This is my first (and hopefully last!) long distance relationship. I'd never really contemplated one before and sort of fell into this one without really knowing what it would entail. The end is in sight for the long-distance part of our relationship, but I'm curious to know if you (as in the LFAD community!) would consider another LDR if the one you are in didn't work out? Also I know some people have ended a LDR and started another one and I'd also be keen to hear from them and if their previous experience made them more wary or if it was easier the second time round.
For me, I'm not sure I would do it again. I know you can't choose who you fall in love with but I think should I ever break up with my current SO, which I hope to god never happens, I would actively avoid getting to know anyone in that way that didn't live physically close. I do think there have been positives to the long distance part for us, I think we have a trust in each other that's a lot deeper than it might have been and of course we've had the fun of visiting each other and being shown around where the other lives etc and doing touristy things together. But I'm not going to lie, I've found it very tough at times. I've never doubted in my SO and our relationship, but I have doubted my own ability to handle the distance and I think I've sacrificed some of my social life in the process. I don't regret it, I've met someone who I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with and some people never find that, but I'm not sure I'd have the strength to do it again.
Just some ramblings, not sure there's really a point to it, I just found myself pondering it
For me, I'm not sure I would do it again. I know you can't choose who you fall in love with but I think should I ever break up with my current SO, which I hope to god never happens, I would actively avoid getting to know anyone in that way that didn't live physically close. I do think there have been positives to the long distance part for us, I think we have a trust in each other that's a lot deeper than it might have been and of course we've had the fun of visiting each other and being shown around where the other lives etc and doing touristy things together. But I'm not going to lie, I've found it very tough at times. I've never doubted in my SO and our relationship, but I have doubted my own ability to handle the distance and I think I've sacrificed some of my social life in the process. I don't regret it, I've met someone who I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with and some people never find that, but I'm not sure I'd have the strength to do it again.
Just some ramblings, not sure there's really a point to it, I just found myself pondering it