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Is it cheating? Jumped the pond and found an ugly scenario.

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    Is it cheating? Jumped the pond and found an ugly scenario.

    Hello everyone, apologies in advance for the length of this one...

    Long time member of Loving from a Distance; but perhaps lurker is the better word. Fortunately for me, I have had the privilege of spending the majority of the past three years with my significant other. We have parted ways only twice during our relationship - the first for three months due to visa complications, and the second most recently because he returned to the UK for his masters.

    The Backstory:
    We had been prepared for him to leave for several months before it happened, but ended up post-poning his flight as our relationship had been on rocky ground lately and we were unsure if we wanted to be together anymore. We resolved some large issues before deciding that he would stay the extra month of December (I had become controlling and negative and he had shut me out completely). With this in mind, we both made a real effort to change for one another, and it truly paid off. We had an excellent December and decided that we would continue fighting for one another throughout his masters program of two years.

    He left in January. I won't fill you in on the details of the emotions at the airport as I'm sure many of you have had those same moments. We decided that I would come in March, giving me enough time to leave my job, save some money, and put all the finer details of my life on hold. The plan was for me to stay until June while waiting to hear if I was accepted into my own masters program back in Canada. If I wasn't accepted, I would stay in the UK and find work (dual citizenship).

    Things got rocky again when he acknowledged our third year anniversary via text and then chose to spend the entire day out with his new friends; he texted me throughout the day telling me that he would be home soon and we could skype. I sat at my computer for the day waiting; only to have him return at 10pm his time, very tired, with nothing to say. He knew that I was angry that he had left no time in his day to celebrate with me. Needless to say, I was aching and felt like he was losing interest in me. I expressed all of this in what I do admit was a very negative way - and I could tell as we talked that he was slipping from me.

    Three days went by and nothing happened. Finally on the fourth day, he called me, and told me he didn't think I would be happy if I came overseas to be with him. He feared that I would be bored and dislike the city and that he couldn't give me what I needed. Around 4am his time, after talking for four hours, he told me not to come, yet was adamant that he still loved me and wanted to keep trying (?). I asked him if we could take a day to think about the implications of this decision and he agreed. When we spoke the following day, he told me again not to come. He expressed his long-standing concerns about the nature of our relationship (all of which were valid). As we talked we began to agree that things needed to change for us both to be happy and healthy together, and finally we resolved that it was still best if I came for the three months. Deep down, we loved each other too much to let go, and I knew it was my turn to try to be better for him.

    The time between then and my arrival was difficult due to the time change and his heavy schedule and the fact that I was working full-time. But we managed, and it was the happiest we had ever allowed ourselves to be together. We were good to one another, looked after each other, and some how made the time to nurture our partnership. For the first time in two years, I felt like I could truly let go and allow myself to fall in love all over again. Each of us went to great lengths to ensure the other was feeling the love across the ocean - we even called one another during my business trip to the Bahamas and he managed to have flowers sent to my room. We were more connected than we ever had been and I saw our future unfolding before us.

    We counted down the days, and I finally arrived in the UK just a week ago. As you imagine, things were perfect when I arrived. We allowed ourselves to feel like partners and let one another look after the other. We appeared to have made real change in the dynamic of our relationship and there was a mutual feeling that we were meant to spend our lives with one another. Although I had left my friends, family, work, and security behind, I felt that it was the right move.

    Our relationship had been rocky in the past, however it was built on a solid foundation of mutual trust. I had never been the slightest bit concerned about him being unfaithful, although in the back of my mind I was still concerned that he hadn't thought I should come overseas to be with him initially. We talked openly about these concerns.

    The Big Problem
    Yesterday afternoon he asked me to message one of his friends on facebook whilst he prepared for school - it was then that I saw he had been private messaging a woman from his workplace in Canada. Instantly, I had a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, this was also the woman that everyone knew was just waiting for my man to be single again. Yes, one of those. I scrolled up and the truth became apparent immediately...

    He had been messaging her, first innocently, and then more intimately. She had sent him pictures of herself before going out - nothing crude, but still odd - and he would compliment her in turn. I thought this was strange. I scrolled on. Later, he had done the same - just a mirror shot of himself in his outfit that day, asking her not to laugh or tag him (he later told me he was just phishing for compliments). I thought this was worse - this was something that he and I did for one another, and I began feeling like something sacred was about to be breached. The conversation spanned from November to February, and each time they talked, they became more flirtatious. She is the sort of woman that speaks openly about her sex life, and slowly became more detailed about her encounters.

