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Would you do it again?

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    nope! this is for me my "last" chance on a "normal" relationship he is wurth it but (god forbid) if we might break up i stay single


      I've had other LDRs that didn't last very long and we never met in person before I met my SO. Honestly I wasn't planning on another one, I was sick of never having an SO around to have fun with but when I met my SO I knew it would be worth it. If we didn't work out I'd never do another one. I'd feel like I had wasted a big chunk of my life and I'm still young so I want to experience things with an SO around.

      If I had the choice of doing it over again for my current SO I would do it absolutely. He makes the distance worth it.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        I'm not going to say I wouldn't be open to another LDR, but I wouldn't go out actively looking for one. We met in person first, and had I known then what I know now, I wouldn't have jumped in feet first. But that is mainly due to his current marital status, and the fact that I don't think he is 100% over his last relationship. But I am too far past the point of no return to care about any of that now. I don't like the idea of not having him around for important stuff, birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, births...

        If we don't work out (God forbid) I will go back to being happily single until I meet a nice man that lives nearby, or a nice man that can possibly live nearby in the immediate future. I don't want to go back to not having the man I love in my arms.


          Originally posted by Captivated View Post
          It's hard to say but I think I would do it again - if I knew that closing the distance was our goal. Getting into another LDR without knowing where it's going is a deal breaker for me.

          It was hard but totally worth it!
          ^^ This, in my case.


            Yes, but only if they lived in the US. Never another international LDR.


              My partner was once before on a LDR. I really don't like to think about it but it's an experience who made him who he is and understanding that it's something absolutely different from what we have now really helps. In the beggining of our relationship I think he was unsure because he knew how hard it is, but he really got to the conclusion he wanted to be with me for the long haul, so it would be worth it. I wouldn't do anything different with my partner if I could change things. However, I want to stay with him forever so I will not do the LDR again unless it is with my partner, again.


                Would I do it again? Considering this is my third LDR, I want to believe that the third time is the charm. If not, then I think this would be my last LDR. It can get too expensive, both financially and emotionally, for me. Not that I wouldn't consider it again, but I can't imagine myself pursuing that type of relationship again.


                  It's kind of hard to say. This is our 2nd turn at being LD with each other. I did it one other time with a guy who was in the Army but I didn't take that one seriously. I don't know if I'd do this again. With him, sure. Anyone else I don't know.


                    I would for him. Otherwise, probably not.
                    My heart belongs to a pilot!


                      Well, seeing as my SO and I have spent so much time going back and forth between LD and CD, I am used to both. For him, I would keep going as long as we have a time where we eventually get to be together.

                      For anyone else, not a chance. I don't think I could do it again. Hell, I am lucky I can do it for my Anthony. I just love him so much that I know it's worth it. We've talked about the future and I'm about 99% sure that this is my last relationship, as we are discussing getting married in a few years! But hypothetically speaking, I would not do LD again. It is so trying mentally and emotionally and I can't put myself through that again.

                      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                        I would say yes with my SO...the connection we have is totally worth it. I didn't choose who I fell in love with, it was meant to be. It's probably the hardest thing I have never had to do but being with this person makes me feel whole. Closing the distance is our goal so it is worth it. Can't imagine doing it with anyone else but her.

                        "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                        Married April 18th, 2015!!
                        Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                          This is a tough question for me. I had been in an LDR before my current one and had done some temporary long distance stuff with other boyfriends. After my previous relationship I said that I would never do anything long distance again. When I met my SO I told myself not to get attached because I wasn't going to do it. And here I am doing it.

                          I would repeat what we've had to do and what we will have to do in the future, as long as it's him. If we weren't together anymore and it were someone else.. I don't know. I've said I wouldn't before, but here I am anyway. For the right person it would be worth it, but I also don't want to spend my whole life fighting the distance.

                          Is that a solid answer? No. But it's what I've got


                            For him? Yes. For anyone else, probably not. Especially with how emotional I can get at times. So, yeah this is it. Otherwise, I'll do close distance relationships if this doesn't work out. Which I'm pretty sure it will.
                            Makes my heart feel better a tiny bit.


                              Really interesting replies everyone, thanks!

                              I agree with those who say they'd do it with their current SO, I'd do it with Ben again if we had to if the alternative was losing him. However I really wouldn't like to do it with anyone new, should I ever be in that situation. I can't imagine having a CD relationship with anyone other than my SO, though, so who knows.


                                I wouldn't do it again unless it was within Australia or even New Zealand.

                                I definitely wouldn't do another Australian-European LDR.

