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(Surviving!) the last day before he goes...

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    (Surviving!) the last day before he goes...

    Well this is it. Tomorrow is the last day I'll see 'him' before he leaves for five months next week. It probably helps to explain (briefly!), that we're 'just good friends' at the moment, but I love him very much and our relationship is deepening every day. It's also perhaps worth mentioning that tomorrow will technically be a working day - we run a business together, and have lots to do before he goes.

    So on both counts, it won't be a day when I can truly express how I'm feeling - both because I don't want to force what isn't naturally ready to happen yet and (frustratingly!) because he's not a guy who is comfortable with emotions generally, particularly 'deep' ones - on all levels it's sad that we're having this break now when things were so good (and I feel that sadness as probably one of strongest emotions, alongside the inevitable sadness of knowing how very much I'm going to miss him and 'feel' his distance (if that makes sense?)).

    At the moment, I've no idea how I'm going to cope - with tomorrow, let alone the next almost half a year!! He also suggested that he may stay longer ('for the business', even though I don't think this will have a significant impact) - I can't tell him why I don't want this to happen, other than 'business reasons' - so frustrating.

    I know that there are no easy answers - I can only 'play' tomorrow 'by ear', saying what I can, where I can, and keeping back the (buckets of!) tears until after I say goodbye (NO idea what words to use for that either!) - so I kind of want to put it 'out there' that this may well be the most difficult day of my life so far, and right now I'm not feeling great about it. Dreading it really. Which is also sad, because I know I should be trying to enjoy the last few hours with him as much as possible!! I really hate that this is happening, and also feel really guilty that I do when he's so excited about this opportunity (paid teaching in the Far East!) - so much negative emotion. This is the first time (even though I'm 40+) that I've loved someone and hate that it hurts so much.

    Anyway, that's it. Elen xx

    Hello Elen, welcome to LFAD Saying goodbye is always very hard, no matter if you are friends or members of family or couple .... What about possibility that he feels the same as you do? I would go for it and say something like: "IŽll be waiting", might be cliche, but it might give him a hint at least. Enjoy the last day with him and be strong


      I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking about you. When I said goodbye to my SO at the airport, we had no idea how long it would be before seeing each other again. I just knew I'd cry and cry. He got upset, though, so I sucked it up and was strong for him. As soon as he went through the security line, I had to sit and cry. I sobbed for hours, but it got easier each day after. Of course, it helps when you have an SO that cares and is trying to help you through the separation. There is no easy way to get through it. Try to think about the reunion day. Good luck. Let us know how you do.


        How did it go?
        Have you tried hinting to him about your feelings, testing the ice to see if he feels the same?


          Hi all, and thank you sooooo much for your wisdom. It actually went really well today - we had a meeting out with a guy who's coming to work with me while he's away which was fun, and I felt I could openly say that I don't really want him to go and (almost!) how much I'll miss him - and then we'd tried to focus on some of the practical 'stuff' re: the business and keeping in touch. There was one tricky moment at the end of the day when things got a little emotional, but we got through it - thanks to a spot of talking rubbish! - and I'm sniffy now but not yet in floods of tears (maybe later).

          On the bright side, he's invited me to dinner next week (one evening after his training course), which again will be difficult emotionally but more intimate than 'businessy' - I can dress up a little, which he's never seen! - so although I suspect we'll still discuss 'light' issues, there may be some 'deeper' moments which I'll cherish. I still don't know exactly when he'll be back (he finds out next week), but on a further bright side we've been discussing 'stuff' we'll do (business-wise mainly, but some personal) when he gets back, so I need to focus now on both developing the business - he's planning to help via Skype etc (even discussing us 'working together' with him as a 'virtual presence' in the office! - slightly odd but actually really nice) - and getting my life in order*.

          *Perhaps more to discuss here in the future, but I know he wants to move to Europe long-term and in simple terms I'm planning to go with him (learning the language), so I need to be practically ready for this when he gets back - 'on the doorstep with my suitcase' as one of our mutual friends (who knows everything) said. At the mo, this would be rationalised as 'for the good of the business' but who knows what time will bring...

          Re: 'testing the ice', I think our biggest hurdle is his preconceptions of who he should be with (I'm not the 'type' of woman he ever thought he'd be with), but he recognises that these come from his upbringing and culture etc, and that these may perhaps need to be challenged. This was actually mentioned today, and I (very) gently challenged it, saying it should be about the person not the labels that are/could be attached to them - he didn't disagree with this, so hopefully food for thought for him. I know this is a long-term process, but he's most definitely worth the wait!

          Thanks again guys - it's soooooo nice to know I'm not alone in this xx


            Glad to hear it went well!
            I actually thought he was leaving already, but realised it was the last day you were supposed to see him before he leaves.
            Nice one on the dinner date
            I will want to hear how it goes.

