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Not sure what i should do. little embarrassed to ask friends. Should i say anything?

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    Okay, I will give benefit of doubt for the skin deep comments and just ask this. Is this how you would want your daughter to be thought of one day? Or would you think less of a any child of yours that was not that good looking? Would you dump your hot smart GF if she was maimed in an accident and not as hot or after a few too many years of marriage and kids down the road? Vanity and narcissism are not attractive traits to have. Women don't value them, if your GF is a morale person then I would not let her see this side of yourself. I think maybe you could try some soul searching and try to appreciate her for the inner beauty that she has and work more on your inner beauty.

    Now, I am still curious about something..........................Is she still disappearing for periods of time? Now that you are BF/GF then I hope she understands that ditching out on people when you have plans is not okay. It really does take two to make a relationship work. You need to learn to trust her and she needs to be more respectful of your time. We are all just humans and we all have flaws. I believe if you want to change you can, you just have to truly want to change.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin

