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Can you drop your sweet talk on your SO?

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    Can you drop your sweet talk on your SO?

    I'm a romantic person. I started to write poems without even had loved a guy. I just felt the love feeling. My SO and I were good at affections when close, but came the distance...
    Now we are far away, I got sweeter and sometimes I scare him. Sometimes he says I'm acting like a high school girl, and I'm almost 30!. But he is my first love. And I'm his.
    Now I try to curb my sweet a little bit, I don't wanna loose him because I'm too romantic. I know we need to keep feet in the earth.
    Does anybody share it?

    For us the sweet nothings settled down a bit after we'd been together for a while. Not that we tried to curb it or anything, it was just natural progression. At the beginning my SO in particular used to say such lovey-dovey stuff to me that I was rather overwhelmed! But, that didn't last beyond the first 6 months or so. We haven't stopped saying cute things to each other of course, but I think over time you become more secure in the other person's feelings for you, so you don't feel the need to vocalise them as often. Not to mention that when you're at a distance, words are all you have. Being romantic doesn't have to mean losing touch with reality, though
    Last edited by lademoiselle; January 13, 2013, 05:07 AM.


      Why does it scare him? do you know? what kind of things do you say? just so we can understand the situation better.

      "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

      1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
      2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
      3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
      4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
      5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
      6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
      7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
      Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
      UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


        it just happens to me occasioanlly,like once at 2am i took piece of paper and pen n wrote a song for him but i personally dislike all this sweet-cuddly-honey boo-boo things lol.but on other hand,i am a rather harsh person so maybe its actually normal haha


          At the beginning he was way more lovey-dovey than I was, but now he still does really sweet things like he used to, but I like that we can act like best friends for some of the time, as well as acting like a couple I have to say I have been getting more lovey-dovey, but not too much because I don't want to freak him out!
          No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


            For me I love the romance mush and the cornyness. And my SO knows this and he doesn't mind. He knows this is just how I am and how I express love. Like if you were to peek in and read the things I say to him, lol I'm still crazy bout him. He's romantic too. But it has changed a lot from when we were first dating. Like in the beginning he would write me poems, and was a bit different with his words, we were always sneaking a way to talk and it was like we were set on high on the love-o-meter. And now there's more commitment behind his affection but there's also that comfort stage too, we dont have to be careful with each other. He still does things to give me butterfly's and spoils me like crazy, but it's not as polite as in the beginning, if that makes sense? We have always had a super close relationship and it's always been very affectionate, that my family has even said to tone it down :P. ah well, it may slow down in a few more years, but till then im going to be as mushy as I please, and hold onto the honeymoon stage for as long as I can! And fortunately he doesn't mind and gives me the romance I love and want. I'm the type of girl who loves to hear from her man that he loves her. Even though I already know, it makes me feel good when its said or written.
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              Originally posted by MattDavies86 View Post
              Why does it scare him? do you know? what kind of things do you say? just so we can understand the situation better.
              I don't know what scared him. I used to say that stuff about be with him is being on heaven etc...


                Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
                For me I love the romance mush and the cornyness. And my SO knows this and he doesn't mind. He knows this is just how I am and how I express love. Like if you were to peek in and read the things I say to him, lol I'm still crazy bout him. He's romantic too. But it has changed a lot from when we were first dating. Like in the beginning he would write me poems, and was a bit different with his words, we were always sneaking a way to talk and it was like we were set on high on the love-o-meter. And now there's more commitment behind his affection but there's also that comfort stage too, we dont have to be careful with each other. He still does things to give me butterfly's and spoils me like crazy, but it's not as polite as in the beginning, if that makes sense? We have always had a super close relationship and it's always been very affectionate, that my family has even said to tone it down :P. ah well, it may slow down in a few more years, but till then im going to be as mushy as I please, and hold onto the honeymoon stage for as long as I can! And fortunately he doesn't mind and gives me the romance I love and want. I'm the type of girl who loves to hear from her man that he loves her. Even though I already know, it makes me feel good when its said or written.
                My guy changed a little when we started LDR, bur he has his very sweet times still.


                  Originally posted by lademoiselle View Post
                  For us the sweet nothings settled down a bit after we'd been together for a while. Not that we tried to curb it or anything, it was just natural progression. At the beginning my SO in particular used to say such lovey-dovey stuff to me that I was rather overwhelmed! But, that didn't last beyond the first 6 months or so. We haven't stopped saying cute things to each other of course, but I think over time you become more secure in the other person's feelings for you, so you don't feel the need to vocalise them as often. Not to mention that when you're at a distance, words are all you have. Being romantic doesn't have to mean losing touch with reality, though
                  That must be the case, the time we are together he came more secure about our relationship than me and he doesn't use words exactly to say he loves me, just little gestures. Thanks


                    I'm a pretty romantic person, which I'm still getting used to lol. Before him I was NOT an affectionate person. He seems to enjoy it, despite not being a very emotional person most of the time. He said it freaked him out a little bit at first to feel so much, but he's always been pretty romantic himself, but he'll deny that hehe.
                    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


                      Sometimes it just happens that one of you is very expressive and one of you isn't. I love romantic drawings and notes, but my partner rarely does them because that's just not something he often does. I think a great way to find a balance between expressing yourself and not overwhelming your partner is to keep a journal. You can then also share it on your anniversary as a commemoration of your past year of the relationship.
                      Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                      Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                      Engaged: 09/26/2020


                        My SO and I still do this kinda. It use to be heavy before but now its lightened up and we mostly just say a little sweet something before bed but, there are those random moments where things are said. I don't think I could personally stop completely but there comes a point where I think this stuff naturally just dies down. Doesn't mean your SO cares any less for you or you care any less for him.

                        Met Online: 02/2012
                        Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
                        First Met in person: 09/22/2012
                        Started Dating: 10/30/2012
                        Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


                          Well, at least I do it. My SO...not so much, but he does get sweet whenever he feels up to it.


                            I do it a ton, it's just how I show affection towards someone who means more to me than a friend or family, I mean you only really get to use this kinda language with an SO so why not use it?

                            My SO on the other hand only uses it occasionally, although I've realized he's more prone to using it when he's tired which means he's a total marshmellow on the inside.

                            Met: 8.17.09
                            Started Dating: 8.20.09
                            First Met: 10.2.10
                            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                              Originally posted by kayla_622 View Post
                              My SO and I still do this kinda. It use to be heavy before but now its lightened up and we mostly just say a little sweet something before bed but, there are those random moments where things are said. I don't think I could personally stop completely but there comes a point where I think this stuff naturally just dies down. Doesn't mean your SO cares any less for you or you care any less for him.

