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I never met my SO yet.

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    Originally posted by alizee View Post
    Thanks Fudgee for your good advice! I must stop with all that what ifs (although I think they are normal to some degree) and yes, just like you, I do think that him telling me everytime where he goes is a good thing because it shows sincerity and confidence. You see, I am a person who doesn*t have that much of a social life and obviously he has many social activities (hey, but I guess that many guys are like that and we, women, are a little calm and more focused on the home, at least I am that way!). I must really be positive and uplifted with this relationship, as I feel so many things I didn*t think I was able to feel - I know it feels so good talking to him (although he is a person who, on his own, doesn*t text me a text just to say HI, or Good night - I sent him texts like these and he always responds polite and great, but I just realise it is not his way of being. I would really love to be surprised with a cute text from his part but this never happens!!!) and I also know that I love his smile and his intelligence. I feel that he has the potential to being my soulmate, so I know I have many beautiful things to discover about him.
    Your Welcome! Well maybe he is not that kind of guy. But who knows right? Me and my SO are not soo sweet before. I'm lucky to have found someone like me.
    We always post to each others Facebook wall. Like at least Hi and I miss you. And of course every month on our anniversary we greet each other.
    We had a challenge to who will be posting a very long paragraph to each other on FB. He 1st posted on my wall the I replied a much longer paragraph(like how much I love him) He then replied "Alright you win, but I will come back stronger!"
    Fun isn't it?
    But don't expect too much from your SO because you will end up disappointed. Just be yourself, you don't need to tell him "I love you" everyday as long as you show that you do love him. All men are different, they are not those who always shows their emotions especially when it comes to serious talks.
    As long as you know he loves you that's great enough!
    Yes, we women do want guys who are sweet and to do this and that but what can we do to make them be like that? You could try to open up to him about your feelings. But as long as you don't go way beyond of your expectations.
    Why don't you go out? Like watch movies or shopping with friends. That's what I did after our big fight(the reason bcoz I got bored coz we see each other everyday)
    Give sometime for yourself. Enjoy life! We are still young!


      Yes , maybe he is not that kind of guy! I would so much like for him to text me something sweet out of the blue, like - Good Night or I just want to let you know that I am thinking about you - but he doesn*t and I tried to leave him some hints that I would like that, but no way, he didn*t get it! I am the one who sometimes sends him messages like that and he replies back very quickly in a nice way. I am not mad at him for not being like that, but I would like him to be sweeter!!!! He has a stressful job and maybe, when he has a break, he just wants to relax on his own and not think about me. I can understand that!
      As for his Facebook wall, he said to me that he is not really into facebook, because he thinks it*s a waste of time. I am not a facebook junkie myself, I only enter it to read the news flash. At first, when we talked on IM, he was always on time (when we had our "date"), told me that we always had interesting conversations, but we never talked more that 1.3 hour. He always was the one who was out, asking me not to be upset and I used to be a little because I wanted to talk more with him.
      As for saying "I love you" I think it*s a little early to say that, because love goes deeper than our 2.5 months relationship and we haven*t even met in reality. But what I do know is that I love getting in touch with him and I sense through the phone that he is a wonderful person.
      I know that men aren*t so emotional, but he told me one day that he cried when he saw Seven Pounds, a movie in which Will Smith starrs. And I thought wow, I never met a man who tells the fact that he cried seeing a movie!!!! All men try to look tough and cool!!! He even recomended me the movie and I saw it, and yes I thought it was an emotional movie, but didn*t cry That shows he is emotional and has a "heart" and that*s great by me, because we are all humans. But with the sweet texting he*s not used to
      I was the one who asked for his phone number (because I was getting tired to speak on IM) - you see we have the advantage we live in the same country and we have the same phone operator and so we have a lot of free texts and free minutes. He answered me SURE! and that*s when we started to text, firstly, and then talk. Let me tell you the story about our first conversation - I was travelling with work at our college town (we went to the same college just about the same time, as he is a yer older than me, but never knew each other!!!) and I told him (in a text) I would be so happy to tell him how our college town had changed over time (in 10 years) and he said it would be great to hear that. That*s when he called me and we had our first voice call. I find him a little shy and independent ... but again maybe that*s his way of being!
      Last edited by alizee; July 21, 2013, 05:50 AM.


        Originally posted by alizee View Post
        Yes , maybe he is not that kind of guy! I would so much like for him to text me something sweet out of the blue, like - Good Night or I just want to let you know that I am thinking about you - but he doesn*t and I tried to leave him some hints that I would like that, but no way, he didn*t get it! I am the one who sometimes sends him messages like that and he replies back very quickly in a nice way. I am not mat at him for not being like that, but I would like him to be sweeter!!!!
        As for his Facebook wall, he said to me that he is not really into facebook, because he thinks it*s a waste of time. I am not a facebook junkie myself, I only enter it to read the news flash.
        As for saying "I love you" I think it*s a little early to say that, because love goes deeper than our 2.5 months relationship and we haven*t even met in reality. But what I do know is that I love getting in touch with him and I sense through the phone that he is a wonderful person.
        I know that men aren*t so emotional, but he told me one day that he cried when he saw Seven Pounds, a movie in which Will Smith starrs. And I thought wow, I never met a man who tells the fact that he cried seeing a movie!!!! All men try to look tough and cool!!! He even recomended me the movie and I saw it, and yes I thought it was an emotional movie, but didn*t cry That shows he is emotional and has a "heart" and that*s great by me, because we are all humans. But with the sweet texting he*s not used to
        Oh okay, well just take your time then. That's good to know that he is very open to you at least.
        It shows that he trusts you. Well you're still the one to judge. Goodluck to your relationship!
        Wish you the best.


