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Do you want kids with your SO?

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    We both definitely want kids. We would like to have two kids, a boy and a girl. I'm in no rush to have kids..cause I want to enjoy being a couple before we have any, but I definitely want to experience all that with Chris. <3


      Originally posted by elina View Post
      Errrrr haha, well off the top of my head I can think of.. Linda, Anna, Emma, Sofia, Ella... yeah, all girls but apparently it's way harder to come up with some.. with boys x) Hmmmmmm.. Leo? (love that name! ♥), Oliver (not really Finnish but it's getting more popular over here I guess).. yeah I'm out for now that even what you meant?

      Yes that's what I meant


      Originally posted by Tanja View Post
      I love the name Leo, I've always liked it! Let's hope we'll have a boy
      All the girls names you mentioned are already in my family - that's the biggest obstacle at finding names, I don't want it to be something that either my family members or friends have.


      Are you serious babe?? All of them? :|

      Not sure about Leo... I guess it could grow on me...

      Originally posted by elina View Post
      Hmm hah, well that is a pickle! How about.. Jessica? Amanda.. Olivia, Maria, Jenny, Sara, Nina? Will get back to you again if I can come up with more
      Originally posted by squiddie View Post
      How about Sonja/Sonia/Sonya? It's sort of in the same vein as Tanja.

      I just love how this thread has turned into trying to find names for our kids! Lmao!

      I quite like Maria

      Sonja reminds me of Alan Partridge
      In a relationship with

      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

      My Albums:
      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
      My dog Sam ♥


        Funny this became a thread, my so and I had a 2 HOUR LONG convo about kids and what we're ok with (spankings, punlic school vs. private etc) it was so sweet to hear her say " our family.." "go ask your mommma e" etc. I can't wait! She's gonna be done with school within 2-3 years and then I'll be a mommy =D
        Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
        Starting Dating: 5.22.09
        Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
        Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
        Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


          Oh! and we picked a name, she's always liked April, and I've always a daughter named Romeo. So she's gonna be April Romeo _My girlfriends last name_
          Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
          Starting Dating: 5.22.09
          Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
          Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
          Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


            Yup. I want to have kids with him. And he wants to have kids with me.

            I personally haven't thought of any amount Two or three would be fine, I guess. I just think that's something you see when you have one child already.

            I haven't though of any names but I would prefer German names which are also known in Finland. Doesn't need to be a Finnish name.

            And I would love to get pregnant soon after I've graduated (with master's). So when I'm maybe 24. My SO's a bit older than me (29 now) so I guess he would like to have children fairly soon.


              I never really thought about having kids most of my life. That was before I knew what love felt like. Now I'n certain that I want to have children with Lizzie eventually. I think getting married and having a family is one of the ultimate expressions of love. That and having an LDR. lol
              For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.


                I'm gonna be boring and practical and say that I'm still quite young and there are so many things I want to do with my life - and take care off - before I'll feel ready to start a family..

                Also, a 4-month relationship isn't much to base anything on.. But I could easily see him as the father of my 3 future children, yes..
                I'd be the steadfast, but caring mom.. and Morten would be the easygoing dad they'd come to whenever mom had told them off for some reason, lol I'm sure of it!
                Bringing boys home wouldn't be easy for any of our future teenage daughters, though.. Morten would be watching them like a hawk

                He's gonna make a great dad someday..

                We've talked about it a few times (- then again, we talk about everything...) and he discreetly stated that he could easily see himself having his first in 3 years' time..
                So you never know


                  No, we are not planning to have kids. If it happens of course we will welcome to little one with open arms, but is not in our plans.


                    We are not sure yet. We think it's a decision best made in about 10 years. Right now we'd both say "no!", but I imagine things might change once we are together and settled. We talk occasionally about childrens' names and things like that, but eventually one of us says "but wait, we're not having kids".


                      Originally posted by Andy View Post
                      You know what's a great shout? Twins. We'd get a couple of kids and no waiting in between, just all done with in one fell swoop

                      Two boys please... or at least one boy... we'll have to try again if the first 2 are girls
                      Yeah I'd quite like to have twins
                      Unfortunately it's not for us to decide...


                        Originally posted by nevmiller View Post
                        I think getting married and having a family is one of the ultimate expressions of love. That and having an LDR. lol
                        That's so true!


                          Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                          Yeah I'd quite like to have twins
                          Unfortunately it's not for us to decide...

                          Science can do wonderful things now babe...

                          Btw, they have to love football when they grow up, that's my one and only condition, how are we gonna manage that in bloody Finland?

                          Sam? Work with me on this mate.
                          In a relationship with

                          Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                          My Albums:
                          Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                          Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                          My dog Sam ♥


                            I would love to have kids...maybe after I finish all my schoolnessness (about 6 more years of college to go, woot >>; ) My SO though really doesn't like kids. But he says if we really must have him then not to have them until later in life, which I know puts heath risks. Like he says his parents were married for 8 years before they had kids, he would like to do something like that. I don't know about 8 years, to say that we wouldn't be married until like 3-4 years, and THEN the 8 years would start...I'd be 30 by then, lol. Ok, that doesn't seem THAT old when I say it, but I'm sure around year 3 I'd want little feet running around, teehee.


                              I would love to have kids with Lily one day. Correction, a kid, a girl. Having a brother was one of the worst things i've ever had in my life. Its like having a bully in your own home. That and being bullied in school and then going back home to be bullied and abused by my brother... yeah. No child of mine will grow up with a sibling. I swear it.

                              Of course, Lily thinks differently. She says she wants two girls and she says we can teach them to get along. But i don't know. My dad hates all his brothers and my mom constantly fights with her sister. I just don't think i want my future child to go through that. We also have a decent chance of having twins. Lily's dad was a twin and my grandparents where both twins.


                                i definitely want kids, and so does he, but not right now. I definitely want at least 1 before I'm 30, this is one thing I will put my foot down on. We haven't really talked about it much, he freaks out easily lol I want 3 though, and have thought about names and stuff. I was trying to get on the subject and he was like "not for years yet, we both have life goals" and while this is true, I probably don't want to have a kid when I'm still doing my PhD, I'm getting broody already and I'm 20. Don't think I can wait 6 years to have one! I'm surewe'll start talking about it though, we've started talking about marriage and stuff, but it's baby steps

                                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!

