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I never met my SO yet.

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    I never met my SO yet.

    We are now 8 months together and still going strong.
    We met at an online Dating site for foreigners and filipinos last December 1, 2012.
    We made our relationship official on December 18, 2012.
    Yes, that's how fast it is but I won't deny it that I was attracted with his looks first. But then,
    I got to know him and started to like him until he gives me those butterflies I don't know why.

    About how we met: interesting thing about it is that we are both unable to chat each other on that dating site since we are both free users. One should subscribe or get a premium account to freely chat anyone they like. It took us about 10-15 mins by sending PM to each other where the messages there are blur and we cant read it. We were trying to get each other's facebook and then I finally put my first name which is "fionish"(then he easily find me on FB) on the 1st line of the message. He can read only on the 1st word of the PM so then he searched me on FB and found me.
    And that was worth the effort.

    My other friends sometimes say why him since we never met yet. Like I don't know that guy and why would I commit in a relationship with someone
    I never met yet in person. I don't wanna argue with them, but even though with this distance I know and I can feel he loves me.
    He proved it many times and I feel like no one ever loved me before as much as he does. Even though he knows I have a kid from a past relationship, he doesn't care and accepts me and my son.

    We have plans of course to meet, he will go back to the Air force and after his training he will come here and visit me.
    The soonest will be January 2015, kinda far but I can wait. He still needs to earn money coz it cost much to travel from UK to Philippines.

    Anyways that's all I can say from now. Thank you for your time reading these.
    Who else are in a LDR and never met there SO yet?

    Originally posted by Fudgee View Post
    We are now 8 months together and still going strong.
    We met at an online Dating site for foreigners and filipinos last December 1, 2012.
    We made our relationship official on December 18, 2012.
    Yes, that's how fast it is but I won't deny it that I was attracted with his looks first. But then,
    I got to know him and started to like him until he gives me those butterflies I don't know why.

    About how we met: interesting thing about it is that we are both unable to chat each other on that dating site since we are both free users. One should subscribe or get a premium account to freely chat anyone they like. It took us about 10-15 mins by sending PM to each other where the messages there are blur and we cant read it. We were trying to get each other's facebook and then I finally put my first name which is "fionish"(then he easily find me on FB) on the 1st line of the message. He can read only on the 1st word of the PM so then he searched me on FB and found me.
    And that was worth the effort.

    My other friends sometimes say why him since we never met yet. Like I don't know that guy and why would I commit in a relationship with someone
    I never met yet in person. I don't wanna argue with them, but even though with this distance I know and I can feel he loves me.
    He proved it many times and I feel like no one ever loved me before as much as he does. Even though he knows I have a kid from a past relationship, he doesn't care and accepts me and my son.

    We have plans of course to meet, he will go back to the Air force and after his training he will come here and visit me.
    The soonest will be January 2015, kinda far but I can wait. He still needs to earn money coz it cost much to travel from UK to Philippines.

    Anyways that's all I can say from now. Thank you for your time reading these.
    Who else are in a LDR and never met there SO yet?
    Do you have the technical capability to communicate, both visually(webcam) and/or sound(webcam and or microphone)?

    First Visit: September 2016
    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
    John 4:12
    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      Yes, we skype almost everyday and viber when we are away from home.
      And we also skype while we are sleeping.


        Originally posted by Fudgee View Post
        Yes, we skype almost everyday and viber when we are away from home.
        And we also skype while we are sleeping.
        Skype in your sleep? How? What is viber?

        First Visit: September 2016
        Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
        Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

        John 3:16
        For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
        John 4:12
        I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


          Originally posted by Chris516 View Post
          Skype in your sleep? How? What is viber?
          Yes, skype while we are sleeping. It's a good feeling to see him before I sleep and wake up and see him again. Feels like we just sleep right next to each other.
          Viber is an android app that provides free call and text as long as you have internet.
          Because it's expensive to call or text overseas, so viber is better because it's free. We are both on data plan so no problem with that.


