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    Originally posted by nottheprincesspeach View Post
    My guy is leaving for a new job and promotion too. I get how it feels-especially the happy for him but sad for the leaving part. I hope things go well for you and your finances work out.
    Good luck to both of you!
    Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
    I'm not really sure how that helps, if it's supposed to help... Also, I can't help but laugh when you say "your country".... LB is a US resident.
    My point being if there was no tourism I am sure the average salary would be a lot less than $700 a month. I have no idea where she is from, but her profile says she lives in CR, so for now I guess that's her country. She was actually out of line. My comment wasn't derogatory to her in any way, shape or form. And to "thank" me facetiously for "reminding her" how poor she was.....really, now!

    Originally posted by Benni View Post
    Congrats on his new job! If you each can take turns visiting, you'll see each other often. I'm jealous!! (not really, I get married to my SO in 41 more days
    Yay! How exciting. I wish you many, many years of wedded bliss!

    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


      Originally posted by TaraMarie View Post

      Sorry wasn't a dig at you at all. Simply a comment about how wonderful this opportunity is for him! I wish i made that kind of money. But you can be grateful there are wealthy Americans who like to visit your country and spend their hard earned money!


      My point being if there was no tourism I am sure the average salary would be a lot less than $700 a month. I have no idea where she is from, but her profile says she lives in CR, so for now I guess that's her country. She was actually out of line. My comment wasn't derogatory to her in any way, shape or form. And to "thank" me facetiously for "reminding her" how poor she was.....really, now!
      Are you actually for real? How condescending and clueless can you be?

      Good gracious, what is it with the Ugly American stereotypes on this board lately? All of this salary-bragging and "leader of the free world" shenanigans makes me want to change my name to Anaïs and pretend I'm Québecoise.


        Originally posted by TaraMarie View Post
        But you can be grateful there are wealthy Americans who like to visit your country and spend their hard earned money!
        I find this post a tiny bit racist

        Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
        makes me want to change my name to Anaïs and pretend I'm Québecoise.
        If you can pull off THAT accent I'll be mightily impressed
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          I personally wouldn't speak about my/my SO's salary on an internet forum, but I am able to be happy for other people/their SO's and not start feeling jealous.
          I'm closer to the breadline than to being comfortable even and have had it ******* hard the last couple years (things will start looking better in a couple months I hope).
          Luckily my SO is willing to travel to me


            Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
            If you can pull off THAT accent I'll be mightily impressed
            Mais tabarnak', ça fait vraiment cute à donf ! Allez les Habs !


              I didn't know Québécois people said à donf. Now I'm disappointed calice de criss!
              I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
                Are you actually for real? How condescending and clueless can you be?

                Good gracious, what is it with the Ugly American stereotypes on this board lately? All of this salary-bragging and "leader of the free world" shenanigans makes me want to change my name to Anaïs and pretend I'm Québecoise.
                Not condescending at all. More tongue in cheek. Americans! What can I tell you!?!?
                Yet she was still out of line.

                I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                  I don't know if it's just a matter of a difference in cultures but here in the UK it is really frowned upon to discuss salaries in public. It would be considered extremely rude to go around telling people how much you, or your partner earned; it could be more accepted in different parts of the world.

                  Cultural differences aside, I wish him well in his new venture. I hope he manages to maintain a decent work-life balance as well as the increase in salary


                    Hello, whatever happened to how it was wrong to attack the OP by derailing a thread. This thread is about her SO's new job and so if you might get upset by reading anything about it like DUH a salary, don't read it.

                    She was attacked and defended herself. It was out of line and now you are bashing Americans for talking about salaries. WTF. This was not just her talking about salaries "in public" this was her sharing good news with her LFAD family and it is sad that some of you don't that. My SO lost his contract and so jobless again and my company is hanging by a string and I lost my healthcare. The whole world is having problems, so If you want to talk about how rich and arrogant Americans are then go make your own thread. I will be happy to post on it. This one is not about that.

