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First Sight of SO

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    Originally posted by Tooki View Post
    I perved on my GF's butt...

    She also said that I was shorter than she expected
    You men are all the same! My boyfriend told me the same thing too...

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      Originally posted by Ahava View Post
      Moon, this got me curious as to how your relationship started? I don't think I've ever read the whole story. Earlier I was under the impression that you had met (face to face) at work that maybe he was over in the States working or something.
      Yep, you're right, we did meet at work, but not face to face. We're in the same department, but he does the work for our EU branch, and I do it for the US, and because of that, we had to collaborate all the time. We would have to work on issues over the phone, which soon turned into 90 minute phone calls, for a 5 minute answer We did that for years, until I decided (for the second time) I had a bit of a crush, and wanted to see if anything could come of it. I managed to get him to talk to me outside of work hours, and that was that, he was hooked We didn't meet face to face for about 7 months, some of it due to it being such a busy time with work that it was hard to take off, but mostly because of his infamous Finnish shyness.
      Last edited by Moon; January 28, 2014, 01:53 PM.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        Originally posted by TexastoFinland View Post
        Every time I see my SO since it's not so often.. usually about 6 months in between.. I looked at him and thought "damn you are skinnier than last time, how is that possible!!" LOL of course it isn't it's just that US guys aren't normally as fit as Finnish guys so I don't normally see guys that tall and thin. Also we normally type so talking to him in person is strange because he think I speak too fast at first until a few days after we are together and he gets used to me and then I can stop talking to him like a child. This boy has studied English his whole life and I would say he communicates (in writing and reading) about 40 percent of his day but the speaking part takes some warming up so that is weird!!
        Funny that you mention that, every time I see my SO I think he looks so small because I'm used to huge Finnish guys. You are right though, most of them are fit but compared to Asian guys they are so big. It's all relative. It probably takes him some time to get used to your accent again? I know it takes me some time to tune my ears into whatever English accent I'm listening to before I can actually understand anything. Most of the time I'm fine but I still can't understand my SO's dad half of the time because he has the thickest East London/cockney accent. He sounds like a pirate. I can understand the need for warming up.


          Me and my brother was waiting for her at the airport. We arrived about at the same time as her plane landed, but it took probably an hour or more before she finally arrived. She was one of the last people to come in.

          Anyway, to make the time go, me and my brother placed bets on wether she would be the next one to come through the gate. We didn't really have anything other than coins, so we bet guitar picks and other random stuff found in my wallet. And as I had it open anyway, I decided to clear some old reciepts from my wallet, but as I was halfway to the bin, I turned around, just to see if she MAY have POSSIBLY come through yet, and there she was, rounding the corner, and my brain go torn in two directions. Part of me wanted to finish the task I had already begun, throwing away the od reciepts (I was already halfway to the bin after all, and it was about ten to fifteen meters away), and the other half just wanted to run to her, so I stood there, in a kind of half shock for a few seconds before running back to her and my brother, who were now introducing themselves xD And the first thing I thought, apart from "she looks so real!" was "she's shorter than I thought" xD Which I told her. And I'm sure she'll never let me forget it either xD.


            Originally posted by Inspirement View Post
            "she looks so real!"

            Married: June 9th, 2015


              Originally posted by Inspirement View Post
              before running back to her and my brother, who were now introducing themselves xD And the first thing I thought, apart from "she looks so real!" was "she's shorter than I thought" xD Which I told her. And I'm sure she'll never let me forget it either xD.
              Damn right I won't let you forget it because I'm not short! Though I'll admit that one of my first thoughts was "okay he's a cm or two taller than I expected" but only because he started it! And we weren't already introducing ourselves, I might've said "Hi..." to him as I searched around for you. He was the first one I saw because he was standing by the door (where you were supposed to be) with your phone in it's bright blue case pointed right at me, so he was a little hard to miss, then I saw you and we met each other's eyes and then you raced up. I don't really remember what was going through my head at the time, I think I was a little preoccupied with having just entered a new country, having survived 20 hours on a plane by myself and managed through security without a single hassle. I think mostly as I'm walking up to arrivals I'm just thinking "omg omg this is really happening I'm about to meet him omg I hope he gets it on camera". Which he didn't beacause they'd spent the last half hour waiting for me and filming a bunch of random people and a lot of floor and of course the phone decided to muck up at that exact moment. Anyway, big big hug ensued. And one of the other first things he did was bop me on the nose - which I thought was a bit weird and out of character for him, but whatever. Oh, and our first kiss. My first kiss. I was thinking "well that's new, and not at all like I expected. I think that might take a while..."

              "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

              Started Talking - October 2012
              Started Dating - 08.11.12
              First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
              Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

              Rosetta Stone Progress
              22 / 60


                Originally posted by Moon View Post
                Yep, you're right, we did meet at work, but not face to face. We're in the same department, but he does the work for our EU branch, and I do it for the US, and because of that, we had to collaborate all the time. We would have to work on issues over the phone, which soon turned into 90 minute phone calls, for a 5 minute answer We did that for years, until I decided (for the second time) I had a bit of a crush, and wanted to see if anything could come of it. I managed to get him to talk to me outside of work hours, and that was that, he was hooked We didn't meet face to face for about 7 months, some of it due to it being such a busy time with work that it was hard to take off, but mostly because of his infamous Finnish shyness.
                Thanks And good on you for taking the lead. These shy guys sometimes need a little help Believe it or not, my Brit is shy.