          Thank you Fudgee! Same to you! Good luck with your relationship and may your love grow and hang in there girl!!!! Love moves mountains and this forum is so useful for us and helps us learn new things and stay positive and focused in our relationship. Once my BF told me that he never had a relationship like this and I said that me neither, but what I told him is that (some article that I read in a newspaper) some american researchers from a well known university found out that LDRs (mostly online relationships) have a bigger chance to succed than the classical because the relationship is firstly based on more communication, openess, trust. And the researchers also found out that the rate of LDR break-ups wasn*t bigger than the rate of the classical ones. The percentage is just about the same. So, I told my boyfriend about this study, and you know what he said? He said that those researchers MUST KNOW what there*re doing, because they were psychologists!!!!


            Originally posted by Fudgee View Post
            Who else are in a LDR and never met there SO yet?
            I am in LDR for more than three years and have not met yet. Ofcourse.. We ll meet but its not possible anytime soon may be this year or maybe later.. Its not confirm yet. BUt he is worth all waiting.


              Originally posted by alizee View Post
              Thank you Fudgee! Same to you! Good luck with your relationship and may your love grow and hang in there girl!!!! Love moves mountains and this forum is so useful for us and helps us learn new things and stay positive and focused in our relationship. Once my BF told me that he never had a relationship like this and I said that me neither, but what I told him is that (some article that I read in a newspaper) some american researchers from a well known university found out that LDRs (mostly online relationships) have a bigger chance to succed than the classical because the relationship is firstly based on more communication, openess, trust. And the researchers also found out that the rate of LDR break-ups wasn*t bigger than the rate of the classical ones. The percentage is just about the same. So, I told my boyfriend about this study, and you know what he said? He said that those researchers MUST KNOW what there*re doing, because they were psychologists!!!!
              Thanks for the info. God Bless


                Originally posted by SeeRat View Post
                I am in LDR for more than three years and have not met yet. Ofcourse.. We ll meet but its not possible anytime soon may be this year or maybe later.. Its not confirm yet. BUt he is worth all waiting.
                Good to know that. At least make some plan right?
                Coz we do and that's something I hold on to.


                  Man i love reading these things im so glad i found this website gives me hope that il meet my gal one day


                    Originally posted by Fudgee View Post
                    Good to know that. At least make some plan right?
                    Coz we do and that's something I hold on to.
                    Many plans have been made and failed because of certain reasons... But we are holding onto each other and i believe one day we ll make it..


                      Hi Fudgee,

                      I guess you already know me. Just giving you a warm welcome! And yes, I haven't seen my SO yet, but I will this coming October 2013!! *party*

                      2015 is such a long time! I admire you for your courage dear. Hope to talk to you more. And thank you for telling me about 2GO because I found out that it has lower shipping costs than LBC.


                        My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 2 years now and haven't met yet. Different situations and finances get in the way, but we keep making plans when other plans fail. We hope to meet up this fall if everything goes well, and if not, hopefully after that. It's very hard, but I keep remembering how much I love and care about him. It will happen.
                        Met Online: 2009-10
                        Started Talking: Jan 25, 2011
                        Relationship Started: June 25, 2011
                        First Meeting: June 9, 2014
                        Engaged: June 12, 2014
                        Second Visit and Road Trip: Sep 3, 2014


                          I've known mine for over four years. Well, we've been friends for that long. We've only taken our friendship to the next level recently. We are trying to text and/or talk daily, try to Skype weekly (with work and the time difference it's difficult). But no, I've not met him in person yet. When I think about it, I get very excited!

                          Good luck to you! Always positive.


                            Originally posted by SeeRat View Post
                            Many plans have been made and failed because of certain reasons... But we are holding onto each other and i believe one day we ll make it..
                            Oh that's good to know that you both are still holding to each other. Have Faith!
                            The right time will come. And it will be worth it. I'm sure of that.
                            Good Luck to you both and stay strong!


                              Originally posted by chizatlauren View Post
                              Hi Fudgee,

                              I guess you already know me. Just giving you a warm welcome! And yes, I haven't seen my SO yet, but I will this coming October 2013!! *party*

                              2015 is such a long time! I admire you for your courage dear. Hope to talk to you more. And thank you for telling me about 2GO because I found out that it has lower shipping costs than LBC.
                              OMG! :O
                              SO happy for you to meet him this October! hehe
                              And you're welcome, I'm glad to help you out.
                              Maybe we should get together sometime, since we are near each other anyway.
                              It's just so hard to share my experiences to some friends who doesn't know how it feels like.


                                Originally posted by angelvee View Post
                                My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 2 years now and haven't met yet. Different situations and finances get in the way, but we keep making plans when other plans fail. We hope to meet up this fall if everything goes well, and if not, hopefully after that. It's very hard, but I keep remembering how much I love and care about him. It will happen.
                                Yes! That's right, just always think about when the time comes you're finally gonna see him in person.
                                How beautiful would that be?
                                Mine every time I think of it I get Butterflies. hihi
                                Giggling like a little girl.

