it mice? when music was playing? I liked "The Pied Piper" better than "Dr. Dolittle" so it stuck.
Thank you for the support everyone. Knowing I have such a huge support network has made things a little bit more bearable.
I'm a lurker round these parts, so we haven't interacted much, but I wanted to say sorry. As everyone else has said, your advice is so grounded, logical and compassionate, so your voice here is really important. I look to you as an example of how to give advice while keep a cool head. I can be logical and compassionate, but I'm usually challenged by the grounded part! (That's why I lurk, because I'm not great at giving advice, and on top of that I'm really private with my personal life, so I'm left with nothing to post about.) Yeah so I look up to you and am trying to learn to keep myself more calm and collected, haha.
I'm glad you're sticking around because your such a big part of the community. I hope your ex settles down and lets you heal.
O.o Is this what happens when you go away and don't check LFAD every day? :o I had no idea.. I'm so sorry to hear what's happened but I'm sure you made the right decision for yourself. I'm glad you're sticking around, it's always nice to read your comments, they're always so full of wisdom
And you know we're always here for you whenever you need us
Jaja! For real. I'm never on frequently anymore because of my internship. I'm really sorry to hear of everything you're going through. I'm glad you feel that you're making the right decision, though. It's also nice to know you're sticking around :P. You've always got such great advice.
Best of luck in everything you do. Stay strong. <3 Sending hugs your way.
I'm a lurker round these parts, so we haven't interacted much, but I wanted to say sorry. As everyone else has said, your advice is so grounded, logical and compassionate, so your voice here is really important. I look to you as an example of how to give advice while keep a cool head. I can be logical and compassionate, but I'm usually challenged by the grounded part! (That's why I lurk, because I'm not great at giving advice, and on top of that I'm really private with my personal life, so I'm left with nothing to post about.) Yeah so I look up to you and am trying to learn to keep myself more calm and collected, haha.
I'm glad you're sticking around because your such a big part of the community. I hope your ex settles down and lets you heal.
Thank you. This means a lot to me.
Thank you, again, everyone, so so much for the support.
I just read everything. My heart hurts for you. I have been there. YOU are taking care of YOU. Only YOU knows what YOU need. Please know I am here if you need an ear...well not *here* so much...but a message away on FB.... lots and lots of hugs coming to you.