                  Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
                  When I saw my SO at the airport for the first time, I felt like throwing up all over myself - I was that nervous. I stayed that nervous for the first few hours.
                  Ha. I watched him through the glass as he was waiting for his case at the baggage carousel. So nervous, pale and short of breath some lady next to me asked me if I was feeling OK. I must've looked like I was about to collapse. My SO's first sight of me was me trying to explain to concerned randomers I wasn't about to faint. Then when we finally got together I was just speechless for a couple of hours.

                  Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                    The first time I met my SO it was during a summer education program to get into college, I was 17 and he was 18. I remember having a major lady boner upon first sight, but had a boyfriend who was back home.
                    Nothing happened between him and I that summer, although other girls definitely took their opportunities... he was quiet popular haha. I remember a few days in particular, once in the door rooms walking around meeting everyone and walking into his room where him and his roommate were hanging out, him with his button down shirt half open. He still doesn't believe that I had major hots for him, he thinks I had my eyes on one of his roommates! Which isn't completely untrue but I was definitely more attracted to my SO.

                    Another time we were on the main part of campus and there was an arch stairway on which my new friends and I were standing on top of, we saw my SO walking towards us and started giggling talking about how it was like Romeo and Juliet. So I put a cute little smirk on leaded over the railing and say "HEY (my SO's name here dragged out)" he smiled back at me then looked at the rest of my friends and said "Hey ladies." He and I started hanging out more often a little bit after that.

                    Once I returned that Fall we were apart of the same group of friends and ended up dating for a short amount of time. Seven years later...

                    Met in July 2006
                    Dated very briefly in November 2006
                    Reconnected in July 2011
                    Something changed in August 2013
                    He visited in November 2013
                    I traveled in November 2013
                    I visit in February 2014


                      OH! The first time I saw him after those seven years might be share-worthy as well...

                      I picked him up at the airport, he was wearing his US Navy uniform. I was so nervous, he was so nervous that he was texting me even while walking off the plane. Once he finally walked out he had a huge smile on his face and I could barely breathe. I half walked/half ran to him he dropped his backpack and lifted me off the ground. With my legs wrapped around him he just held me for what seemed like forever, then he put me down, held my face and kissed me for the first time in seven years.
                      While waiting for his bag he kept giving my little kisses all over my face and said that he would get in so much trouble for doing all that in uniform.

                      Geez, I think I needed to share all of that. Thanks for reading everyone.

                      Met in July 2006
                      Dated very briefly in November 2006
                      Reconnected in July 2011
                      Something changed in August 2013
                      He visited in November 2013
                      I traveled in November 2013
                      I visit in February 2014


                        Originally posted by stormy View Post
                        OH! The first time I saw him after those seven years might be share-worthy as well...

                        I picked him up at the airport, he was wearing his US Navy uniform. I was so nervous, he was so nervous that he was texting me even while walking off the plane. Once he finally walked out he had a huge smile on his face and I could barely breathe. I half walked/half ran to him he dropped his backpack and lifted me off the ground. With my legs wrapped around him he just held me for what seemed like forever, then he put me down, held my face and kissed me for the first time in seven years.
                        While waiting for his bag he kept giving my little kisses all over my face and said that he would get in so much trouble for doing all that in uniform.

                        Geez, I think I needed to share all of that. Thanks for reading everyone.
                        Reading both of your stories made me smile, Stormy
                        Thanks for sharing!


                          My SO has told me a few times about the first time he saw me. I had just arrived after a 6-hour trip on a bus, exhausted and covered in red dust from the bumpy road. Great first impression !
                          He caught my eye the next day though. I thought he was extremely handsome and he had such a lovely smile. I tried to catch a glimpse every now and again until we finally started talking


                            Originally posted by abna1 View Post
                            My SO has told me a few times about the first time he saw me. I had just arrived after a 6-hour trip on a bus, exhausted and covered in red dust from the bumpy road. Great first impression !
                            He caught my eye the next day though. I thought he was extremely handsome and he had such a lovely smile. I tried to catch a glimpse every now and again until we finally started talking
                            What a cute story you and your SO make a beautiful couple!


                              Originally posted by Ahava View Post
                              Reading both of your stories made me smile, Stormy
                              Thanks for sharing!
                              Thanks Ahava, I realized (again) that I have a lot of reasons to keep this relationship going just after writing it

                              Met in July 2006
                              Dated very briefly in November 2006
                              Reconnected in July 2011
                              Something changed in August 2013
                              He visited in November 2013
                              I traveled in November 2013
                              I visit in February 2014


                                I didn't think to put in my earlier note about the first kiss at the airport. That was very special, but, man, oh man, was it ever too short! He was worried about PDA, but I would have loved to lock lips with him for hours - to heck with what anybody thought! When he kissed me, all memories of any other kisses left my brain. For me, I knew then I would always be his.

                                There is absolutely nothing else on the planet like a kiss hello or goodbye at an airport.