            My SO and I waited over two years to meet and now we're moving in together! If you can wait, it -is- possible. Hang in there!
            Made it official: 12-01-10
            First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
            Closed the distance: 07-31-13


              Originally posted by Black_Halloween View Post
              My SO and I waited over two years to meet and now we're moving in together! If you can wait, it -is- possible. Hang in there!
              Yes I will and I can wait.
              Because I know it will be worth it!
              Thanks btw


                Yuppppp, my SO and I were together for about 2 years before we met in person after meeting online on a game. It's been about a year since we met. Lots of people are quick to judge. That's why we're here.
                Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                Engaged: 09/26/2020


                  Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
                  Yuppppp, my SO and I were together for about 2 years before we met in person after meeting online on a game. It's been about a year since we met. Lots of people are quick to judge. That's why we're here.
                  Yeah and this forum helped me a lot.
                  Gives me hope every time you guys share your stories.
                  Because I know we will meet one day. That's for sure.


                    Originally posted by Fudgee View Post
                    Yes, skype while we are sleeping. It's a good feeling to see him before I sleep and wake up and see him again. Feels like we just sleep right next to each other.
                    Viber is an android app that provides free call and text as long as you have internet.
                    Because it's expensive to call or text overseas, so viber is better because it's free. We are both on data plan so no problem with that.
                    Viber is also available for blackberry and iphone (I have a friend who has a blackberry and we talk through viber, then i have another friend who's mom has viber on her iphone)

                    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                      I am in a relationship with a guy for 2.5 months and I feel so lonely at times ...just by reading your posts I know I have to be pacient, because we have only 1.5 months until we see each other. Wow!!!! You waited that long!!!! That*s REAL LOVE. I ADMIRE YOU!!!! Just by thinking at your stories you give me strength to go on ....We talk often on the phone (not daily, because I get the feeling he doesn*t want to be stressed , because I sense him as an independent and free person, and if I do think it through maybe it*s for the best because if we talked everyday we wouldn*t have things to talk about!!!) and I can*t wait to see him in September. You see, we have the same home town (which I still live in). As I said I am so excited to see him, but at the same time I have in my mind so many What if questions!!! (what if he doesn*t like me, what if I can*t adapt to his lifestyle ...., etc).
                      And I do have a question for you girls - how do you deal with jealousy???? I mean 2 years of not seeing him and not really knowing things about him (because he can hide things from you) it*s a long time. In my case I tend to be jealous - only in my mind, because I never showed him a single word of jealousy and everytime he tells me he*s going out with his friends I try to be happy for him and tell him with a loving voice to have a beautiful and a nice night out! And this is happening in only 2.5 months of relationship! I wonder how did you deal with this problem in a relationship of 2 years! I know nobody wants to be controlled, nagged (I don*t like it either!!!!) and that is why I haven*t said anything to him, I just try to control myself. By talking to him on the phone he seems a sincere person and I also think that if he did cheat on me he wouldn*t tell me everytime he goes out with his friends. He could just as well tell me nothing about his plans on Fridays or Saturdays nights, but he always does!!!! I guess that is sincerity!!!! I try to built in my confidence day by day, by thinking positive thoughts, but that*s not always that easy!!!!!
                      Last edited by alizee; July 21, 2013, 01:35 AM.


