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Jealous of what others have?

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    Of course I get a little twinge of sadness when I see couples kissing or whatever. But I don't get jealous or annoyed when someone complains about not being able to see their SO for a couple of days. Just because a relationship is CD does not mean that it's perfect and does not mean that it doesn't have it's problems.
    I had days when I was LIVING with my SO that I missed him so much it was because he was busy working or I felt like he wasn't emotionally there.
    I am thankful for the relationship I have and I remind myself that, when we do get to close the distance, it will not be without it's problems.


      I honestly hate it. It gets me in the slumps sometimes. When I see couples in a store or just anywhere really and they're all lovey-dovey I just with that my SO was with me. so that I could hold him in my arms and kiss him. I tell him that often(that it bugs me to see other people so close distance and in love and I'm long distance and in love) I miss him so much..


        I think I need to change what I said. I don't really get jealous I guess it's more like when I see a close distance couple all lovey-dovey its like "Damn, I wish I could hold, kiss, etc my boyfriend!" It's the same with my SO. When he goes to school, and he sees alot of couples he gets pangs of sadness in his heart because it makes him miss me more.

        First Met Online: May 08
        Became a Couple: 4.11.09
        First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
        Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
        Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


          Nah, I don't get jealous. Because I already have the best man ever, and I'm willing to wait forever for him. Every time I see a couple kissing or holding hands, I'm happy because I know I have that too, he's just not here right now

          I love hearing about others closing the distance or getting to see their SOs, it makes me hopeful for the future!! As for my friends who are CD, I'm happy for them, and I like hearing about how things are going for them. If they're complaining because they haven't seen their SO for a few hours, so be it, everyone's in different situations, and before this relationship I was the same way too!


            Originally posted by NaNi View Post
            It really annoys the hell out of me when people - not in a LDR - complain that they can't see their SO for a few hours. Really?... really??? Give me a break.
            your not the only one that tends to piss me off too! because its like at least you get to see them in a few hours i have to wait a few months to see Denise, it does annoy me i get very frusterated and jelous over couples i see on tv kissing or something because i wish that was me and Denise at that moment!


              I'm beginning to belive that someone told ALL couples who travel the Australian east coast to go .. JUST to make me sizzle with teeth-grinding envy

              I get that feeling all the time. If I see someone holding hands in the street, if two people kiss eachother - and ESPECIALLY when I go to bed at a hostel and the bed next to me is occupied by a couple cuddling up, OBVIOUSLY mocking me intentionally! *shakes angry fist* I makes faling asleep that much harder when I constantly get reminded that I can't wrap my arms around my ever-sleeping Louise untill in 4 months time. You have NO idea how frustrating a 4-5 hour busride can be when most of the guys there have their girlfriends resting their heads on their shoulders whilst sleeping ..and you don't -_-

              But there isn't really much to do about it, is there? I'm just looking forward to when WE will travel NZ! - then WE'll be the ones making lonely backpackers envious.. HA! >:] (sorry for those of you who might be there at that time..)


                Hmm, good topic. I don't know why, but it doesn't really occur to me to get jealous of other people who can be with their SO, when we are so far apart.

                Sometimes it makes me feel happy actually, and seeing something lovely and coupley makes me think of our future when we will have that. And I add the mental image to the image bank I'm building in my mind, which is a collection of images of what our future will be.

                Sometimes I am aware of (or I imagine) how the relationship I'm watching has been through it's own difficulties and hard times, and this is their well deserved happy time.

                Sometimes I have that funny thought (that probably a lot of us have?), where I think our relationship is the best on the planet and the strongest love ever, and I think I'd rather have that and cope with being apart for a while, than be together with someone in a relationship that isn't completely perfect. Lol

                Sometimes it does make me feel wistful though, and sends me off dreaming of my love and moments when we were together like that, or when we will be again, and a yearning to be with him. But thoughts like that are kind of nice, in a sort of weird pleasure/pain kind of way. It's nice to feel that kind of love inside.


                  Let me admit, If i spend one day without talking to anton... ok, i can live with it. two days i start to get nuts. even if it is just an email, not an actual talk, like not meeting online, or being online for only half an hour before he has to go to sleep (he has to wake up early), them he leaves the macbook open so i see him sleeping until i myself go to sleep as well.
                  i had one year in the distance, and now i came to spend 3 months in brazil, after spending a whole year by his side i can say is harder to be apart again than it was before. i got used to have him around. but we decided he would come to visit me in the middle of my visit to brazil, so we would be one month and a half without seeing each other, them he would come here, spend ten days with me, more one month and a half appart and i would be back in germany.
                  he gets here in 3 more days, i am counting every second!
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    I sometimes am. I can't help it.
                    Especially when people are complaining about their relationships. I know that it's a horrible way to think and I'm actually kinda ashamed of myself, but I've caught myself thinking "This is not fair. We obviously love each other so much more and are way more harmonic together, and yet they get to see each other everyday...". But I have to remind myself that to make up for that, he's the best boyfriend ever and I can be myself around him and have never had to complain about anything he does.
                    In the end though, you're always having in better than someone and someone is always having it better than you are.

                    I will probably be the same and complain about not seeing him for a few hours, once we close the distance. In fact, when I'm visiting and he's at school or somewhere we send each other texts about how much we miss each other.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      I wouldn't say I'm jealous, I think it's just unfair... but then at the same time I think about it and I know that the distance made our relationship this strong.. so I guess everything happens for a reason.

                      I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                      I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                        Very much.
                        I remember a lot of whiny FB statuses (none were insensitive enough to complain directly to me) about not seeing each other for a day or a weekend or so. I actually got envious of a friend whos husband went off to the military at some point, because he still got leaves and she still got to see him more that I got to see my SO.
                        I was having a really bad day today missing him, and on the tram next to me was a cute goth couple who kept kissing and cuddling during the whole ride. I wanted to strangle them.


                          Yes i do get jealous..but i always tell myself that one day sooner, my SO and i will be together and close the distance..and i say, when that time come, i wanna do everything that we have missed while we are LD.Everytime think about that it makes me happy...:-)


                            All the time! I'm always the girl who spends the entire time we're out texting my boyfriend. Just last weekend, I went out to a bowling/pool/arcade place with some friends, and they kept picking on me for spending too much time on my phone with Jason. Oh well that's their problem, not mine :-)

