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Dating mistakes *uhh*

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    Dating mistakes *uhh*

    I decided to start this thread been "inspired" by one of the girls whom i know.She is a cute girl with totally kick-ass beautiful look and pretty nice temper.The point is she doesnt know at all how to handle a relationship.Some of you may think (which is totally true) that its not my business and I shouldnt be teaching other people as I have no right for it.However,I really wanna help some girls who have wrong beliefs and ideas about relationship.I didnt decide it only after watching my friend but also seeing almost all my female friends getting in a relationship and then simply falling out of it.I hope (and actually sure) that none of you girls are making mistakes as simple as that,however,i just wanna post it and who knows,maybe someone may find it useful

    1. "I dont have to do anything,he MUST treat me like a princess"
    My friend was dating that guy,really good one,he was around 25 and working.He took her home from university by car (after he had a tiring day at work),he took a break and went to her intraining place to bring her food (and he called her from the shop to ask what fruit or salad she wants) and he simply did really a lot.When I started asking what he received in return,she stared at me with eyes widely opened and with surprise asked "what you mean? why i have to do anything for him?"
    I had to explain that serious relationship is between both people and not between one worshiping the other.Obviously a man needs a woman,and woman means a reasonable female who will be able to comfort him when he is down and warm him when he feels stressed and tired.

    2."Oh you're out you say...Who is the bitch??"
    Uncontrolled jealousy.Nothing more to add

    3."You had tiring day at work? Well shut up and let me explain to you how you pissed me off by being late for 2 minutes!"
    She didnt listen to him at all.She didnt care whether he has been working non-stop for 9 hours and then without break rushed to meet her,she was obsessed with her own self.Which resulted in pretty bad arguments

    4.Final shot
    After predictable break-up,she a.threatened b.begged c.pleaded. d.shouted
    There was not even the slightest sign of reasonable talking to him and with every conversation he more and more ignored her.Which obviously is upsetting

    Thanks for your time and sorry to make it a bit long.Hope none of you will think its an irrelevant topic and if so,i try take it down or sth

    I actually like those points, hah xD Especially number three!
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      Very good points. It's awful how naive your friend was in that relationship.
      Here is one more:
      - Expecting your SO to change something about themselves just for you. It's okay to ask politely once or a few times and make it clear that it's important to you but if they don't change, it's up to you to either accept it or find someone better suited for you.


        Originally posted by eveningsky View Post
        , it's up to you to either accept it or find someone better suited for you.
        exactly,i forgot to mention this one i just think this mistake is done mostly by either immature people or the ones who dont really love their partner.coz i believe if you love truly,it wud feel natural to change some negative points about urself in order to be happy together!


          yes,i was actually shocked when i got to know the details coz i didnt even suspect her to act like that.and then came even bigger shock after i learned not only she but actually many of my friends think same way! shame because they lost few very decent guys


            ooo and something else very important...

            don't expect too much too soon
            let love grow and accept each other for who you are
            people have good AND bad sides and it takes time to really get to know all those sides

            good thread!
            The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

            Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


              You forgot, 4. He can't read your mind! So If you are mad, or something is bothering you, spit it out. Don't expect him to guess. Or reply when he asks if you are ok, "I'm fine". lol!

              Me and a guy friend at work actually we talking about how crazy girls are. I told him girls are crazy but guys are As*holes. He agreed. But we decided that every person falls differently on a crazy/As*hole scale. Like a girl who gets angry over stupid stuff and pulls the silent treatment (2/3) vs a girl who gets angry and keys ur car 9/10) =P Where do you think ur friend falls? lol.
              "You want for myself
              You get me like no one else
              I am beautiful with you

              I am beautiful with you
              Even in the darkest part of me
              I am beautiful with you
              Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
              You're here with me
              Just show me this and I'll believe
              I am beautiful with you"



                She sounds a bit deluded. Most relationships where the man caters to every financial need is because your catering to his every sexual desire. She needs to looks a relationships as friendships rather than a lottery ticket.


                  Originally posted by Carenza LaRue View Post
                  ooo and something else very important...

                  don't expect too much too soon
                  let love grow and accept each other for who you are
                  people have good AND bad sides and it takes time to really get to know all those sides

                  good thread!

                  Originally posted by rubydissolution View Post
                  You forgot, 4. He can't read your mind! So If you are mad, or something is bothering you, spit it out. Don't expect him to guess. Or reply when he asks if you are ok, "I'm fine". lol!
                  Yes! Us guys have no idea what you're really thinking, sometimes we think we do (usually wrong) and we can barely read clues or play the guessing game well, personally I HATE IT when a female replies with "I'm fine" once I ask if they're ok, I mean your're clearly not! So talk to us please, smh


                    Always say "Thank you".

                    Seriously, something so little means a whole lot. Whether he brought you flowers, changed your car's tire, picked you up a coffee, men need to know they're appreciated for what they do for us, and usually a simple thank you will keep your guy satisfied that he's doing a good job
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      hmmm since i dont know all crazy things she did,i would give her 5/6 maybe =p haha good scale actually!

                      yeah one of the most important things is saying thank you! men always need to look superheroes in the eyes of their women


                        Originally posted by Moon View Post
                        Always say "Thank you".

                        Seriously, something so little means a whole lot. Whether he brought you flowers, changed your car's tire, picked you up a coffee, men need to know they're appreciated for what they do for us, and usually a simple thank you will keep your guy satisfied that he's doing a good job
                        This is a really big one. Often we just want a "Thank you" and/or a sign of appreciation for what we do.


                          at times i pretend i cant do certain things so my SO feels like a superhero helping me

