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Something you hate, dislike or bothers u of your SO ?

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    Uhh my SO is TOO sweet at times lol and when he is down,he shows all his feelings,which are considered as whining to me =.= or maybe am too harsh in my behaviour.also he has all these ideas of how to make money which are actually something like "let's sell chocolate on the moon"


      My boyfriend isn't very talkative at all. He is one of those "doesn't speak unless spoken to" type of guys. In a way it's nice because he isn't loud or obnoxious. But at the same time it's like pulling teeth trying to get him to talk on the phone. Other than that though, there isn't anything at all about him that bugs me. I'd almost prefer silence with him next to me than talkative phone calls with him in another state...


        Originally posted by loveknowsnodistance27 View Post
        He can be quite stubborn sometimes and how busy he is. It's not his fault that he's busy, but his time management blows so we don't get to talk as much as I'd like. And the final thing is that he's just so dang far away!
        Exactly this, I hate his time management skills >.<


          He asks stupid questions.

          Yes yes, I know there's "no such thing as a stupid question" or "the only stupid questions are the ones you didn't ask" or whatever but whoever came up with that shit obviously never met my SO.

          And it bugs the shit out of me. I get up him at least once a week over it because I would just love for him to think about things before asking me. For example (I ripped him up for this one on Monday) "Are these clothes on the floor dirty?"
          I have never - would never - in our relationship (or since I was 10 years old) left clean laundry on the floor. At worst it will be on the bed. Besides, he could pick it up and sniff it or something.
          It's usually something really dumb like "Are you cooking dinner?"
          Hmm lets see, it's 6pm and I'm standing next to the stove with a spatula in my hand... what else do you think I'm up to? Interpretive dance?
          Sometimes he's doing it just to make conversation, but I don't "talk shit" for the sake of it, so that fails, but most of the time it's just easier to ask the wifey than think it through another ten seconds.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            He is the least subtle person I have ever met and if I am in a bad mood, I literally have to say "I am in a bad mood now." He doesn't pick up on the small signs at all (or if he does, he doesn't let on).

            In a way, I guess this makes our lives simpler. There is just no place for mind games.
            London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


              Originally posted by Zephii View Post
              He asks stupid questions.

              Yes yes, I know there's "no such thing as a stupid question" or "the only stupid questions are the ones you didn't ask" or whatever but whoever came up with that shit obviously never met my SO.

              And it bugs the shit out of me. I get up him at least once a week over it because I would just love for him to think about things before asking me. For example (I ripped him up for this one on Monday) "Are these clothes on the floor dirty?"
              I have never - would never - in our relationship (or since I was 10 years old) left clean laundry on the floor. At worst it will be on the bed. Besides, he could pick it up and sniff it or something.
              It's usually something really dumb like "Are you cooking dinner?"
              Hmm lets see, it's 6pm and I'm standing next to the stove with a spatula in my hand... what else do you think I'm up to? Interpretive dance?
              Sometimes he's doing it just to make conversation, but I don't "talk shit" for the sake of it, so that fails, but most of the time it's just easier to ask the wifey than think it through another ten seconds.
              I love you're reaction to this....My SO does the same thing though. It bothers me, but I don't really know how to tell him he's asking stupid questions without being mean.


                Originally posted by kelbug73029 View Post
                I love you're reaction to this....My SO does the same thing though. It bothers me, but I don't really know how to tell him he's asking stupid questions without being mean.
                I'm glad not to be alone. I wish I had a suggestion for you, but generally I just go with being mean. I try not to call him names, but I will point out that all the ways he could have answered that for himself.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  I just want to start out by saying that this is my first reply or post on this site besides a reply to the first message.
                  It makes me mad when he isn't straight-forward with me. For instance, I'll message him on Skype and not get a reply for quite awhile but if I say I'm going to leave him alone for the time being, he immediately answers. I know this is sort of petty but after awhile it gets annoying, why can't he just tell me he's busy when he's busy or just doesn't want to talk to me?
                  He makes me mad when he replies to something I've poured my heart into with "aww" or "oh hun". It also makes me mad when he avoids a question or a situation.
                  I'm sorry if I sound ridiculously whiny but it feels good to get this off my chest.


                    Originally posted by Irina_Linn View Post
                    Uhh my SO is TOO sweet at times lol and when he is down,he shows all his feelings,which are considered as whining to me =.= or maybe am too harsh in my behaviour.
                    A bit of this... and when he says I don't know.. and just stops there. the shrug attitude gaahh!! The awww's annoy me too..

                    And I have a tendency to not let things slide. Which I am trying to refrain or change a bit.


                      The only thing that drives me crazy sometimes is how loud he plays his music while driving lol His car is his pride and joy so I have learnt to deal with it

                      *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

                      We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!