    At some point in the conversation, he began to lie about me, saying that he wasn't sure I was coming so he was "keeping an eye out". Telling her that some girl "really wanted it" but he "had to wait - lame I know I'm about to explode". He became more open about his urges. At this point I think he thought it was innocent and was just speaking to a friend who was extremely open about her sex life. However it got under my skin that he was lying about me, was telling her stories about his actual life just to seem like this was the sort of man he was.

    These messages were happening on the same nights that he was sending flowers to my room in the Bahamas, we were wracking up phone bills talking and missing one another. After a while, he stopped asking about her day, and just began starting the conversation as, "How's your boyfriend, the sex good?", and when she strayed from the topic, he said, "tell me more about the sex lol. You know I like to hear when I'm not getting any". At this point it was evident that he was getting off on hearing about it, and had no actual interest in her as a friend. Morally, I was disgusted that he was using her this way. He knew that she had feelings for him.

    Finally she told him that she dreamt that she and him got married, and that he cried. His reply was that he was "sure he would have ". His explanation was that he didn't know how to respond when she said this and he replied in a way that would keep her talking. However, their conversations stopped shortly after this; two weeks before I flew.

    Bear in mind that during this time, we were the closest we had ever been in our relationship. He's not the sort of guy that has a history of this, and would certainly never speak to anyone that way face-to-face. I had noticed during our time apart that he would get carried away texting me as well. We would skype and I would try to wind him up, but it was clear that he was more comfortable saying these things without using his actual voice. They weren't exactly my idea of romance, but I knew he enjoyed it so I played along - long story short, it wasn't like he wasn't getting this from me as well, so why seek it out from another woman altogether?

    A few things that I would like to clarify... I feel that my judgement is very clouded on the whole thing, however I do know for certain that he has never touched anyone else in our time together, and would never dream of it. This behavior is extremely out of character, so what shook me the most was that he was capable of saying these things and that it was something he was consciously seeking on the same evenings that we had spoken.

    The Conclusion & Plea
    If you've made it this far - thank you! I am currently taking a couple of days to decide if I want to fly home. We have talked, argued, begged, and run around in circles since I found these messages. He admitted everything and was ashamed, said that he had no interest in her, and was chasing a thrill that he knew she would provide - he compared it to watching porn. His explanation was that he didn't think it would affect me, knew it was wrong, and knew he had potentially lost his partner and his future for this. He admitted that he gets carried away with texting and that a line was crossed, but he would have never engaged in a conversation where they were talking about she and him.

    Am I over-reacting? What disturbs me the most: this was happening at the time I felt most connected to him; that he would act so out of character for a cheap and temporary thrill; that he was seeking it out for several months; and that he lied to her to get her to keep talking. That's why I feel this wasn't an innocent conversation between friends.

    If you were in my shoes, overseas, what would you do? Would you tell them that he has used up his one chance and forgive, or would you leave? And how could you trust again?
    Last edited by FoxFight; March 12, 2014, 08:33 AM.

    That was very long ... but welcome to the forum! I don't think anybody can or should tell you what behavior you can and have to accept from your SO, you are the only one that can do that. Can you trust him?
    I guess some people would treat this behavior as an emotional affair, or as a precursor to a physical affair, in any case as cheating. Others will tell you that he was simply trying to deal with the loneliness, and that he wasn't lying to you, so you should cut him slack and forgive him. But you are the only one that can decide what your boundaries are and whether his behavior has crossed a line.


      I agree with OperaDiva. I'd say you need to take some time thinking on your own and deciding how you feel. I'm always uncomfortable with situations like this because I feel like it is a gateway drug to cheating. But I also understand how people can make a mistake like this for some kind of thrill and stop for the one they love. You are the only one who can decide what you think.


        I second what OperaDiva said.

        And I wanted to add that I am really sorry you are having to go through this.


          Ah, sorry again for the length! I suppose it was good for me to get it all out and compose my thoughts, thanks for those of you that actually took the time to read through that novel.

          I agree that this is a decision that only I can make. Sadly I'm so very far from home right now and don't have many shoulders to lean on here, so I wanted to reach out and get a second or third perspective on the scenario.

          I am trying to convince myself to stay; telling myself that this relationship is worth fighting for. Unfortunately if I get accepted into my program, we will spend another 17 months apart - not sure how you can build trust back up to withstand that.