                    And LB, you might think others such as TM are so rich and you are poor but you CLOSED the distance and she has not so who is really the "richest" now? I bet if you ask many of us if we would rather be with our loved ones or wealthy we would choose to be poor. Your words not mine, I am not calling you poor.
                    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                    Benjamin Franklin


                      Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                      Hello, whatever happened to how it was wrong to attack the OP by derailing a thread. This thread is about her SO's new job and so if you might get upset by reading anything about it like DUH a salary, don't read it.

                      She was attacked and defended herself. It was out of line and now you are bashing Americans for talking about salaries. WTF. This was not just her talking about salaries "in public" this was her sharing good news with her LFAD family and it is sad that some of you don't that. My SO lost his contract and so jobless again and my company is hanging by a string and I lost my healthcare. The whole world is having problems, so If you want to talk about how rich and arrogant Americans are then go make your own thread. I will be happy to post on it. This one is not about that.

                      And LB, you might think others such as TM are so rich and you are poor but you CLOSED the distance and she has not so who is really the "richest" now? I bet if you ask many of us if we would rather be with our loved ones or wealthy we would choose to be poor. Your words not mine, I am not calling you poor.
                      FWIW I actually agree with most of what you have written Hollandia, however to clarify I was not "bashing" Americans, I was just trying to explain why some people may have been a bit taken aback by the original post. I was a little shocked when I first read it, not because I wasn't happy for the OP but it's just not something I'm used to hearing about either in public or amongst friends. I wouldn't even be able to tell you what some of my closest friends earn, it's just not brought up here. Like I said, I think it's simply a difference of cultures.


                        Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
                        FWIW I actually agree with most of what you have written Hollandia, however to clarify I was not "bashing" Americans, I was just trying to explain why some people may have been a bit taken aback by the original post. I was a little shocked when I first read it, not because I wasn't happy for the OP but it's just not something I'm used to hearing about either in public or amongst friends. I wouldn't even be able to tell you what some of my closest friends earn, it's just not brought up here. Like I said, I think it's simply a difference of cultures.
                        Fair point. I do think some of the others were.

                        I have seen more and more of a tendency for threads to turn into American bashing and I will be the first to state our flaws but I would never do that to someone to another country. I know many people in USA that feel as you do too, but this is the internet and if she wanted to shout it from the rooftops and yet not involve her CD peeps, this would be the place to do it. I do the same thing about other things in here. I have not told a soul in CD life about our already working on the baby but I feel comfortable enough in here with the nature of privacy here. I feel that the OP most likely feels the same way.
                        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                        Benjamin Franklin


                          For most of what was said, I'm not even going to dignify with a response.

                          But I do want to set something straight- cost of living in CR is quite high. Compared to where I lived in the USA (granted, it was not NYC or LA) everything is more expensive. Some things are double the price. And currently the dollar has been rising which sucks for most people in CR since we are paid in local currency yet have to pay bills and rent in dollars. Which means we're paying almost $100 more for rent each month because of currency fluctuation. So no, $700/month does not go any further here than it would in the USA. Unless all you're buying is avocado and mangoes.

                          The only reason I'm replying at all is because lots of people think they can come to CR to "live the simple life" when that's just not true. It's an expensive country. It's the most expensive country of Central America, and the second most expensive in all of Latin America. Only behind Brazil.


                            Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                            And LB, you might think others such as TM are so rich and you are poor but you CLOSED the distance and she has not so who is really the "richest" now? I bet if you ask many of us if we would rather be with our loved ones or wealthy we would choose to be poor. Your words not mine, I am not calling you poor.
                            Wait... what? What does closing the distance have to do with anything??
                            I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                              LOL guys, this thread is funny

                              I was a bit taken aback by the salary share too, but good luck to him, OP.
                              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                                Wow....once again, simply stating what an amazing opportunity this is, which was why I referenced the salary. I can't imagine anyone wouldn't think that was an amazing opportunity. If the job came with a $40,000 salary the opportunity WOULDNT BE SO AMAZING.....and he would have NO REASON to stay IN NEW YORK. I didn't think it was rude or inappropriate at all. I was putting it in perspective. So sorry to have offended. I never meant to.

                                But thanks for the bashing.....that was fun! For those of you who defended me, I thank you. For the rest....I have much to say, but have decided against it.

                                I love him. Forever. And every day after that.

