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The Men of LFAD

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    Originally posted by sarahjane1992 View Post
    I agree with Moon. If you honestly believe women as a whole are like that, you are highly mistaken. Yes, we can be emotional and express our feelings. But so can a man. And I personally have a problem with your statement implying that women aren't logical and problem solvers. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm not capable of a logical thought. My SO is more logical and I can be more emotional. But there are many times where we switch roles.

    Also, I'm curious as to what the long emotionally loaded words would be.
    I'd say you are MUCH more emotional than I am, I'm sure of it. I didn't use emotional words, silly boy. I am, in fact, one of the more unemotional people (people, not women) you'll ever come across. You're the one upset here, not me, I'm just telling you that you're assumptions are incorrect, and you're going to come to regret them one day. Nice try though
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by Moon View Post
      I'd say you are MUCH more emotional than I am, I'm sure of it. I didn't use emotional words, silly boy. I am, in fact, one of the more unemotional people (people, not women) you'll ever come across. You're the one upset here, not me, I'm just telling you that you're assumptions are incorrect, and you're going to come to regret them one day. Nice try though
      I turned all the emotional words and emotional expressions in this short post of yours red, just so you can see how emotionally loaded your posts really are. Not only is this post emotional, it's also rather childish.

      You're clearly far from the most unemotional person on this forum.


        You're hilarious, I hope you stick around awhile.

        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Originally posted by Moon View Post
          You're hilarious, I hope you stick around awhile.
          I'm glad that I could fulfill your emotional needs for drama. You clearly need a lot of it.

          I'll probably stay around, but I regret to inform you that I'm probably going to avoid you from now on.


            By all means, put me on ignore, that would really be better for both of us, considering how upset you get over nothing.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Originally posted by Moon View Post
              By all means, put me on ignore, that would really be better for both of us, considering how upset you get over nothing.
              Okay. Might I advice you to work on your projection issues? I notice you're constantly projecting your own flaws/issues/shortcomings on other people (me in specific right now). That's not a very healthy thing to do. You might want to look into that, just saying.


                Why am I not on ignore yet? Guess ya just can't help yourself, you like the attention, I suppose.
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  Since when is "much" an emotionally loaded word?

                  2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                  Progress: Complete!

                  2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                  Progress: Working on it.


                    I think we've gotten sidetracked from the main purpose of the thread...

                    Moon, though I agree with your response I think part of the purpose of this thread is to let the men think/ say / do what we want without the fear of being pounced on (regardless of how offensive it may be)


                      Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
                      Since when is "much" an emotionally loaded word?
                      It's in ALL-CAPS lady-rage. Not to be mistaken for emphasis, or something otherwise useful in text-based communication.

                      Married: June 9th, 2015


                        Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
                        Since when is "much" an emotionally loaded word?
                        The word itself isn't emotionally loaded, her putting emphasis on it with ALL CAPSLOCK is.

                        Edit: Ninja'd by CanadianGirl.


                          Originally posted by iamjzhou View Post
                          I think we've gotten sidetracked from the main purpose of the thread...

                          Moon, though I agree with your response I think part of the purpose of this thread is to let the men think/ say / do what we want without the fear of being pounced on (regardless of how offensive it may be)
                          I think there should be a place here like that, but in reality you can't consistently be offensive and think there's immunity to that. You should be able to say whatever you want, but within the limits set on the forum, you know? It's OK to debate, it's perfectly fine to have differing opinions, but when lines start getting crossed, it's not OK anymore. I'll be the first one to say we need more male perspective here, but not when it's blatantly offensive to most of the forum. As a man, it has to feel kind of bad to hear women stereotyping you, or using the same stupid comments we tend to use regarding men, because it's simply not true of all men. Those sort of discussions should be avoided, on both sides.

                          Someone didn't get CanadianGirls sarcasm
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            Originally posted by Moon View Post
                            I think there should be a place here like that, but in reality you can't consistently be offensive and think there's immunity to that. You should be able to say whatever you want, but within the limits set on the forum, you know? It's OK to debate, it's perfectly fine to have differing opinions, but when lines start getting crossed, it's not OK anymore. I'll be the first one to say we need more male perspective here, but not when it's blatantly offensive to most of the forum. As a man, it has to feel kind of bad to hear women stereotyping you, or using the same stupid comments we tend to use regarding men, because it's simply not true of all men. Those sort of discussions should be avoided, on both sides.

                            Someone didn't get CanadianGirls sarcasm
                            Totally agree -- I think Luc's post is a bad example of what I was hoping this thread might achieve. Do you think if you hadn't responded first the men on the forum would have stepped in with similar comments?


                              Originally posted by iamjzhou View Post
                              Totally agree -- I think Luc's post is a bad example of what I was hoping this thread might achieve. Do you think if you hadn't responded first the men on the forum would have stepped in with similar comments?
                              Hmmm...I don't know, that's a good question. There just aren't that many of you around at the moment, though that changes from time to time and, with a few exceptions, the men we do get are usually pretty respectful and insightful, they add a better dynamic to the forum.
                              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                                I am quite amazed how little it takes to offend some people. I mean I have seen people getting offended easily, but this, this is taking it to a whole new level for me. Man-o-man* are some people eager to feel offended.

                                Last time I checked I was simply voicing my perspective/point-of-view/opinion. Last time I checked, that is exactly what this thread was made for. Last time I checked, voicing an opinion/perspective is not against the forum rules.

                                Don't like what I have to say? That's fine. Want to disagree with me? That's fine too. That leaves you with two options;

                                1) Engage in a debate with me, see if you can persuade me of your point of view. I'm an open-minded guy you know, when I'm countered with solid arguments I can and will adjust my point of view. So far the person who seem to take most offense in what I have to say hasn't shown me one single counter-argument, let alone a solid one.

                                2) Ignore me. That might be the best idea for some certain rather overly sensitive forum members here.

                                What should not be an option, is trying to silence me. That is exactly the kind of bullying that Hollandia warned about and I do not stand for it. As long as no forum rules are broken (last time I checked I haven't broken any of them), people should be free to voice their opinion/perspective.

                                *I hope saying man-o-man isn't offensive or sexist? Maybe I should say woman-o-woman? You know, I don't want to be offensive or anything.
                                Last edited by Luc; April 11, 2014, 12:49 AM.

