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How much access?

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    How much access?

    My boyfriend has access to my Twitter, Facebook, FFXI, and my email accounts. The reason why I gave him access to all those accounts was because I have nothing to hide and I trust that he won't do anything crazy with my accounts. I don't have access to any of his accounts because I wouldn't do anything with his accounts if I did have access to them, lol.

    So I was just wondering, how much access does your SO have to all your online accounts? Do you have the same amount of access to your SO's online accounts?

    Darnit all, I posted a long response and it went away D:

    We both have access to our Facebooks, and just about it. We both have Myspace, but neither of us log into there. And that's generally it. I am kinda glad he doesn't have access to my Twitter, because although I have nothing to hide on there, but I do like to vent about things I wouldn't want my SO to worry about.
    Me: I hope that pizza gets here soon. My stomach is growling.
    Growling at you.

    Muffin: *pokes stomach* ^=^

    Me: *stomach growls*
    I don't think it likes you very much.

    Muffin: *pokes stomach* Hehe

    Me: You're provoking it as it growls more. I think it'll like you more if you give it pizza.


      If it comes up, or is necessary for some reason I wouldn't mind giving my girlfriend access to anything. She has my password for a couple of forums, and that's totally fine.


        i have access to her facebook account, she doesnt have any to mine yet but i'll give those to her


          My boyfriend doesn't have a Facebook, so that's not even an issue. I wouldn't want access anyway. He's never asked for access to mine. We just have no reason to need that kind of information.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            my boyfriend doesn't have any of my passwords for anything. i have absolutly nothign to hide, but i feel he has no reason to have those passwords. i'd give them to him if he really needed it for some reason.. like i have his email password only because i really needed to grab something out of his e-mail one day when he couldn't at the time. but i would never go on it besides that one time.

            just be careful as to what kind of stuff you give to people.. even if it is your boyfriend.

            i trust mine 100% with any password of mine, but he doesn't really need them, so why give them to him?


              lol, I don't have access to any of his and he doesn't have any access to any of mine. ^^


                I agree with Amanda, my boyfriend doesn't have any access to anything, I trust him 120%, but it's my facebook, my e-mail, he really doesn't need it. I would tell him everything important anyway, he often browses the internet with me

                For me, it's also important to have some kind of privacy - we are a couple, not one person


                  To be honest I've never thought of giving my boyfriend that kind of information or asked him for his-why would we need it? If he needs anything from my facebook account, well he can read whatever I post as we're on each others friends' list, and I can't think of any reason why we'd need each others email information. As for forums that we frequent, we both go on very different websites (his usually for gaming and mine for dolls/writing) so even if we did share that type of info I hardly think we'd use it.


                    I've never given my SO access to anything, nor do I have any access to his. In our case we both feel it's healthiest for us to have our own separate lives, and be happy and secure within them, and through that we will be happier and better positioned to be a strong couple. Personal space for us is very important, no matter how close we are with one another.

                    If there is a strong mutual trust, then what is there to be gained by giving access to personal emails etc? I guess in our case, we both KNOW the other has nothing to hide, so neither of us has ever considered asking for or giving anything like that. If our histories were different, though, or it there was some uncertainty, I can see how the sharing of access could be a beneficial and very welcome relief from doubt and/or suspicion!!
                    We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                      My boyfriend doesn't have my password because I use it for pretty much everything (terrible memory) and although I have nothing to hide and trust him completely, I don't see why he'd NEED access to all my accounts. It's not that I don't trust him, but it'd be kind of weird knowing he could be sifting through my emails or notifications on facebook. Not that he WOULD, it's just the thought that he COULD is kind of weird to me. I know a couple of his passwords just because he makes them so ridiculously easy to guess (usually my name and a couple numbers xD). If he ever wanted my password I guess I wouldn't mind giving it to him, but I don't see why we need to know eachothers passwords.


                        we dont have any of our access thingys. we dont really need it lol idk lol
                        i did wanted to ask him for his FB password once so i can stalk him from basically inside out hahahhaha xD but i felt creepy so i didnt ask lol
                        but might do it
                        i'd kinda love him postin statuses on my facebook


                          We have each other's passwords for just about everything, but neither of us ever use it. There's no need, honestly.

                          The only reason we know each other's passwords for things is when we've called each other to ask to check for important e-mails, or grade postings when we were still in college, and the caller wasn't able to access a computer at the time.

                          I have only logged into his facebook account twice, and both times were to prank him by changing parts of his facebook information (like listing Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers as his favorite music...he likes metal). I don't check his messages because they're his private business.

                          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                            We haven't given our passwords. My SO did give me her password on FB once so I could go in an redecorate her cafe in Cafe World but I forgot that password anyway. I think she uses a similar password most of the time for everything but whenever she tells it to me i always forget as she tells me it in german and doesn't give me enough time to try translate the numbers and letters xD. But I don't need her passwords, it's her stuff.
                            Last edited by BoogleBee; September 13, 2010, 04:38 PM.


                              Why would he need your e-mail account? And really, if he wants to see stuff like FB and Twitter, make the stuff public or make him get his own account and friend/watch you. Internet safety and common sense 101: never give your password to anyone ever.

                              That aside, my boyfriend can see all my LJ entries, all the journals/blogs I have on other sites (sans here, he doesn't know about this place), he can read my posts on Gaia, look at my stuff on DeviantART, etc. I know he looks into my activity on occasion and really I don't care because I do the same thing and it's never with malicious intent, merely curiousity. But I'd never give him passwords to anything, and I'm sure he wouldn't give me passwords to his stuff because it's our stuff, not theirs, we have a right to privacy to some degree and really you can have the greatest friend/SO on earth and the temptation to screw with the account 'for the lulz' is always gonna be there, especially if you guys have a fight and they act on impulse.