                        Originally posted by alizee View Post
                        I am in a relationship with a guy for 2.5 months and I feel so lonely at times ...just by reading your posts I know I have to be pacient, because we have only 1.5 months until we see each other. Wow!!!! You waited that long!!!! That*s REAL LOVE. I ADMIRE YOU!!!! Just by thinking at your stories you give me strength to go on ....We talk often on the phone (not daily, because I get the feeling he doesn*t want to be stressed , because I sense him as an independent and free person, and if I do think it through maybe it*s for the best because if we talked everyday we wouldn*t have things to talk about!!!) and I can*t wait to see him in September. You see, we have the same home town (which I still live in). As I said I am so excited to see him, but at the same time I have in my mind so many What if questions!!! (what if he doesn*t like me, what if I can*t adapt to his lifestyle ...., etc).
                        And I do have a question for you girls - how do you deal with jealousy???? I mean 2 years of not seeing him and not really knowing things about him (because he can hide things from you) it*s a long time. In my case I tend to be jealous - only in my mind, because I never showed him a single word of jealousy and everytime he tells me he*s going out with his friends I try to be happy for him and tell him with a loving voice to have a beautiful and a nice night out! And this is happening in only 2.5 months of relationship! I wonder how did you deal with this problem in a relationship of 2 years! I know nobody wants to be controlled, nagged (I don*t like it either!!!!) and that is why I haven*t said anything to him, I just try to control myself. By talking to him on the phone he seems a sincere person and I also think that if he did cheat on me he wouldn*t tell me everytime he goes out with his friends. He could just as well tell me nothing about his plans on Fridays or Saturdays nights, but he always does!!!! I guess that is sincerity!!!! I try to built in my confidence day by day, by thinking positive thoughts, but that*s not always that easy!!!!!
                        I think you are still in the stage of getting to know each other?
                        Since 2.5 months is still short for me. It takes years to know a person, everyday we discover new things about each other and we learn from it.
                        That's good that he always tells you that he is going out, and doings stuffs with friends. As what I learned here, do not make my SO as the center of the world.
                        We at least need to enjoy our life, yes it's hard not to be with each others presence but you have to deal with it.
                        I never was jealous of my boyfriend. Because I trust him and he rarely goes out and when he goes out he is with his family or brothers.
                        And in my situation I am miles away from my family here, I live with my brother and his fiance at the moment.
                        So during weekends or my days off at work, I go out with friends because honestly it is boring to stay at home and just talk to him everyday. I mean
                        I need to spend some time alone or with friends not just talk to him everyday coz we do run out of things to do and say.
                        But it doesn't mean I'm bored of him. I love him soo much. That's it.

                        Don't think of those WHat IFs it will make you confuse and think of things you shouldn't think of. I was there once, I realized I was just torturing myself.
                        Really! Think about this he is from UK and I'm from Philippines, two different cultures. It's hard to keep up sometimes but maybe I was just used to it,
                        since I know each one of us should adjust to each other. Just be open minded and accept who he is and what he is.(not all the time ofcoz,still depends on the situation)
                        Us here in the Philippines are somewhat like conservative to some certain things? And we're a religious country, I'm Catholic and he is an Atheist.
                        I believe in God and he doesn't. And I deal with that and we respect each others belief and we don't have to argue about it.
                        Because for me, it doesn't matter what religion you are whether you have different beliefs. It still depends on the person though, of what he is, what he does and what he thinks.

                        Trust, communication and Love is the three most important in an Long Distance Relationship.


                          Originally posted by Riyko View Post
                          Viber is also available for blackberry and iphone (I have a friend who has a blackberry and we talk through viber, then i have another friend who's mom has viber on her iphone)
                          Oh yeah, that's good that it is compatible to BB and iOS now.
                          Thanks for the info.


                            Originally posted by Fudgee View Post
                            Trust, communication and Love is the three most important in an Long Distance Relationship.

                            First Visit: September 2016
                            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                            John 3:16
                            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                            John 4:12
                            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                              Thanks Fudgee for your good advice! I must stop with all that what ifs (although I think they are normal to some degree) and yes, just like you, I do think that him telling me everytime where he goes is a good thing because it shows sincerity and confidence. You see, I am a person who doesn*t have that much of a social life and obviously he has many social activities (hey, but I guess that many guys are like that and we, women, are a little calm and more focused on the home, at least I am that way!). I must really be positive and uplifted with this relationship, as I feel so many things I didn*t think I was able to feel - I know it feels so good talking to him (although he is a person who, on his own, doesn*t text me a text just to say HI, or Good night - I sent him texts like these and he always responds polite and great, but I just realise it is not his way of being. I would really love to be surprised with a cute text from his part but this never happens!!!) and I also know that I love his smile and his intelligence. I feel that he has the potential to being my soulmate, so I know I have many beautiful things to discover about him.
                              Last edited by alizee; July 21, 2013, 04:40 AM.