          And Ahava, thank you for your support. It means a lot.


            As OperaDiva said, only you can figure it out and make your decision, however you have my sympathy because that's a crappy thing to happen.

            If it were up to me... I don't know. I wouldn't qualify that as cheating (emotional or whatever) per se. What he did was inappropriate, yes, and definitely a breach of trust, and very hurtful (I know you weren't supposed to find out, and yet here we are).

            Cheating to me would have been him having conversation of a sexual nature with this woman, in a situation where the two of them would be together. This apparently hasn't happened here.

            In any case, good luck with everything, and you decide that you cannot trust him anymore, I hope you find the strength to move on
            I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


              Sometimes you have to decide what is best for you. Is there anyone you can contact from home? I tend to talk things out with my best friend and my parents when I can't get a good hold on it myself.


                Aww I'm so sorry that had to happen to you!

                I wouldn't class that as cheating, but as others said, it could be a 'gateway' to cheating and seems fairly close. Though I think it sounds like he got carried away and it does sound comparable to when people watch porn.. though it is more worrying that he knew this girl and that this girl liked him.. but maybe he wasn't worried because she had a boyfriend. From this perspective it seems like he could have easily not meant to do it, just talking to the girl.. but since she is open about sex, he got swept up in it... though you will know your boyfriend more and what kind of person he is. You already said you trust him that he hasn't touched another girl physically and he also stopped talking to her two weeks before you came and things. He seems also he wasn't being his full self when he talked to her because he wanted to conversation to keep going.. it sounds like it was a guilty pleasure.

                I think maybe you should talk to him more about it in a non threatening way, get a better picture about why he did it.. and also take some time to think about it.. think about if you can still trust him or if you would have trouble doing so. I think you two should be able to work past this if you want to and rebuild the trust. Though it will have to be a personal decision. Maybe you could also come to a compromise to what you would be more comfortable with.. like maybe reading erotic stories/porn by people he doesn't know because then it could be a way for him to read that stuff but not risk getting emotionally involved with another person. I don't know.. there are probably other ways to go about it. But if you decide that is it and you can't trust him anymore, then I wish you much strength to move on! Best of luck with all this and making the right decision for you.


                  Okay, I am going to go hardball on this one.

                  I am going to just call it what it was. He cheated. He did not F@ck her, but her did tell her he wanted to repeatedly. I don't buy his placating her excuses, and you should not either. He had a several months long affair with her and there is no proof that at some point he would not have followed through. The most upsetting thing is that the two of you were having problems and then WHILE he was mind f&cking her he was able to be the man you wanted, but he was not, he was covering and over compensating for the cheating he was doing and the cheating he was thinking of doing. You know the nicest my EX was ever to me? It was when he was frakin around on me. Look, I don't trust that behavior and it is far from the same as porn, he led her on. That is sad, and you said the same yourself.

                  I am not saying to dump him but I think he has tried to minimize the situation and you are being too accepting because you want to believe what he is saying. He also did not come clean to you, you found out. How long would this have gone on if you did not? Do you like that feeling of being lied to? Are you okay if he ever feels weak and lonely again and does it again? Point blank in my mind, He would need to be on hands and knees and begging my forgiveness and owning every dirty nasty thing he did and swear on his my beloved family member he would never do it again. Cheaters are cheaters and almost always cheat again if they feel they can get away with it. Also, if you minimize what he did then you are minimizing what was done to you. Are you okay with that?

