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Back to the post-visit blues, but looking forwards to a bright future!

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    Back to the post-visit blues, but looking forwards to a bright future!

    Sadly I haven't had as much time to be as active on the forums lately, since starting a new job and going to school full time. Some days I barely even have time to speak to my SO (he is very busy as well) but we always try to make at least a few minutes. He was just here for an extended weekend but left early this morning and I already miss him terribly. He left so early and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and go back to sleep...but the bed just felt too empty so I decided to get up. I was kind of proud of myself, I didn't cry at all until after he walked out the door. It's not that it's any easier, but at least I know I will see him again in just over 50 days. Is it silly that I countdown everything? I feel like it is what gets me through...knowing that in x amount of time I will be with him again. I'll be moving in with him in just over 300 days. Here is a pic from our last visit
    I love this man so much.

    I know the feeling. We are lucky to see each other every other weekend....or sometimes even every weekend! But I count down everything too. Even the hours until one of us has to leave the other. I told him I am wishing my life away. And it sucks. Fortunately, we are working on closing the distance by the end of this year....assuming his job interview goes well tomorrow. Tomorrow happens to be my 50th birthday...... It would be an AMAZING birthday gift if this transfer works out.

    Hang in there..... We are all going through the same's tough, but worth it!

    Last edited by TaraMarie; September 29, 2014, 09:35 AM.

    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


      Awwwe Tara you guys are adorable! You don't look even close to 50 I'll be 28 in November (and get to spend my birthday with him!) and he just turned 25. So we have most of our lives ahead of us, but I'm just so darned impatient! At least I know if we can continue through this then in August at the latest I will be moving in with him. I just try to take it one visit at a time and look forward to that. I'm so jealous you get to see your SO so much, but so happy for you!


        great pics,thanks for sharing.


          I countdown all the time! I count down the days till we're together and how many days since we've been together. Mine was going to be a surprise visit but I couldn't get it to work. So now I have 83 days! Hang on it'll go.....not as fast as the time together goes unfortunately.

