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Gonna break down!

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    Gonna break down!

    I have no idea what is going on with me. Idk if its stress or just being overwhelmed...

    On August 30th, my bf will be coming for a very short visit (8hrs) he will be here at 11:15pm, that same day I have an Oral Presentation in my Spanish 101 class. Im so nervous for that!

    John and I have an arrangement where we see each other every 2 weeks for a 36 hr visit...the week of the 30th is my time to have a "normal" visit with him, but that same week he will be in Columbus (where I live) to go to a football game with his dad. Since John only has 1 day off a week normally that day is his day off, so I wont get that normal visit.

    Instead, john will be coming the week after the 30th to make up for the short visit. I know thats sweet of him but i dont know what to do.

    Its not just the ldr that is affecting me. Its my parents. They go through pain. They have a pill problem but they dont realize it. My mom is really bad. My dad still functions but my mom stays in the house 24/7 unless she goes to the dr. Whenever I mention something "innocent" like "Mom what are you doing?" or "You're falling asleep" I get yelled at. I feel like they turn stuff around to make me feel like Im out of line.

    I feel like Im constantly worrying. My parents go to bed late normally. Sometimes my dad gets sleep deprived and literally falls asleep anywhere. So when I get off the phone with my bf I go downstairs to the bathroom and I always have to check to see if they are in bed. My bf tells me to not worry and just go to bed, but the what ifs are always there. What if my dad falls and kills himself? What if my dad burns the house down by dropping a cigarette? Im also worried he will wreck our car, which will sabotage my school days.

    I dont know what to do. Lately Ive been feeling so confused. Im so sad that John and I are in this ldr. We have been at it for a year and its so sad.

    This may sound weird but I think you should talk to a counselor or something about what's going on at home. I think once you start talking about how you're feeling it may help you.


      Is there anyone you can talk to at school? they may have free services you can access?


        You definitely need to tell someone about your situation at home, I mean it. Things can not go on like that, you can't be responsible for your parents and keep watching over them, it's THEIR job to watch over you! You should notify someone at your school and someone in social services so they could take actions on getting your parents off the pills and back to normal life. I know it will be hard but you have to do it, your parents are actually putting themselves and you in danger living like that!


          I agree. Most schools and colleges (I'm assuming you're at a University) have counseling services for students. Not only can they help you with your stress, but they can help you get your parents back on track. This isn't something you should have to deal with on your own. You definitely need to talk to someone- it'll ease your worries, stress, and the strain on your relationship.
          "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."


            I've been through that with parents. My mother is a methadone addict with a real reason for the pills, so it makes quitting them impossible. She will deprive herself of sleep, then end up falling asleep where ever she just so happens to be. I no longer live with her, but I had the exact issue you did, in asking something innocent like "are you okay?" I'd get screamed at. My father is a recovering alcoholic and I now live with him. A week or so ago, he relapsed and threatened to throw me out a window. I understand how difficult that situation can be, and honestly, while I never did it, you should seek out help. A stable family member, someone at school, anyone. You can't go through that alone. Also, you're not alone in it, I've been though it, too. If you ever need someone to talk to, while I'm practically a stranger to you, you're more than welcome to talk to me, I've been through what you're going through, so I promise to be an understanding ear.
            Even though we're far apart and our love seems just a vision, soon we'll be together, million kissin' intermissions. Someday soon, further down the road, I'll see you, get to hold you close.
            mc chris - "Distant Lands"
            ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