                  I would not be, but if you are, then keep your eyes wide open and that woman he was talking to too? GONE!!!!! No replacements and that would non-negotiable. Sorry, but fool me once shame on you and fool me twice shame on me. All that attention he wants to put in that direction from now on should be going in yours.
                  "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    I am so very sorry this has happened to you, and worse yet the fact you had to find out about it the way you did. I would feel very hurt and my trust would be broken if I found out my SO was chatting up a near by girl he knew who liked him, to me that's like poking the beast...I fall into that category of classifying this as emotionally cheating. I mean whether or not you qualify it as that it certainly is a serious red flag, he actively hide it, pretended to be okay with you, but all the while was actively sexually communicating and egging on another girl, and he actively participated in the conversation, he continued it, and down played your significance, making himself sound somewhat available, and he did not come forward about this on his own, you had to find it. I wouldn't equate this as porn considering he actually knows the girl in real life and knows that she has feelings for him, plus it was a two way street, not a one way thing. The fact he allowed this to continue, did not tell you, and actively hide it is all the evidence you need to know that he knew very well what he was doing was wrong and would upset you. A good test of how to tell if something is inappropriate in a healthy relationship is to ask yourself "Would I feel comfortable doing this if my SO was standing right beside me?" If the answer is no, than you shouldn't do it because you know you would have to be sneaky about it, hide it, and lie about it. That breaks trust, that shows a lack of respect for the person in your life you claim to love and cherish. Again I am so so sorry you've had this happen to you, but please don't allow this to be brushed under the rug and forgotten. There's a chance he could wise up and over time regain your trust (you know yourself better than anyone, so you know if that is possible or not.) But in my opinion the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and unless the person seriously and actively works on changing themselves and changes because they don't want to be that way, not for someone else, than things tend to follow a pattern.
                    Last edited by NerdyChick; March 12, 2014, 03:38 PM.
                    First Visit - June 25, 2013 - July 15, 2013 (England)
                    Second Visit - December 20, 2013 - January 13, 2014 (England)
                    Third Visit: (Tickets Booked!) April 12, 2014 - May 10, 2014 (US)


                      Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                      Okay, I am going to go hardball on this one.

                      I am going to just call it what it was. He cheated. He did not F@ck her, but her did tell her he wanted to repeatedly. I don't buy his placating her excuses, and you should not either. He had a several months long affair with her and there is no proof that at some point he would not have followed through. The most upsetting thing is that the two of you were having problems and then WHILE he was mind f&cking her he was able to be the man you wanted, but he was not, he was covering and over compensating for the cheating he was doing and the cheating he was thinking of doing. You know the nicest my EX was ever to me? It was when he was frakin around on me. Look, I don't trust that behavior and it is far from the same as porn, he led her on. That is sad, and you said the same yourself.

                      I am not saying to dump him but I think he has tried to minimize the situation and you are being too accepting because you want to believe what he is saying. He also did not come clean to you, you found out. How long would this have gone on if you did not? Do you like that feeling of being lied to? Are you okay if he ever feels weak and lonely again and does it again? Point blank in my mind, He would need to be on hands and knees and begging my forgiveness and owning every dirty nasty thing he did and swear on his my beloved family member he would never do it again. Cheaters are cheaters and almost always cheat again if they feel they can get away with it. Also, if you minimize what he did then you are minimizing what was done to you. Are you okay with that?

                      I would not be, but if you are, then keep your eyes wide open and that woman he was talking to too? GONE!!!!! No replacements and that would non-negotiable. Sorry, but fool me once shame on you and fool me twice shame on me. All that attention he wants to put in that direction from now on should be going in yours.
                      I totally agree with this! He cheated. Plain and simple. I also second the point about this continuing. It could've gone on for much longer plus have gotten physical. There is no excuse that makes it right in my mind. He should have been a man and told the truth.
                      Lying about something like this is taking the easy way out. It's also unacceptable.


                        Good evening guys, thanks again for the thoughtful responses. I'm thankful to have an outlet to express my concerns.

                        I think I should clarify that he didn't ever make the situation about himself and her - there was never any indication of that whatsoever. There was never sexual tension in the conversations, and it wasn't sexting, but he did lie and lead her to believe he was some macho that wanted some action. He still made leading comments and pushed conversations on her to hear about her sex life. I'm not saying that makes it right, or acceptable. He has lent me his phone for entire days, left his facebook on at home routinely, and I have access to all of his password... so a small part of me thinks (or hopes) that maybe he really is just stupid and didn't think this was cheating, or a big deal. So while I don't think that he was actively hiding it from me, I'm still quite certain it's something that he never wanted me to find.

                        We have talked about this all at great length and currently everything is totally up in the air. He knows that this isn't something that's going to go away, and that if he wants to have a shot at earning my trust back, that he will have to be open and honest and be willing to talk about this over and over and over again.

                        We have arranged to see a counselor together through his university where we can discuss why this happened.

                        I do think I am being too easy on him about this... and yes my biggest fear is that if I am too lenient than it will absolutely happen again. But if I am too harsh and shut him out than I may as well make the decision to pack up and head home, because our relationship cannot thrive or heal when I am solely concerned with putting me first.

                        Also thank you NerdyChick for your piece of advice, I found that very helpful.
                        Last edited by FoxFight; March 12, 2014, 04:47 PM.


