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long distance and being ignored

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    i did not want to leave the baby with him, it broke my heart when i left , even up to now. i cant explain the whole details of the situation but it i would involve legal matters. i trusted him as he promised to do everything. and has also asked me to marry him before we got pregnant and all, but since i still have my divorce going , thats not possible for now. i knew that it was gonna be hard, but i just didnt know it was gonne BE this hard .


      yes i told him that, but he had no reply, he said he's not thinking about it for now . i tried sending him a hoochymail, and he didnt even reply to it . its been 5 months since he stopped flirting or he ignores me


        I am sorry you are in this situation still. Do you have any uppertunities for visiting? Since he says he does't want to think about it now, it may be he is keeping his energy reserve being a parent to your child and that he thinks it is so hurtful to be apart he prefers to not think about what he is missing, especially when there is no date for visit/closing the distance.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          that is the positive way of looking at it, and i try very hard to think that way too. he says he loves me and still wants us to be together, he wants us to be a family. its just that he doesnt want to dwell on the negatives, but i miss them, i miss my baby soooo much it hurts and we dont talk about our lives anymore. like his work maybe, he said his life is boring and not so much to talk about. mine however is different, lots of things going on in my life, but it just hurts, coz he doesn't seem to care at all. he does not ask me how i am. if he's being quiet and distant, i ask him if something is wrong, he would just say, it doesnt concern me at all and i have nothing to worry about. TRUST is really a big factor in a long distance relationship, and i want to tell him that. i just miss him, being funny and all, or at least doing something together. we only see each other on skype once a week and barely 20 mins and we dont even talk, i just ask a bunch of questions about the baby, and he just answers them, i mean he doesnt really say a lot. at times he would say he loves me, sometimes its just "bye" . so i just try to look at things in the positive way. I want to come up and visit in august, but that is not clear yet coz i got Visa problems . i just wish, he'd spend more time with me, and just wish we could do something fun, even just online, to prevent growing apart . not talking just increases the chances of us growing apart