                          This would break my trust. If he did things that are special to only us, with another woman and during the times we were together or having a quality time together, he at the same time is talking about sex with another woman and then possibly pleasing himself to her sex stories.. I would feel betrayed and I wouldn't know how to trust him again. I'd be questioning if he was truly happy with me and enjoying himself or he was just feeling guilty for what he did on the side. Did he start with this right before wanting to try again? Why did he stop? I would ask him all the questions about it, but... If this would have happened for a short time, I might be able to forgive, but as it happened for months.. How could you ever be sure he won't do it again? Did he cut her out of his life (deleting/blocking her on fb etc)? Is he sorry that he did it or sorry that you found out?

                          Originally posted by FoxFight View Post
                          I do think I am being too easy on him about this... and yes my biggest fear is that if I am too lenient than it will absolutely happen again. But if I am too harsh and shut him out than I may as well make the decision to pack up and head home, because our relationship cannot thrive or heal when I am solely concerned with putting me first.
                          You shouldn't think solely about putting you first, but you have to be happy in your relationship and feel safe that he'll be there and be true to you.
                          Last edited by ethelynn; March 12, 2014, 05:04 PM.


                            He reminds me of one of those guys who think it's fair game to have sex with a stripper on his stag-do because it's his 'last night of freedom' etc.
                            I don't know if what he did was cheating, but it's definitely inappropriate. I think it's not your concern to place a label on what he did but whether you share the same core values. If one of your fundamental values is not to engage in an intimate flirty conversation with a random person who has the hots for you + talk disparagingly about your relationship (while acting completely opposite with your SO), then it's a problem if he doesn't share the same belief or put enough priority to it.
                            First, find out what he thinks. Is he a hypocritical asshole or does he truly feel this is no big deal and it should be allowed in a relationship? The rule of thumb is, how would he feel if you did the same thing?
                            Then see if you can come to terms with who he is.

                            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                              Originally posted by FoxFight View Post
                              Good evening guys, thanks again for the thoughtful responses. I'm thankful to have an outlet to express my concerns.

                              I think I should clarify that he didn't ever make the situation about himself and her - there was never any indication of that whatsoever. There was never sexual tension in the conversations, and it wasn't sexting, but he did lie and lead her to believe he was some macho that wanted some action. He still made leading comments and pushed conversations on her to hear about her sex life. I'm not saying that makes it right, or acceptable. He has lent me his phone for entire days, left his facebook on at home routinely, and I have access to all of his password... so a small part of me thinks (or hopes) that maybe he really is just stupid and didn't think this was cheating, or a big deal. So while I don't think that he was actively hiding it from me, I'm still quite certain it's something that he never wanted me to find.

                              We have talked about this all at great length and currently everything is totally up in the air. He knows that this isn't something that's going to go away, and that if he wants to have a shot at earning my trust back, that he will have to be open and honest and be willing to talk about this over and over and over again.

                              We have arranged to see a counselor together through his university where we can discuss why this happened.

                              I do think I am being too easy on him about this... and yes my biggest fear is that if I am too lenient than it will absolutely happen again. But if I am too harsh and shut him out than I may as well make the decision to pack up and head home, because our relationship cannot thrive or heal when I am solely concerned with putting me first.

                              Also thank you NerdyChick for your piece of advice, I found that very helpful.
                              Whether he came out and said......"Yes I want to F$ck ou " or not, anyone with common sense knows he meant it. She certainly believed it and you know it in your heart. Again, not telling you to break up with him, but again I hear you minimizing his acts. In order to completely move past his betrayal you both need to accept the true scope of it. He KNEW he was cheating, unless he is an idiot...and I think you know he is not. The other woman told him she dreamed of them marrying.

                              Stop worrying about being "too harsh" on him unless you want to become an emotional doormat. You should react however you need to react and not settle for this because of being in an LDR and being CD right now. That should not alter your decision about how you feel about this or respond to him, or you are creating an environment where distance can dictate your reactions to conflicts in the future. Deal with it full force now or you can find yourself dealing with a potential cheating spouse with 3 kids at home 10 years down the road. Interactions with any REAL women online or in person similar to this are off limits and not just for a few months or weeks while he regains your trust, for good.

                              I shall say hash it out hard now and get it over with or you might bury some hidden resentments that will come up and bite you both in the ass awhile down the road. Good luck and I am sorry for your pain.
                              "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                              Benjamin Franklin

